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Everything posted by mk19

  1. This is the worst legislation ever passed! Bar-Non. I don't want the government telling me i must have insurance or they'd tax me further. I don't have insurance and am unempolyed, and don't want madicaid, so what they are going to fine me or throw me in jail. **** this legislation and all those who voted for it!
  2. mk19

    Funny Link

  3. anything closer than 50 some odd miles???
  4. I do wish that this thing would not go through. If it does it would be the start of more things going worng.
  5. where can i find a 300 yrad range? I'll go and test. have only shot 100 yards with a 2 to 2.5 inch grouop out of an AK74
  6. I've been at 5.54x39's nuts for ages. most people did not even know the round existed.
  7. Muzzle velocity from and M16 is better, but i doubt it is much better from a M4. either way it is minimal. 5.45x39 has some crazy ballistics though, i am not sure of the yaw rate of 5.56 but 5.45 is less than 3 inches, 7.62x39's yaw is 9 inches. that mean it would go though 9inches of flesh before it alters its course. Meaning it could go straight through someone withough bouncing around. Also 5.45 is super cheap and plenty available. You can get over 1000 rounds for around 120. don't know much Japanese but the video is pretty self explanatory. YouTube - M16 A1 (5.56mm) vs. AK-74 (5.45mm) [ Test Fire ]
  8. The way to combat corrosive ammo is take a small bottle of Windex with you to the range, once done shooting spray the rifle inside and out with the Windex, and then clean at later time. Apparently the amonia or what not in the Windex nuetralizes the corrosive compounds in the ammo. I've also used SW Premium Protectant Lubrecant in that manner and it has worked fine, Spray some inside the barrel and chamber and what not.One thing to be wiery about is cleaning the gas tube, once i forgot to spray my AK's and it rusted like it was cool.
  9. I had read and article a while ago that tested both and the accuracy was very close to 5.56. 5.45x39 is a great round in my opinion and very accurate as well even shot out of an AK. plus ammo is cheap but corrosive.
  10. Oh Crap, my bad! i was thinking of this other one envolving Chief Justice Roberts.
  11. MagPul all the way with everything. HK mags are nice but are as said expensive. Get him 10 mags, just cuz i like 10 that is how many i used to carry. 6 in the vest 3 on tigh rig and one in mag, actually to think about it i carried 11 one the makeshift puch on the butt stock (they actually make those now)
  12. mk19


    LOL, that made me laugh as well, Serial Shotgun, Mini 14 Great for destroying tires you are not aiming at:)
  13. mk19


    HAHAHA , that just made my day......
  14. This just pisses me off. So I decided to order a SLR107 from K-var, then i get an email form them saying : We can not sell you this because it is agaist our company policy. So i call them today to find out what the hell. The lady on the other end of the line is like what state you are from, i say Tn. she disapears for a while comes back and is like well since your bank acount is from Ca we can't sell you this gun. I'm like ok what if i give you a credit card number with Tn as billing address and she like no we still can't sell you one. Why?? Cause we have you connected with Ca. This just does not make sense. So what if my bank account is a Ca account, it is not from a different country. Just wanted to Rant. I might have to go and buy one from Lancaster or ask G&L to order me one from k-var. Stupidest policy ever!
  15. mk19

    Assault Rifle

    Damn those assaulting rifles! why can't they be more mellow? Joking aside, Hate that term! it is wrong!
  16. mk19

    Gimmick Gun?

    All i know is i am super happy with my FiveSeven , and one day will get a PS90 SBR. Want a P90 but i doubt can get one, been wanting one since 1999. oh and on a joking note. If the 5.7x28 is good enough for Star Gate Command to kill bad aliens it is goot enough for me
  17. mk19

    A good railed 1911

    The Green (OD) with rail, and pac. grips, i guess they also come in black???? also known as Operator, I don't like them bacause i have seen one take about 8 trips back to springfield for repairs. and i have seen a TRP go through the same crap and still run like a champ. SPRINGFIELD ARMORY Correction: The MC Operator comes with OD frame and Black Slide. The picture threw me off a bit.
  18. I do accept giveaway Sigma's specially if they are safe queens
  19. mk19

    A good railed 1911

    would have loved to do so except I'm not returning back till monday..maybe the next show. MC stands for Marine Corp.
  20. Damn you Joe, I don't have any money and you are torturing me! it looks sexy.
  21. mk19

    A good railed 1911

    Colts are cool, but i believe they are over priced, plus they are 80 series, and Springers are 70 series. Yeah been wanting the TRP Operator, but damn that front checkering, and they are somewhat hard to find used yeah I know I am cheap Does any other Brands come to mind?
  22. So the other 1911 tread (Best 1911 for under $1500) got me thinking. What would be the Best Railed 1911 for let's say under $1700. The ones that pop to my my head are, Springfield TRP Operator, MC Operator, Kimber TLE/RL, Sig GSR ( though some would say these 2 are not ture 1911's) let us have your input.
  23. mk19

    Gimmick Gun?

    Whoever said the five-seven is a gimmick gun has been under a rock for the past decade. It is a serious gun with some crazy awesome ballistics, so what if the traing blue tipped round only carries a 40 grain bullet, that thing mushroom like crazy, due to the balistic tip and soft material the bullet is made of. and also that light bullet would do the same as a 5.56 and bounce around. And for those who say the 5.7 is puny what about the HK mp7, with its 4.6x30mm round and it is supposed to be better than the 5.7x28mm. and a random youtube video
  24. As with the accuracy of the sigma, in my hands it is more accurate than a Glock is in my hand. and for those who want a lighter trigger pull here is your remedy, say thank you AJ Wolff Striker Spring S&W Sigma 3-1/2 lb Reduced Power - MidwayUSA take apart slide put in bowl of alchohol (trichloethylene if you can get it) take out let dry. now dissemble the firing pin (take off plastic stop on end of slide) be careful the extractor spring may fly wild on ya. replace with wolff spring 3.5#. dont reassemble yet now where sear and slot in slide meet polish that slot. use an emery board. your just smoothing it out reducing some friction there. next on the trigger connector do same thing on top of tabs coming off trigger connector. now where trigger connector and slide mate. get some steel wool.fine steel wool. polish those surfaces too. remember were reducing friction not removing metal. 1 drop of oil in cam block (end of trigger connector) reassemble unit. dry fire LOTS reduced smooth trigger pull totally different trigger than the one i bought have fun be safe remember all guns are LOADED until we know otherwise (copied from some dude's post named sigmaman on THR)
  25. The Sigmas are nicely made pistols, the only down fall is the heavy trigger, which can be fixed by replacing it with one made by Wolfe. Not sure about how true this is but supposedly Glock sued SW because the Sigma at one time was such a close copy of the Glock pistols. Either way they are solidly built guns and are very accurate, even with the heavy ass trigger.


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