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Everything posted by mk19

  1. So i had a kidney stone, yeah a bitch. decided to have an operation to zap it into smaller peices. all sounds good but it aint. before the damn op i could do whatever, eat what i wanted but now since Friday(day of Op) I've been peeing sand (good) throwing up(no good) my kidney hurts more, can't poop (no good again) have to take all these meds that make you not poop, and if you don't you have to deal with the pain. been having some wierd ass dreams, can't eat solid food, and drink my food out of a cup. this pisses me off. I want to have some Kababs, a burger, something yummy and spicey, not drinkning chicken soup out of a cup.
  2. not counting current rediculus prices, a decent price for a decent AK is between 500-700 dollers.
  3. Not sure how to deal with the humidity one faces in Tn, but for now i use silicone clothes or spray. Most people i know just use silicone spray when storeing, CLP would a great way to go as well.
  4. Armory USA and Global trades are basically the same. Never heard of ISD Bugaria, but Bulgarian AK's are one of the top ones.
  5. I know that, that is why i put it as a joke.
  6. mk19

    Dirty Ammo

    Soviet surplus ammo is my friend. dirty ammo means ammo with dirtier burning powder, as tgodave mentioned. also if you are using the wrong ammo for your gun,(certains rates of twist with faster or slower moving bullets) you'd get more lead or copper fowling in the barrel.
  7. mk19

    New job!

    congrads Arko,
  8. I've been wanting a P16 lately, an all blck one, am not feeling the all stainless ones right now.
  9. mk19

    Free Noveske Lower

    wished they had 6.5 grendel uppers
  10. Para moved their factory to SC a few months ago, either Charlston, or Columbus
  11. What rifle ?
  12. I was trying to be nice and not start a Marine Corps vs Army argument what i meant to say was they jam because Army folks do not clean thier weapons as often as Marines do
  13. Para's are good guns and they've always had inovative products, and now that they are made in the US i say even better. the gripe some people have with them is the Canadian steel (some say it is softer than US steel) Basically they say if you are shooting let's say 10k rounds through it per year it is only going to last you 10 years vs a bit longer. I say not many normal Joe's are going to put that many rounds through thier guns. Plus they are made in the US now so no more worrying about Canadian steel.
  14. I am ususally critical of write-ups but this one is very accurate and usefull for someone starting at AK's I find the best value with the US assembled ones, Vector, Lancester or whatever, they are well priced and very fine rifles. or you could cough up alot more and go with a Krebs.
  15. mk19

    Shotgun question

    Mossberg Silver Reserve
  16. Stories like these are fueled by politicians/companies who want their guns to replace the current service rifles. Now i am not saying the the M16/M4 family of weapons is the best out there, there are better guns out there. But M16's are one of the best and if taken care of ,would not fail. Once we did a whole foot locker full of ammo through 5 M16's and we were shooting none stop and as fast as we could pull the triggers and no malfuntion. The hand gaurds were buring our hands even with gloves on and the guns were running fine. The problem is not with the guns it is with the reserve units using them. Units that never clean or take care of the guns. When i was in Afghanistan and Iraq, we cleaned our guns every moment there was down time, and we never had any problmes( not taking into account the sand storm that downed every gun we had)
  17. mk19

    Snap vs. Push

    The reason you are getting those results are mainly due to the guns you are shooting. the Hi-Power is a snappier gun by design IMHO. it is very light up front making it more prone to muzzle rise if held improperly. I don't play much with Taurus, glock and rugers are designed with a tad bit better recoil springs. if you go and shoot the same calibers through the same gun designs then you'd notice the difference. they are all manageble.
  18. I would not do it. look for a better make AK to trade for.
  19. 1. pure love of firearms. now that being said. My first one i bought it because it felt good in my hands, shot better than any other gun i had shot at that time. looks sexy, and will not break down like a Glock, or fall aprat like Sigs or Brettas That bias statement being over with. My advise to a new buyer is, forget about what others tell you to go and buy. buy what feels comfortable in your hands and what appeals to you, what you can shoot better with and what fits in your wallet.
  20. Now this just me, but i would, 1: get a ruger 10/22 instead of the marlin 2: get a Remington 870 12 Ga (Remington does not make a 500, Mossberg does) 3: get a Ruger MK series, much tougher than the Walther (plus you can use it as blunt object) 4: get an AR put a scope on it or whatever, would go for 6.5 or 6.8 so you can use it for hunting as well. 5: Glock is fine i gues
  21. FNAR's are basically Browning auto rifles, mags should be interchangeble. not sure if anyone makes any hi-cap one for the browning though since they were pretty much huntring rifles.
  22. FEG is a Hungarian company that makes replical Hi-Powers and Makarov/PPK their products are pretty dencent and work well for the price. HP are great guns to own.
  23. what you can do is ship it to a FFL in NY and then he can get it under his name and pick it up from them. wont be a straw purchase
  24. I like Rampage but i don't think he makes a good coach. he sucked last time he was a coach and it is already showing.
  25. being a formaer Marine I always advice on learing how to use iron sights first.


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