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Everything posted by mk19

  1. How about getting the best of both worlds? Go for a FNAR more expensive than the 700, but less than the M1A. You get the accuracy of a bolt gun in a semi. Gauranteed sub MOA from factory. just throwing a monkey wrench http://www.fnhusa.com/le/products/firearms/model.asp?fid=FNF049&gid=FNG022&mid=FNM0136
  2. Man I am in a delima between car payment or a new AK. but then again i just got laid off, so car payment and i am not using my other AKs so it would be another queen.
  3. mk19

    First AR build

    True, if one wants an upgraded one, for a basic one, an already built one would be less $$.
  4. you can always do what they allege this guy is doing, but i wont advice it. some big shades and the visor down would be more approperiate and ofcourse don't speed YouTube - Man wears Monkey Mask to avoid tickets from Arizona Speed Cameras
  5. mk19

    Group Buys

    Was just wondering if any of the Middle Tn/Nashville area stores was willing to put a group buy together for some AKs. I found that one of the big names is selling Russian and Bulgy AKs for around $500 online. Now if one of the venders here want to help us out and hopefully make some $$in the process. I want one and I'm pretty sure so does a bunch of others.
  6. mk19

    First AR build

    buy a complete AR, sometimes trying to save a few buck is going to end up costing you much much more. try arbuilder.com you'll see.
  7. the Sig 250 is actually pretty fairly priced about 600ish. the grips are about 45-75 dollers and a caliber convertion kit is about $375. you can also check sig's website for more info
  8. WOW, i am not even gonna read to the end and say stop giving the guy bad advices. Did any one actually read what he was looking for? a night stand gun for a new shooter, a revolver would be more approperiate, but you asked for semis. For a semi i'd go for the XD full size or XDm. what lot of people are missing to see is a subcompact gun would have more recoil especailly when operated by a new shooter than a full size one would. Plus would want the higher capacity a full size handgun can offer. XD's have really narrow grip for a double stack and most females like how they feel in thier hands, and ones who actually shoot it like its trigger than many other handguns. also thier felt recoil is much less than a glock19 and much less than the walther p99. yes walther may fit a person's hand better. but i wont advice it for a new shooter. most importantly get her some good instructions on how to operate the firearm properly and practice with it. and for the love of god, stay away from sub-compacts. i am not advising you my favorite handgun i'm telling you what works and women seem to like from experience.
  9. While Open carrying the officer can ask for your ID but you can respectfully recline to show it to him. I Ca even though we have really crappy gun laws, the PD's are trying very hard and fast to educate thier officers about these laws. Especailly with all the libs seeing a gun calling the cops about a man/woman with a gun and half the force showing up to someone just drinking his her coffe. really embarrasing for them. oh and it has to be unloaded LOL.
  10. oh crap, you are right. what the hell was i thinking. i blame it on the vicodin i am on.
  11. The city next to where i live has red light cameras all over the place that would take your picture even if you are making a right turn. the judges are so tired of them that if you go to the court for one they'd just dismiss the whole thing.
  12. Good stuff, the internal rail design guns are sweet. been wanting to buy a CZ but with the caliber convertions may go this way
  13. Sounds good and all, but i doubt it happened. It is funny however WWI started because the Kaiser was killed, WWII started because Germany started invading places. YouTube - Little hitler
  14. 9.) There will be two divisions....centerfire pistols and rimfire/.22 pistols. You can shoot in either of those categories or both. It makes no difference to me. Just submit a different target for each if you want to do both. And please mark on your target if it's a rimfire submission. Within those two divisions will be a women's division as well (not that men are better shots or anything). I believe there should be a change done to this rule, since now people can use red-dots. 4 catagories, would be more approperiate. 1: center fire pistols iron sights 2: rimfired pistols iron sights 3: center fired pistols open sight (red-dot/laser) 4: rim fire pistols open sight (red-dot/laser). this evens out the palying field for every one, and more people are willing to participate. just my
  15. ^^^ agreed. Now you don't have to go and make your's as sexy as Seaslug's, you can just do a Warsaw pact ak buttstock and SAW pistol grip (I'd do this myself- it is cheaper ) ofcourse to do this you have to modify some other items (can find a list online). and the barrel just hack it down to 18.5 or 19 inches.
  16. you could but i wouldn't do it.
  17. I'd go for the 22 incher one at $499. then save up a bit more abd get a convertion done on it lile Seaslug has or something of that sort.
  18. better footage
  19. Her assests are not enough to compansate for her annoying voice. That is one less girl my wife would have to worry about me having a long term affair with
  20. WASR's may not be pretty but they work fine, reason people talk smack about them is that you can find them with canted front sites blah blah. now you can buy certified ones that have been checked to make sure all that is good to go, still people bitch. it is a $300 rifle that goes bang everytime you pull the trigger. don't expect too much out of it.
  21. Do you mean double action or striker fired? a single stack slim sticker fired gun is any Kahr you find- they have only single strike capabilities. The Taurus Mellinium Pro's on the other hand are striker fired that have double strike capabilities. Kel-Tec has the P11 that is 9mm DAO and single stack.
  22. That is why I always recommend against decocking manually, even with good intentions bad things could happen. glad no one was hurt. take your wife out to dinner
  23. mk19

    Post Op Sucks

    Thanks guys for all the support, I am much better now- can actually look at my lap-top screen without wanting to tear my own eyes out, well not quite- my advice to people wanting to take Vicodin or its siblings, DON't. Sometimes the side-affects are more painfull than the pain it is to stop. or take 1/2 to 1/4 of what is prescribed. While i could not look at the screen i could read papers and read the 7 pages that accompany the drug. crazy ass ****.
  24. mk19

    Post Op Sucks

    Oh i passed a few of them, that pain was bad but nothing i could not deal with forcing myself to sleep. Basically the stone was big enough there was no way to pass it (1.6cmx1.2cm) about the size of a sw500 bullet. I did all other remedies and all but when it is that big you got only one way, surgery. the surgery itself was cool, even though i asked for local anesticia, they knocked me out cold. I choose extrcorporeal shockwave lithotrpsy, bascially they aim a shock wave generator at your kidney (stone) and shock the area about 3000 times. seemingly they did break down the stone to smaller pieces I did not want the tube and laser thing going up you know where, so just need to drink water and suck it up
  25. there is another one even uglier. have to search the net for it. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3173/2635022443_cabe134070.jpg it is the same thing to the guy who mostlikely did it


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