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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Good things come to those that are good!
  2. Excellent point! I wonder who we might want to hold accountable for their statements soon?
  3. Read the book and its a CLASSIC ! Lots of drama but always a good ending as long as you don't let it get edited by younger writers.
  4. It generally was not luck that made those wealthy folks wealthy. If you invent the next "big thing", are you willing to state you would give up 95% of your earnings from your intellect, your drive to bring to market something everyone is willing pay a certain price point for? If so, back it off and start doing it now. Integrity has no price point.
  5. Grey Hound is the "people's" choice of budget transportation!
  6. Ralph even you should know that non profit only means that costs and payouts are monitored in a different manner than purely for profit entities. The chief department heads at Mayo are compensated for their knowledge at a much higher rate than your regional hospital staff that is run for profit! It's just at the end of the year how the numbers and where the payments came from that make the difference. I'm sure we all need food to survive and water. So should truck drivers all drive for rates that will make all food stuffs available for everyone at low costs subsidized by taxes? I'll take filet three times a week please! The water department should not charge me to hydrate myself should they? I could die without water in only a few days! How dare they withhold or charge for live giving water! What happens is the market determines the price and people receive compensation to deliver these services and goods. Econ 101 right? Well when you alter those basic principles you kill the good or service. We have seen it in many industries. When government takes over healthcare, your brightest and best will no longer have the incentive to take on these unforgiving jobs. So now you have govt bureaucrats managing the mediocre. A sure solution of success. Its being tried in many countries around the world. If I want to surf, I move to Hawaii, no oceans in TN. If I want to do ice exploration as a passion, I have to go way north or way south. If someone wants to experiment with Socialistic ideals, opportunity abounds, no need to go through all this trouble to change us hard headed individuals. Rates are cheap to get around the world. Think of it as that summer after graduation knocking around Europe or China. See exciting places and cultures that live as you would want to live.....don't hold back....live Ralph...LIVE!
  7. Nothing but crows, woodpeckers and skeeters for this trip to Wayne co.
  8. I'm back in the world and have to admit those were my first set of backups and I did not pay attention to what we were doing. It is a sweet stick. That's why I'm going to have one very similar to it soon.
  9. Still doing Evony that some dill hole, I mean nice person, addicted me to. The question is, is anyone still playing that stupid My Brute thing. Got to level 13 and could never pass TDR.
  10. They had tins of it at Reloaders bench a week or so ago. They will open them and sell them by the 20 pack at a time. I snagged an entire tin from them back in August I think.
  11. Don't waste your money with TBI unless she has recently been involved with the law. Does she have a phone? Rent? Car? PM me some info and I can probably direct you to a source.
  12. Think I just threw up a little...excuse me. I remember when we sang the Praise Reagan songs! Like it was yesterday! Wait, No we didn't, we were normal.
  13. We'll pass on both
  14. 56Fordguy owns AR ! !
  15. Check out the two nice ones on the Texas cam now! Thanks for sharing that link! WatchTheDeer.com: Photo Gallery: Live Photos
  16. No prob, I would probably like Stihl but haven't ever owned one. Have an OLD McCulloch Mac 10 that still runs but afraid to use it much as you can't get parts for them anymore. Picked up the Husqvarna after the mid TN tornado's two years ago to do clean up because I already had the commercial grade trimmer/cutter. Both have performed admirably. The saw gets to ride on the 4 wheeler every year when we cut our way into the hunting areas after the winter blow downs get done falling. Even if your only using it 3 or 4 times, if your cutting a regular size tree up you will appreciate having at least the mid sized saw. Well worth it.
  17. Are we there yet?
  18. Husqvarna
  19. There's football.....hmmmmmm
  20. Nothing! Just get clean and "scrub" your boots in mud or the damp layer under the leaves before you go in. I use neutralizer on the pits and groin area during the bow season as your usually hot and sweaty. If you haven't seen fox they may not be there. You will also bring in yotes using fox pee now a days if they are around. Yotes will chase and eat a fox in a heartbeat.
  21. Suzy Kolber rocks
  22. Don't ruin it for me TDR ! Now I'm watching Colts/Dolphins and Suzy Kolber got her 10 seconds on screen to bother me...... Ouch! Gotta go
  23. Okay, she went to the other room... Linkage and Bronker....shut up! I got pics! Photos from The Bourne Identity
  24. House was Great tonight! I missed most of the first half of MNF because of that whacked out Doc. Did anyone recognize as fast as I did the girl of interest? Yep, the girl from the Bourne Identity! She's HOT.... My wife just smacked me, gotta go.


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