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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. They bow in the oriental countries as well. Obama has that on his resume....rock on Obower!
  2. Yamaha Bruin 250. Little 2 wheel drive version but very effective at getting me up those cold hills during deer season and not be steaming up the place when I get there.
  3. Make sure Bronker has a sledge hammer and mint oil on hand! If I bring all of mine, we gotz 5 of them bad boys to pound with! Can you say volley fire? On a serious note, I'm bringing the 4 wheeler so we can set up and check some longer range targets. Do either of you have a gong type target? That's the quickest way to know your on target. I got nothing of this type at this time.
  4. It's going to get shot again this weekend with a couple of the Dickson County mafioso here. I'll try and not let them stain the wood with their paws.
  5. Man, I gotta tell you, this new to me M44 shoots like a dream! Can't believe anyone would want to have gotten rid of it!!!
  6. Definitely a Zombie there!!! (TDR, I'm getting my baby back from Kahrman....458 lives)
  7. Sweet little pistol there!
  8. I was thinking he has mixed lengths in there too. Hitting his crimp at different locations on different brass and essentially rebelling it if its lower on the case.
  9. Well there ya go....Strick is back to the research lab. Next he will probably post that he's never seen a zombie in a porno so......
  10. He may be behind the barricade at his front window waiting to yell "CONTACT" since the events at his house last night.
  11. Man I got a 50 year old barn with boards that ain't as warped as you dude!
  12. I think he's on his way to see Mike.357 to get a stuck case situation fixed.
  13. Only 5 people will be drawn by lottery for the elk hunt. Will probably continue along those lines for several more years until the herd increases. Still waiting to hear about the first one laying on the side of the interstate north of Knoxville though.
  14. Use the 2x4 on it. I know you had one with you at the range!
  15. FANTASTIC! I figured he would still be laid up with pneumonia from his rainy night bike ride with my boy! He's a firecracker!
  16. I'll check him out! You must be closer to me than just "middle TN". I'm 15 minutes or less from Scottsville.
  17. It makes me happy that there is another Herbert nut here. Sorry for the drift
  18. Make darn sure your wearing your eye protection with that beast. I got to say, it does make me want to shoot it though.
  19. Okay Muad'dib, lay off the spice, you be tripping!
  20. You getting any hangs in ejection?
  21. Back to Life After People. Vegas is falling!
  22. Lots of action! I'll watch to finish now.
  23. I'm so torn. NHL finals on one channel. Life after People on Discovery.....decisions decisions. Good thing there are commercials that allow me to switch back and forth.
  24. Where is this Cheek's you speak of? Mike.357 I got your PM on ammunitiontogo I have bought through them before but think I can find it just a bit cheaper if I keep looking. Maybe locally if I can find this Cheek's place and save on shipping.
  25. Your gonna get beat down for that one


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