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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. He used yellow mustard on yours Jewell
  2. R_bert I have a spare castle nut wrench.  I'll shoot you a PM.  As far as the full armorers wrench, spend a little and get a good one.  The cheapies usually have a coating on them that flakes off and then they rust.  Plus they are not as "precise" on locking up on the barrel nut.  Yankee Hill makes a good utility one.  http://yhm.net/forearm-wrench.html   Like the looks of this one for finish and utility. http://www.ar15wrench.com/     This is more like the standard AR armorers wrench but it comes with the torque wrench as well.  Not a bad deal if it's decent quality http://www.opticsplanet.com/caldwell-wheeler-delta-ar-combo-tool-with-torque-wrench-156700.html?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=PLA&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D&utm_campaign=%7BOrderItemID%7D
  3. Nah, if I can't find a field with good hunters an more than 50 feet between us, I'll wait for deer season. But thanks for trying to make me brave enough to try!
  4. Was trying to avoid public land. Low birds!
  5. If anyone in Sumner and surrounding counties has a field they would allow access to just for Monday and maybe Tuesday that will be about all the dove time I will have this year. Please shoot me an IM. I'll bring snacks and cold drinks. Thanks
  6. You all getting used to this theme yet?  :surrender:
  7. I agree with the above. Just built my first pistol and like it mucho!
  8. Yep, one of several in the greater Nashville area of late.
  9. Going out to finish the job started yesterday.  No enthusiasm at all.  :yuck:
  10. Just got done helping remove old roofing and frame on my Mom's back porch.  Even ice on the back of the neck couldn't keep us out there more than 45 minutes at a time.  Just got home, took a cold shower and am now laying here with a fan full in the face thanking God that I don't live in a desert or jungle.
  11. PM Glock30, he offered me one last week.  I got one from the notorious Smith.  I have springs/detents, other stuff if anyone bends, breaks or launches something.  Holler
  12. Was watching this "press" person" from the "I am Mike Brown" live feed again.  One of his last voice overs was that he was going to continue to live stream until the crowd peacefully dispersed.  Well some idiot did something and the police charged in to grab them so instead of continuing the feed, he ended it with the police in full active foot chases.    Same guy the other night was having the crowd move vehicles out of their way so they could "get this $hit on video" when they started popping the tear gas on the unruly crowd in the street.  What a putz.  Don't get a video record of anything that hurts the cause.  So tired of this.   In case anyone wants to see it up to where he stopped, here's the link: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/9035483/events/3271930   It will be the third one down the list, unless he takes it down, with the beginning frame showing a girl in a pink check shirt in the foreground.  Go to the last 60 seconds where it starts and then ends.  He does come back on and state that he lost his link/cell connection so that's why it stopped.  I guess the police shut down the cell phone towers as well.  He was sitting on top of a SUV, well out of the way of all the people running.  I say he's just another shill.
  13. Now your just being silly OS.  What's life without a mag dump?     Wait, can't afford the mag dump anymore.  You're absolutely right!
  14. Yeah, right.....   The only way to prevent BRD, is not to start.
  15. Yep, just finished my first pistol build today.  Safe to say, I can outfit the entire family now.
  16. Just cut to the chase.  Buy one, any one.  It won't matter because you will buy or build more.  It's called BRD for a reason!  (black rifle disease)
  17. Get a Rock River Arms and forget all that other confusion!                  :stir:
  18. Give it a week and try again
  19. Sigrug and Smith talked me into mine and I have no regrets.  I am going to teach myself how to weave the 550 cord and complete the snag free addition just because.   It matches up to Magpul colors pretty well also.
  20. I remember 28, kinda.   I just wanted to have a post in this thread which has gone on much longer than it deserved to.   Time to go vote!
  21. Another one that should be living in a hut somewhere yet still lives in a house, drives a car and complains on the internet.   (not Gotthegoods, he got in a reply before I hit send)
  22. How many are missing their book now?  I loaned it out, left that job before he ever had a chance to read it so left it so that maybe the message will make it.  Time to buy another and re-read it.   And yes, the movies don't come anywhere close to the message the book has but still good to have them out there to start some to thinking.


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