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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Amen!!! I would have made out like a banshee getting a 5K check and been real happy to have it AND be alive! I think they should all give that pilot their checks and set him up for life. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome what a crock.
  2. Well I have shot the threesome so much the last two weekends that I am now in need of restocking some x54r. If anyone hears of a decent deal on a 440 or 880 set post it up. Going to need some fairly quick it seems this summer.
  3. What about "Bredeson exhibits negative pressure from his oral cavity"?
  4. uh.....well
  5. I have it tabbed to pop up when I bring up Firefox. If it connects I usually hit three TGO goons that are around my level. I went up to hit TDR last week and got my hat and left butt cheek handed to me so I'll leave him be for a while.
  6. Interesting. Don't know if that was a good idea or not.
  7. Para Ordinance is a Canadian Company Mailing Address Para-Ordnance Mfg. Inc 980 Tapscott Road Toronto, ON Canada, M1X 1C3
  8. Witnessed and verified!!! Now shut up, we both will be shooting .22s as our high powered guns when we are in our 80s and swearing we hit the 10 x 10 target more times than the other.
  9. I'll throw a little of the blame on TDR as well. I joined church league softball again, been eating better things in smaller quantities and drinking water like, well, water! Other than sore thighs from playing catcher, it feels good to get moving again. I don't really care what the numbers say so I don't have a start number and no number to work towards. I'll know what feels better. I will be backsliding though as Bronker has promised me charred meat in the future so that day there is no diet, only the cry and hue of PETA !
  10. I just wasted almost an hour watching the first video on wimp.com and then kept going through them. I got to tour the world and see the "modest" woman from Britain who can sing like an angel and ended up watching some dude stack and balance rocks on the side of some inlet. Pretty amazing stuff. Thanks for blowing my sleep budget for the night Mikey!
  11. Linkage issues EDIT, working good now, sorry to intrude.....and ouch!
  12. He should have done it in the shop on Monday then.
  13. Trijicon Oh wait, Ashley Big Dots....so you don't end up dead in a gutter! (There is an old running joke with this one) I have only used one Gun Smith and he is in Gallatin. Sam Hoster at Complete Gun shop. I have heard here though that the smith at Gun's and Leather is great and that Hero Gear has hired a good one on. There are many others that other's will tell you about shortly though I'm sure. Now for the obligatory opinion. Don't bother with them. If it's dark enough that you need to see your sights, then you can't see the target. If you illuminate the target, you have now washed out your night sights. Get a good light and know how to use it. Identification of the target is key in these situations and you'll most likely be point shooting if you do engage so you won't be "seeing" your sights with the 50% degradation of all motor skills anyway.
  14. and if you want no ads, and folks using duct tape and vise grips like what's in your house, use these: Assemble your own LOWER, UPPER, FREE FLOAT, TRIGGER, GAS BLOCK - Step by step instructions! - AR15.COM
  15. Woot! Another freedom rifle is born!
  16. Ms. Liddy owns all the firearms in G. Gordon Liddy's home. I'll let the lawyers step in for the facts though. I just heard it on the radio.
  17. Did you guys see him destroy the trophy guitar for winning the Nationwide race here tonight? What an arsehat! He could have auctioned it off for a charity and got 10's of thousands of dollars but instead, he pulls an acid rocker slam fest and says he's giving his crew all a piece of the trophy! :screwy:
  18. Roger Penske owns the Name of Saturn but GM will continue to make the cars. He did NOT buy any of the infrastructure (as in Springhill or Wilmington Delaware) so he can't make a darn thing (yet). The release we read Friday afternoon stated that Penske is in talks with foreign car makers (China was mentioned) to take over and import a car under the Saturn name after two years. That helps, yeah..... He should have bought both factories and the name and then used his logistics subsidiary's to bring in the parts and built something American and special....but no, ain't happening.
  19. Make life easier on you and your dies. Get a Lee universal decapper and deprime anything and everything with that before tumbling clean. That way you get your pockets scrubbed in the tumbler as well and your not dirtying up your resizing dies. Tumble clean and then check if any need trimming, hit your primer pockets for residue with a pocket cleaner. Do all that before resizing and it will go much easier for you. Get a can of Imperial sizing wax and just "swipe" your finger across the wax and rub it on the case neck and upper body, resize to spec and wipe it off when you pull it out. Your ready to prime and throw powder. Clean your dies out every so often with a nylon brush and clean clothe with some clp once in a while then swab till clean to get any buildup out of the die.
  20. I have the Whisper in .177 as well. 56FordGuy shot it a few weekends ago. It's a straight shooter out to about 60 yards! Advertised at 1200 FPS using the new PBA pellets. These are golden colored alloy pellets that are apparently much slicker going down the pipe. You can hear the difference shooting the standard lead ones and then switching over to the PBA's. It has an actual sonic "crack". It came with a scope but I could never get it to zero so I took it off an have been using the irons. Plan is to get a decent quality scope and try it again. It's pounded a few black birds in the carport and killed many a can. Worth the bucks to me if you like plinking.
  21. Been shooting one for about a year now, great air rifle. The suppressor part is mostly for show. When I shoot the PBA ammo, it goes supersonic with a crack like a .22 so if that suppressor is working, I would hate to hear the boom this thing makes without it!
  22. I actually saw some of it tonight. They were smacking each other around pretty good. I don't like finesse and speed games, bring on the body checks and swarming the goal!!!
  23. Just ain't right! Why do I always go and look, why?
  24. Man that thing just jumps right on to the old desktop background. It's like a virus or something
  25. Past my bedtime again and now he wants me to think up a comeback to "temptation forest" or whatever it was..... Let's see, tired brain says...... You win....Man Card temporarily restored for beating me down textually. I think that's a felony in Texas by the way. Night all.


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