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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Winters coming and you'll need kindling to start small fires right? Junk mail is free firestarting material or packing material for shipping.
  2. Yes your RIA will use other 1911 MAGAZINES. I would suggest ACT or Mec Gar as great aftermarket magazines. One of the members here pointed me to this fellow and I ordered several parkerized (coating) magazines from him. He had them in blue, nickel and the Parked. His name is Greg Cote. Email him for his current price list and tell him Brent the guy from Tennessee sent you. I got the Mec Gar's for 17.95 back in February. His email is gusaoz@yahoo.com Oh, if yours is a compact model with the 4 inch barrel, you will need the officers model magazines which are a bit smaller. Your current magazine should hold 6. If it's a 7 or 8 round capacity you need the full size magazine.
  3. Let's talk about Yeti, Sasquatch, the Big Foot! Apparently, according to a show in cable, we have quite a few sightings here in Tennessee! Amazing. So who has seen one? Or for that matter, anything weird while hunting or out and about. I have no good stories here. About the weirdest thing we have seen was the top of a cedar tree ripped up and apparently eaten with the weirdest looking droppings below it. We call it the "black varmint" but no one has bagged one to find out what eats cedar tree tops.
  4. You know your going to get that anyway. And yeah, it bothers me. I want you to trust your loadings and right now you can't.
  5. I'm busy playing a boring daily game of Brutes. I can quit when TDR quits. Not worried about Titan14 anymore:D
  6. (possible next topic to take off the table, catfish)
  7. I like my cornbread with jalapeno peppers in it.
  8. shhhh (particle accelerator, he doesn't want the CERN site to get all the credit)
  9. Okay, there was Seinfeld and then some attempts to have those folks have lifes/shows after Seinfeld. This is Seinfeld.....that other thread, Snakes on a Plane!
  10. Warmer and fuzzier to Troll! crap he edited it...... egg noodles, got to make some egg noodles
  11. Simple solution, don't go up there! There is nothing to see or do anywhere north of the Ohio or West of the Rockies. I pretty much like that "they" consider us "fly over country". They can keep the northeast and west coast or better yet, kick us out so we can keep clinging. I didn't get any pancakes or grits today. My day sucks now.
  12. What is that? A young wolverine making a catfish run with his daddy?
  13. I'm not seeing Ms. Dupree doing the line up for the menu the way Bubba could though. Sad. I miss Bubba.
  14. I think there are more ways to serve grits than there are to do shrimp! Maybe there's a Bubba that knows all of them. Grits with butter Grits with sugar Grits with bacon Grits with butter and sugar Grits with gravy........
  15. Another summit fan! We have the nice feature that the land we hunt on is either owned by family or we lease it so we know who is supposed to be on it. We have buddy stands (built for two) in several locations so we can take our young hunters with us and several more standard ladder stands in areas over the farms so you can get in quick and not carry anything but you and your firearm or bow and gear pack. We also all scout the areas and have Summit stands we pack in to get to those areas that are a little tougher to reach. If you want your chance at the bigger deer, you need to be off the ground and do good scent control. I need to get a Titan myself. Those are sweet. I'm still using a summit python from a few years back. Need to pass that down to a son.
  16. I have pretty much switched over to the calf high rubber boots for all seasons now. The first reasons were they are water proof and don't hold scent the way leather and the new nylon fabric ones do. In the early bow season when it's still in the 80's and 90's sometimes, they will help act as snake boots as well as act as a first layer of prevention against chiggers and ticks. Unless it's 10 degrees, they work well even in the cold. I would suggest a set of these as a "general purpose" boot for Tennessee. Here's the Red Head brand close to what I have. They now advertise them as "snake boots" RedHead 16'' Waterproof Rubber Snake Boots for Men
  17. Yep, cotton mouths are alive and well in southern middle Tennessee. I've seen plenty over the years in Wayne Co. Rattlers and water mocs as well. Most people won't believe we have scorpions in Tennessee either but I have been picking them up and bringing em back to show many times. We caught two this weekend. We have also found one huge hairy spider that I swear was a tarantula but can't confirm as my brother stomped it into slime.
  18. You don't like that purty little pistol now do ya?
  19. I like my pancakes with grape or strawberry jelly quite often.
  20. Man, you live on top of the Mt. Everest of Sumner Co. How does the water even stay near you?
  21. The weirder thing is I loaded these bullets before selling them (sold my .38) and I did not experience the same problem or at least if we did, not to the same degree as 56 is. Now the wife couldn't hit squat with the .38 so maybe this had a large amount of that to it. I could hit paper with it pretty well with these bullets though. Will be watching this one closely as I'm an "interested party" to this one. 56, consider the 7.62x54s I have for you up here gratis for all the crap those cast bullets are giving you.
  22. very tasty! and with Bronker out of state, no worries of attack.
  23. Get a Primos Lil Dog or Hot Dog call and the video with Randy what's his name comes with it. There are also plenty of video's that are packaged to buy along with calls. Tick your wife off by practicing right along with the video turned up loud. When you can mimic the pro's, hit the field. The Truth series is good, the Primos stuff is great, have looked at the covers of others and they are probably similar.
  24. Barb's making me pancakes!!!!!! Seriously!
  25. You got assistance going out tonight! It's not pancakes either!


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