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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Genetics makes the "form" food makes the size.  He's going to stay in that "form" all his life.  In good feeding years and with the right nutrients in the ground, he can grow some thicker antlers just in that same shape.  I would cull if you're seeing better in the area.  If not, let him continue to at least pass this decent genetic trait.  If you can plant some food plots, get the tecamate or other growth foods out.  He may be keeping younger bucks from coming into this area.  All I have heard is that deer generally never leave a 6 mile radius from where they are born if food is available and nothing drives them out.
  2. Anderson lower on the pistol build I posted up a month or so ago.  Looks great, pistol runs great, cycles 22 like it was built for them as well.
  3. I have what's left of a great ladder stand overlooking a power cut in Wayne county but some of these crap heads stole the ladder portion out from under the seat.  They couldn't get the whole thing as I had it locked with a cable to the tree yet they still took what they could.  The things that run through your head when you find this crap.  That's why this year I'm hunting some during the week so I might get to greet a few of the neighbors down there.
  4. yep, you got it immediately
  5. sigh
  6. I have to agree with the post a couple above this one.  The man said he had another job lined up.  Why would he file for unemployment?  He's not. 
  7. shot some through the new pistol build to see if it cycled last Sat.  Actually felt something this time.  Wasn't recoil obviously, but there was a slight aggravation pulling the trigger on .22 for first time in my life.
  8. Here's the grease to use on the barrel extension and threads.  Aeroshell http://www.ebay.com/itm/AeroShell-Grease-33MS-Mil-spec-Moly-Barrel-Nut-Grease-Jar-5-ml-5-56-223-AR-/190852451462?hash=item2c6fb14c86&vxp=mtr   You get the little container in front of the commercial tube.  Little dabs will do ya.
  9. No, all those shots are from two different locations in Wayne Co, near the Buffalo river.  It's where I will end up retiring to someday.
  10. Future Farmers of America
  11. God and Nature did the providing.  I just visited with them for a while, but thanks.
  12. The FFA state camp is near there.  Nice river.  That's about all I know about the place.  Easy access to Sparta and Cookeville
  13. Yep, always stretch the threads a bit.
  14. I'll show a few. Took my youngest with me, he's 16 but I wasn't letting him hunt that area by himself last year. I'm in a climber in another tree looking back at the permanent ladder. Selfies, geez, I'm almost sorry I posted this one but I do kinda like seeing us both in the stand at daylight. Same hunt a little while later. We both got does. He was down much quicker checking on his deer. I'm still trying to work my way down in the climber. View from another hill. Same hill, looking down Same ladder stand. Small buck walking in and then bedded down behind me. Now you can see why they can just stop and disappear
  15. Timing is everything.  Just finished reading The Hot Zone last night.......
  16. Yep, switched over to the Weather Channel and have been watching Fat Guys in the Woods.  Also been cleaning book shelves.  Dusting instead of football, that's sad.
  17. Someone you know has a vice.  Find them and bring dinner.
  18. Good grief.  A group of high school folks got together and did what has been TRADITION for hundreds of years and asked publicly for forgiveness if they had wronged anyone, stated they forgave anyone that had done them wrong and were thankful they got to eat.  They thanked their version of providence, but anyone in the crowd could have thanked aliens, the devil, budda or Pee Wee Herman for where they believe it came from.    No one held at gunpoint, no be-headings and NO issues from within the group, only outsiders with the means to propagate their own daily bread by stirring the pot.   I think some of you would turn down a bottle of water in the desert if someone said God led them to bring it to you. 
  19. Depends on what your definition of appropriate is
  20. I'm no where near you and I want to see it !  Whoever goes, post plenty of pics please!  Can't tell you how many models of the 17s I built as a young man.  I still have books in a box somewhere on those beauties.
  21. Just don't wear that damn American Flag on May 5th at any school.
  22. I'm so glad the ACLU protects us all from the evil that is everywhere in this great Nation.   I'm sure everyone here regrets having someone request a wish be granted that we all be protected, that we seek forgiveness for anything we may have done wrong to someone else, and for a good meal.  That would really suck if that were granted that by providence or aliens or ........
  23. Time for you all to watch the video one more time.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGTW35jWh7A
  24. Good choice on that AR by the way, got two myself.  RRA fan! 
  25. Get the RRA "Oh Shoot Kit" and the bolt rebuild kit (or a couple of them) and your good to go.  A bolt action gun shouldn't need repairs under normal use.  If it ever came down to a time when it looked like we could never buy parts for guns again, what was left would probably all be put to use to get that back under control anyway.    http://rockriverarms.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=523


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