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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. 458 Socom is my ticket if I ever get back to Catoosa. Back in the day it was a .444 Marlin.
  2. Good luck getting one though (the RRA's). That is my preference as well. My upper has been on backorder for over three months and the information on ARFCOM says they are still filling orders spreading from November last year to January. They can't get barrels Most of the other sites are slow getting orders out as well. I hit Bravo Company's site last night and the standard uppers and rifle kits are all sold out. You will pay a premium if you get one off gunbroker or the equipment exchange at AR15.com Of course the locals have them. Hero Gear, The Outpost Armory. I saw about 8 rifles at Reloaders Bench last week.
  3. I showed you that hole didn't I McFlurry? That's right on top of the hill behind the cabin!! For those mornings I don't want to go far from the bed!
  4. Growing anything that you cant tend often is tough. We did get some radish to come up in a pipeline but the winter wheat got choked out and died or never came up at all. I just throw corn and winter wheat all summer up to the legal limit of time and it keeps them in the area. Salt blocks or those "rocks" at Co-Op work really well too. This is the hole they have dug out AFTER the rock was melted and licked down to nothing. They really prefer to eat the salty dirt as to anything else to me. As you can see, they do like the spot.
  5. Better PM me or call the house then. My wifes phone died today and I gave her mine since she any my oldest are at FFA camp this week. I won't have the phone back till Friday.
  6. What time do you think you'll be around tomorrow afternoon? I need to drag those Federal primers down the hill anyway! We have the late practice session tomorrow night so I don't have to get up the hill till about 5:45 or 6.
  7. Oh I'm there!!! When is another question. I got baseball game Saturday afternoon, going to run up to Crossville Sunday morning (I hope the big guy understands) and then work and ball games all week! I'm going to be worn out before the Fourth!
  8. 56 I'm gonna have to touch that rifle. You know that right!
  9. Well it did have a hole in last time I looked? I'll burn another copy for McFlurry and if Strob checks in and wants one
  10. I have a CD for Bronker and we definitely missed some good pictures of the boys cranking on the Mosin's. I can't blame Ms. Winger for baling and getting up in the shade for a while though. Here is a classic though. Ms. Bronker pounding gongs at 250 yards with Jcochran's AR. Bronker's boy taking his first shots on the AR as well! Strob2000 on his .357
  11. Slept in. Went to see my Dad and give him a card and some running around cash. Now cleaning guns from yesterday's shin dig.
  12. Shhh, she sometimes reads over my shoulder! I don't want her figuring that out just yet. You did pretty far up the chain yourself there buddy! She is a sweetie!
  13. Yep! I gotta get you and Bronker and Jcochran88 (mcflurry) to meet. You also have an opportunity with a certain grassy area near you to have yourself fed well, different caliber and model guns to shoot, and good fellowship! All you have to do is ask us to come shoot up your hill!
  14. No we are the RESISTANCE! and if they heard us yesterday they know to either come over to the side of right or hide in a ditch! I already made you a CD of the entire card Barb shot. Complete with crawdads on ears! I gotta run down to see my Dad but I'll be around later (to finish cleaning guns, arrgggh)
  15. The finale
  16. Some after action damage Okay, crowing a little here on my ..458, check out clean through and through compared to the .223s ! Yeah, it knocks down deer with out issue.
  17. The line up of items to shoot. 5 Mosin's, 4 ARs, rifles from .22 up to .270, a camp 9 in there. Pistols from .380 to .45. The infamous 458 Socom is on the bipod. The shooters Tracers on target by Bronker!
  18. I met with the Dickson County squad of TGO today and we had a blast folks! Way to late and way to tired to post any pics or video tonight but let's just say if you wanted to shoot something, there was a nice selection. I bet we blew through 1500 or more rounds today between rifles and pistol. Ended the night with mag dumps off the ARs and some tracer fire just prior to dusk so we could see them. Great people, great food, a fine time was had by the Rightwinger clan. Bronker, McFlurry, Strobe, it was a blast and MUST happen again! Preferably on a much cooler day! Must also mention that the fairer side of the group participated and seemed to have a pretty good time. I would confirm that of my spouse but she is sleeping soundly next to me as I type! Patches have been run through the Mosins to prevent any corrosive crud from harming our beauties and it's off to bed. Night all, out!
  19. Work hard, dedicate yourself to the folks and company that is paying your way in life and you will find yourself blessed. For the rest that are still wondering why they are being kept down by the man, just because they are late a few times a week, miss work for sniffles, complain about having to work past 5 once in a while, this story is not for you. Congratulations sir. The 35 people your supporting with your taxes thank you as well.
  20. What, scared of the Mosin now? It won't eat another shell Mike, we promise! Signed Gremlins and Glitches Ask me tomorrow what I put down range. I hope it to be impressive!!! 458 Socom will highlight my day as well as some other lucky TGOers.
  21. I would but it would have to have the 442 in it and it might get pricey for you.
  22. Very cool target on the right!!
  23. I just want to thank Uker for finally changing that avatar!
  24. I'm glad that worked out. You would be such a pain if you got to jonesing for another week over that rifle! on another note, I picked up a tin of 440 Bulgarian today at Reloaders Bench in Mt. Juliet. 114.00 for the tin plus tax but with shipping I'm not that far over what it would have taken to get some sent to my house. Plus I got to see what was in the tin as they had another one open. 7.99 for 20 if you want the small wrapped ones.
  25. where?


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