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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Now some poor muzzle loader manufacturer will get sued.
  2. Don't think its going on yet. Saw two bucks and 6 does in a guys yard on 31E south of Westmoreland this morning. When them bucks stop running together, its ON !
  3. Nothing good of late on mine. Little bucks and two does. Went last weekend and didn't even see them! Just a coyote or two. The aren't moving as much as food is plentiful right now. Just get up and walk in little circles under an oak tree for a full tummy.
  4. Just saw the weather, looks like if the chiggers and ticks want to get us they will be easily spotted in their rubber boats. 80% chance of rain Saturday. We may be hunting here in Sumner Co. instead of treking to Wayne Co.
  5. That depends on if you have help with the tick check
  6. LOL, how do you think the fatties got there "Lil Feller"
  7. Ticks appear to be gone but I was still whacking mosquito's Sat and Sun afternoons. If you would hurry up and get a buddy ladder stand you wouldn't be as worried LOL. Of course you have a nice ground blind to hunt from so I can't fault ya. By the way, does your 110 year old really qualify for the juvy hunt? LOL (should have quoted, he done found the edit button)
  8. +1 own 1 You could sling a bowling ball with these things
  9. Nope, we run day cabs. Don't have enough drivers to run team anyway. We run routes out of Fletcher all over NC and SC as far east as Charleston. The route guys come back and the shuttle drivers hop in and bring it all to Mt. Juliet then take the returnables back. When shuttle guy gets back, the Rt. guy is either there or not long from going right back out. Trucks only earn money when they are running.....we run them! This is all on the other side of the house to me. I route for the Chrysler stuff and I don't have anything in the Carolina's, another Logistics company does that out of Spartanburg. Needless to say, we have used up a lot of the temp driver services in middle TN for the week.
  10. Still to long hours wise to run legal. We looked. :-\
  11. My company runs 11 shuttle runs between Fletcher, SC and Mt. Juliet every afternoon/night. We looked at the 25/70 route through Newport and they have restricted it to 53 footers now (since last big slide apparently). This has forced us to do multi shuttles as we can't run legal over and back now. This is killing us. Now we have to have equipment to run to Cookeville every night and meet the shuttle drivers to swap out trailers and bring it the rest of the way in. With cold weather coming in, this could be an ugly few months waiting for this to clear!
  12. Did she say anything? Nawlins! Buahhaaa
  13. Treaties must be ratified by the Senate, not a Executive signature. That's why we haven't even been held to the Kyoto accord that Clinton wanted us to agree to. Hopefully the current Senate would not ratify this due to the upcoming election cycle. I sure hope this one goes as well or better than 1994 did!
  14. Yes
  15. The show, the actual video from the show is great. I could use a lot less interaction with the teams. I'm beginning to think that meteorology is only studied in San Francisco now.
  16. Rightwinger

    Dirty Ammo

    You fellows that haven't cleaned a muzzler loader don't know dirty yet! LOL
  17. Discovery Channel 9PM Sunday night! W O O T !!! Love this show
  18. I found 45 .204 Ruger cases in my bench today. Anyone reloading for that can have them. I may get back into it some year but no time soon so they need a home that will put them back to work.
  19. It's always a good day when you get to plan a meal around your hunting!
  20. It was a good time! Nice to see everyone again and meet you folks I had only seen as an Avatar here. TDR, missed you brother! How did we wander around that small an area and NOT trip over the other one?
  21. Your doing it right, just keep doing it. You might want to try a little more descenting prep though. I have had deer walk all around me already this year and all I do is make sure my outerwear is washed in the non scent detergent and I shower with Hunters Specialty's scent removing soap/shampoo. Haven't even used the cedar smoke trick yet. Watched a little buck two weeks ago eat a pound of acorns for about 30 minutes and he circled me! No issues.
  22. Getting ready to pickup 56FordGuy and head south. Jalapeno Pig in a Blanket from Donut Palace in Lebanon is on the list of "must have" items this morning. Yeah, that's how I roll. Don't be hating.
  23. The Marines ain't got nothing on us few, the proud, the guys that married ladies that want us to do this stuff! Mine did the same thing this year, "hunt all you want, just make sure the freezer is full at the end". I got to get busy fulfilling my end of the bargain but 2nd to None was this weekend and it gets top billing. She's cool with that too!
  24. Verne, looks like it will be cold and rainy plus 56Fordguy wants to ride rather than hitch so I'll be driving as well. If you want to carpool down though holler. We could meet up at 231 and 25. Don't know exactly what time yet.
  25. They let Mississippi State cross the border again? Oh crap, I gotta go hide my cat, dog and the gerbil again.


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