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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Sleep escapes me
  2. I thought it was so so. Matinee or wait for the DVD rating from me. Its a Socio-Politcal statement movie with deep thought involvement which to me is distracting when trying to watch the guts fly out of someone! And how many times can you drop the F-bomb with a Afrikans accent? I think they maxed the limit on this one! Not suitable at all for younger teens.
  3. Hey, does that pup look like Ghooge or what?
  4. Provide some data for that statement Buk! LOL I have been very restrained of late!
  5. That's the side he sleeps on and its "soiled" now.
  6. Your dead on with that one! :DLOL:D (that one was always a toughie for me)
  7. This is a web site. Going to a new camp site You sight in a new gun scope or you have iron sights!
  8. Yep, but would like to hit one before deer season.
  9. Yes it does! Just not in YOUR yard!
  10. I'm offering one up now. Sorry for your loss.
  11. Welcome Justin. Jump right in to the fray!
  12. Soulless beings. Nice FTW home tat as well. More and more signs of the end times.
  13. I'll be there!
  14. Can carry LOTs !
  15. co-worker joined TGO !
  16. I'm a pushover
  17. Darn cute pups
  18. Didn't want pup
  19. boys found pup!
  20. Now he's quoting Keith Olberman? Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa He has no agenda, totally neutral and boy.....those years at ESPN sure gave him the bonafides to step in the political commentary ring. That's good though, now we can quote Rush again as he used to work for the Kansas City Royals. That makes him solid!
  21. daily wasted words
  22. I think I reported myself when I hit the submit button. Will hopefully have more incriminating evidence in a few months!
  23. Fisher owns Buffalo!
  24. Noooooo, your just fine. Everything is good. Want a lollipop?
  25. This is the "talk" thread Moto, not the "unwrap my tin foil bandage and see what falls out" thread. :P


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