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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. If you must know, I think it was an earth brown trying to sneak out! It was contaminated by someone's furniture the other day! Like that Eotech do ya? I was going to post a pic of the YHM on my Rock River production (as in I didn't put any of it together) but the thing is so tight going together I'm afraid I couldn't get it to separate!
  2. Newest addition to the family. I also have pretty much decided that the standard stock on it is being replaced with the ACE stock. The pictures are not great quality as I have those energy saving bulbs in the room and they mess with color! The pics make the match between the uppers and lowers look really different but to look at them, they are all black and pretty much the same color. This is a Yankee Hill Machine Company complete upper with diamond fluted barrel. Magpul BUIS. All from Hero Gear ! The original configuration. Tactical Innovations lower with Rock River Arms two stage trigger and A2 stock. This is the lower I currently have been running on my SOCOM. Tony Rumore lower marked appropriately 458 SOCOM and again with the RRA two stage guts. Close up of the barrel and hand guards.
  3. That's been my experience as well. They either will come and come with a purpose or you don't see them at all. Whether its them figuring it out and winding you or they have been called previously I don't know. I do know that I have called them, had them answer within 400 yards or so and they still not show up. The last one I got I called twice and he was there in about 5 minutes. Came walking in like he owned the place. I guess he does now, his soul is resting on the hill top! LOL When its not working, move and try something else. When it works, remember what it was. I hunt from tree stands exclusively but doubt that's going to be possible for you with young ones. Are you using a blind?
  4. Lou is tolerable at times but he has his moments, like on this one. I would trade Lou to Fox and let them have Geraldo back. He needs to just become a permanent hurricane reporter
  5. It's got to be bad when Lou Dobbs of CNN agrees its crap! The minority leader says its a "Piece of S&!%". http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/17260182/1610997888/name/ftc-vi26.wmv
  6. Oh CRAP, give me the short bus then.
  7. I was looking for the short bus but there isn't anything to look at.
  8. Timing. Timing is everything. I got the perfect shot at a doe Saturday evening about 30 minutes before sundown. Got stood up, she turned broadside to me. Probably 17 yards, if that much. Coming to full draw she heard the rustle of me pulling and the arrow coming back across the whisker biscuit and looked right at me. I aimed a little above the boiler room as the shot was going to be downward at about 40 degrees and let loose. Heard the thwonk as the arrow buried itself in the ground behind her and off she went. She slowed and turned to look back about 50 yards out then slowly walked out of sight. That's where they usually keel over and I climb down and go get em! I gave it about 5 minutes as light was fading and climbed down. Arrow was not covered in bubbly blood denoting a lung shot but it was red in spots and had fur under the blades. I walked over to where she had stopped and looked back and got a definite but smaller than normal blood spot that turned into a trail. Followed it about 400 yards where she back tracked around towards where she had come into view which was down hill and along the boundary between our place and paper companies land. The only word for everything to the left was THICK. Well the light faded out to where I could not see blood anymore. Trail was still headed down hill and I could easily get back to this spot in the morning. Cool night, no problem right? Well the rains came early this morning in Wayne Co.! Needless to say, no trail left. I went all the way down into the bottom and looked everywhere in the rain but couldn't find her. She obviously made a walk of over 800 to 1000 yards so maybe I got her low and she will be fine. If she didn't make it, I'll never know. Hate that crap. I have never had one even get out of sight bow hunting. I even got to see her get her picture taken by my trail camera just before I shot. At least I'll have her picture.
  9. Somebody else posted it and I have just been looking at it every now and then. Tonight was the first time. I did a print screen capture but don't know how to stick it in here. Oh rats, when I grabbed the other pic I lost mine. Here was the first bear pic if you didn't go to the link. Bed time.
  10. Yeah, he moved on. Here is a pic from their site now that I have looked it over. A momma bear had three cubs up there. The snowman has been knocked down by the bears as well! Good for the bear. http://www.snowmancam.com/images/bear42209.jpg
  11. I think it is. If you remove the end of the url and just go to snowmancam.com and click on the links to their pictures they have a daylight pic of a bear in the same spot! That's cool. He's found something good to eat there!
  12. This is a link someone posted over in the hunting section for trail cameras. I go to it a couple of times a week. Looks like a bear on there right now? My old eyes seeing true? Some one else take a look. Its behind the bird thing. Left and behind the snowman. Snowman Cam 640 x 480 Streaming Image
  13. No more expensive than the 30-06 or 308 when you reload. Plus better consistency. Recoil? I have had a bit of recoil from my brothers 30-378 as seen below. Managable with and without the brake
  14. I killed 3 deer with the 340 before I sold it to Kahrman. Couldn't tell you how many with the 30-06. I have yet to loose my first deer. Only had to trail one, probably one of the smaller does. She rolled down hill most of her travel. All the others were DRT or within 30 yards of where they were hit. Loadings on the .340 were Nosler Partitions. Bullet selection gentlemen, bullet selection. That's why you don't use FMJ, no expansion, little holes. Load a magnum with Hornady XTPs or the like though and you'll just reach in the exit hole to finish gutting them.
  15. Unless its a 50 BMG, there really isn't any "overkill" in any of those mentioned above or bigger. A 340 Weatherby Magnum will not "mangle" a deer. Bullet selection is what makes larger wound channels combined to the speed of the bullet. Shot placement also makes the difference. I agree that .243 and even the .223 which I let my youngest hunt with are fine for deer if you take and make the good shot.
  16. Welcome home kinda! Thanks for your service!
  17. So what about those guys that were buying up large quantities of gas when the price spiked last year and kept a lot of 5 or 10 gallon cans in their garage or shop? Or geez, the folks that have like 20 gallons of flammable paint at their home. You shade tree mechanics got starter fluid and brake cleaner by the case somewhere? If its all in the public safety mode, they should be going door to door everywhere right? Well that ain't flying either. How the heck would they even know if you are a possible reloader anyway? Local informants in the neighborhood? I would need new neighbors. I'll just say no.
  18. That's BS. Glad I got rid of all my loading supplies years ago (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more)
  19. That's next month Poak!
  20. You understand completely then!
  21. Oh the travails of getting the female in the family a pistol ! We started with the Bersa .380 she liked to shoot it but its a tight little gun and she had problems with racking the slide when shooting or practicing reducing a stoppage. Moved next to trying a XD 40 and a G27. Recoil jarred her hand and she still had a little trouble racking the XD. The G27 was the right size but control of the feisty 40 was an issue. Next, the S&W 442. Loved the size, the ease of point and squeeze but the stiff trigger caused her aim to suffer. We finally fell onto the XD 9 sub and she loves it. Easily operated, shoots it really well and often, no recoil issues. We ended up getting his and hers. She found her gun! Another recommendation for the XD9s.
  22. Last I checked the lungs have nothing to do with the mental well being of a person other than when they are being choked out ! LOL
  23. Pancake troll
  24. You just say you like pancakes to stir up crap with waffle lovers
  25. The stress of that mod position would kill me! You can have it!


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