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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Wait Universal universal!
  2. Wait......universal electricity!
  3. Pay electricity bill!
  4. Now I'm tired
  5. yes it does!
  6. Why, Strickj coming?
  7. birthday swim party:bored:
  8. went to Portland
  9. didn't load anything
  10. Yep me too!
  11. short changed -
  12. first, even if all that worked, you still don't just sit down and wait for them to walk up and blast away. second, most of that don't work! (scents and that crap) third, it is illegal in Tenn to hunt over bait. It must all be removed 10 days prior to hunting. You may have seen some of the pictures I have posted. I will tell you I have yet to get a pic of a good one and then shoot same said beastie. They are smart and all the ones you see in Aug/Sep on your camera completely change their habits once we "hunters" start into the woods. I do feed, the old fashioned way, I haul 50 or 100 pound bags into the woods, toss it on the ground and set a camera up to see what comes in. I don't use those attractant scents, did try some HS scents wafers a few years back with NO results. I do use descenting detergent on my clothes and soap/shampoo on me but the best de-scent is a cover scent and that is a light coating of smoke! We usually build a fire and I prefer cedar boughs but anything will do. Hold the outer clothes near or wave through smoke a few times. They are used to that smell, especially in the rural areas I hunt. Good stuff! I also will kick up leaves and drag my coat and boots around in the damp understuff. So get out there and try to knock one of the good ones down. It is NOT easy.
  13. Make healthcare competitive and let free markets determine it. Quit all the micro managment regulation. Pick key performance indicators like people in plan vs price vs recurring visits for example. A phsycian that has to see a person 3 times to tell them they have a cold is not providing a good service and gets a low rating. When an employer has multiple companies wanting to service their insurance they will lower rates, add services, and reduce the conditions as more people join the risk pool. Proven over and over, when you let people compete, it drives prices down. Why would we want the proven factor of govt, that runs nothing successfully, to have a monopoly on healthcare? If you want good healthcare, keep the Fed OUT! That's how you fix it.
  14. Don't own one but most bolt actions have common methods of removing and reinserting the bolt. A quick google says the rifle has a release switch opposite the safety. Have you moved it back and forth? Does the bolt have any rotating lugs? My Savage has to have the lugs in the correct alignment with the body as there is an alignment groove. Safety off so the trigger can be fully depressed? I'll keep looking.
  15. Mary is shooting with Nancy then! Girls day out at the range!
  16. Pulling on the trigger when trying to re-insert?
  17. National Healthcare Sucks!
  18. Go to sleep
  19. I'm sad, no bomblets. Still a pretty good show. I'll watch it whenever I'm around to see it.
  20. It still shoots!
  21. It's a good one!!! Can't wait till he gets to the modern stuff. I love seeing DPICM in action!
  22. broke metal guide!
  23. This is post 2000!
  24. Broke the G30!


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