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About mk19

  • Birthday 06/23/1977

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Looking for an AK parts kit, older barreled ones would be preferred, please let me know if you have one taking up space and want to sell it. Thank you.
  2. Earlier this month I had a FFL transfer to pick up and that is when I found out the ownership had changed. They mentioned it was a Utah based company that has taken over. I was in a rush and did not spend more time than I had to but it seemed like the selection was more high end items. One thing that bothered me was that they are not going to be dealing with used guns anymore. Previously I could find some really interesting items in the used gun selection. I guess this gives me the excuse to drive further and go to Guns and Leather.
  3. Will you throw in any ammo?
  4. A Marlin Model jamalot 22LR semi-auto with a tube mag, that I could not wait to get rid of. Kept me away from 22-LR rifles until I was introduced to 10/22.
  5. The humvee was a good, mobile troop carrier for state side use with really bad gas mileage, which we took to combat with no armor on them. It was a death trap even when it was armored and I am glad to see it gone. This new vehicle seems like a lighter version of the M-ATV which is the crapiest of the MRAP family, one that provided the least protection when hit by a taliban IED. So, even though this provides better protection than the humvee, and seems like it has a V-hull, it is not as mobile as the humvee and does not provide the protection of a proper MRAP, plus I bet it has really crappy gas milage.
  6. Pocket knives are in, compact and more useful and you can clip them on the molly webbing. The only fixed blade we carried was our issue k-bar, and those ended up on the butt-pack.
  7. People, especially Veterans should be protesting his funeral. But then again, why waste ones time with this hateful, poison spreading douche bag's funeral.
  8. mk19

    What gun are you?

    I am the M2 Browning Machine gun, muwahahahaa.
  9. Beautiful, sunny morning in Nashville, I am pissed and feel cheated!
  10. To me, somewhere around $350.
  11. What is this snow you are talking about? We are at zero inches.
  12. mk19

    Sig P210 In Stock

    I was hoping that the price on these would start to drop, since SIG has started making them again. A few months ago the new ones were running around $1600-1700. I've always said I'll buy a P210 ones I find one for around $1200. 
  13. Rough times, my thoughts and prayers to you and yours.
  14. mk19

    SCAR 17

    Scar 17 is one of the best guns out there, shoots great, accurate, and loved by those who carry it overseas, unlike its younger sibling. I don't own one but have shot one, and it is just awesome. Not that anyone stateside would get to, but it is very controllable on full auto, plus the change of stocks makes it more operator friendly. It would be my next gun, if I decide to sell some stuff from my safe. 
  15. mk19

    My new Toy!

    Now that looks great.


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