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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. My bad, remove post, not what I was thinking of.
  2. Yikes! Don't be doing that people! (and stay out of Wyoming, its mine)
  3. Don't touch Wyoming. It's mine! Where's that Sturgis place Harley folks like to go, isn't that in Wyoming.....guess what.....MINE! Sportbikes only now! It's MINE! (watch Braveheart again if you are NOT getting the comedic value here)
  4. I gotz better hunting than any of ya now! Plus I have Yellow Stone and Devils Peak!
  5. To heck with that cess pool and the other big cities. I own Wyoming !
  6. I was out buying combat boots...seriously! What did I miss? He say anything boo, liar, boo....worth listening, boo, too?
  7. Can we now attack and take others properties? It actually found my zip as well. Pretty good. To bad satellites are not allowed over Westmoreland, I hear that satellite imagery is pretty cool! We shot down a Russki RORSAT last month and the ISS got a hard look last week!
  8. Won't be able to make this one. Will be on the road back from hunting that evening.
  9. Just got back from doing some prep work. I put the camera back up in my favorite spot Friday night and got over 200 pictures of just this buck and doe until I checked it Monday afternoon at around 3PM. They have just worn a pile of corn OUT! The salt rock is getting worked over pretty good too! I know there are more in the area, I just hope they are bigger than this medium buck.
  10. deer prep weekend
  11. Where are the rest of the people? 7 is nice but I was figuring there would be more.
  12. Bersa's are tight little guns all the way around. My wife didn't like her's as she could not easily rack the slide. I didn't want her to struggle with a failure situation so we moved on. Finally went XD9 for her. I never had any issue with the little gun other than it being the small .380 round.
  13. Just had the last part hit me....! YIKES I could be the reason we need that thing! I think its all good, I never saw or smelled gas while riding, just when it had been parked for a while. Weird eh? Still a good idea though. I can throw a can in there 56 but mine all leak ! Seriously, they are just old and don't have tops anymore.
  14. I think we should buy lunch for the pit guy!
  15. Got the bike back this afternoon! They can't find nothing wrong with it. It never leaked in front of them. I put 2oz of ethanol fighting gas additive in it, filled it with 93 octane and hope that the problem may have been some trash in the fuel system holding something open when it shouldn't. I will say it was blown out well and I'm glad I live where traffic is light. Furthermore shall not be commented on! So unless it goes up in a ball of flame, I'm ready to go. (56Fordguy, we may want to put a 5 gallon gas can in the back of your truck along with the ramps, ya think?)
  16. I'm going to make him bring my long 4 wheeler ramp so if the worse does happen we can roll it up with some muscle power!
  17. ZZR has to ride behind his wife!! My little bike will fold up and cry when he brings that monster out! (hide)
  18. TDR I would be afraid to have that thing outside.....EVER ! To good looking. Love the green! You do not see that every day. Looks comfy too!
  19. This is for 56Fordguy! On the way back from the shoot last night we were just shooting the bull and I regaled to him one of the funniest video's I had seen on youtube, The Grape Lady. The rest of the FAIL pictures needed to be revisited by our newer members as well. So after a year in the archives, this thread is hearby revived! Blake, look for the Grape Lady Stomp and a few replies lower, Bteague posts the REMIX version! Enjoy
  20. I'll be riding the same model bike if I get it out of the shop. It developed a gas leak out of one of the two overflow tubes by the right foot peg and they can't seem to figure out why? Any issues with yours?
  21. Metalhead, don't tell 56FordGuy I told ya, but he sold some scrap metal and has a little jingle in his pocket....you just have to keep sending him pics of the HK 45s Shhhhhhhh I'm supposed to be talking him out of more guns
  22. Glad you liked it David. So how many times do I need to let you shoot it to get in line to get my XD9 slide coated!!!
  23. Which one? TGO David's hand cannon or my big pistol AR? I would have let anyone that wanted a turn pull the trigger till the ammo ran out. I came home with like 12 rounds left! It was a 458 Socom and the more interest I can generate in it the better. There are no major ammo manufacturers making this ammo, yet! If there are people demanding it, they will come! Everyone that owns an AR needs a 458 upper to pin on their lower and make some noise!
  24. The CLP is soaking in and I'm off to bed in a few minutes but I too wanted to say thanks to Daniel (Metalhead) and the rest of the Gun's and Leather crew that stayed to host us making holes in paper. I hope we were behaved enough (no holes in baffles from where I was standing) and you made enough that this can become a semi-regular thing. Had a great time. Glad to meet some folks I've only known as a name in hyperspace for so long. For those of you that had to meet me, I apologize profusely but warn you I will show up at more activities! LOL Night all.
  25. So can I bring the 458? It shoots the 45 caliber boolits and uses large pistol primers? Avg FPS is 1100. 56Fordguy will be heartbroken if he doesn't get to pull the trigger this time?


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