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Everything posted by Falcon1

  1. Yes, I am in there too.
  2. That won't be surprising if it does indeed happen.
  3. I trust all of them these days about as far as I could spit the battleship New Jersey.
  4. From a philosophical standpoint, I understand completely. But politics is another matter...if concealed carry had been sought in Tennessee this way, there would likely be a third state that still doesn't allow it along with Wisconsin and Illinois. When we prove to the good, but scared, citizens of Tennessee that there is no danger to be feared from restaurant carry, then we pick the next apple from the tree. "Small moves, Ellie, small moves." OMO, YMMV....
  5. I want to be able to go to an Applebee's, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc. while carrying concealed and eat a meal and drink a soft drink...that's all.
  6. A properly fitted holster shouldn't need a thumb-break to retain the firearm. Personally, I think they add an additional motion into the act of drawing that is not needed, especially in a self-defense situation when adrenalin is pumping, etc. OMO, YMMV....
  7. If our government were still a government of principle, she would never have been nominated. Since it is not, and hasn't been for a long time IMO, I suspect this will go nowhere (and that he will probably lose his job over it somehow).
  8. Well, I suppose if one imposes a penalty which might seem out of proportion to the infraction, one might not have the right to be surprised by an out-of-proportion reaction?
  9. Falcon1

    Pawn Shops

    I'm always leery of buying from one unless they have a gunsmith with whom they work regularly to check out what they receive. A firearm that has been through a house fire "looks fine" until one needs to use it. No, thanks. OMO, YMMV.
  10. He votes against gun bills and is either a D or an F from NRA-ILA: http://www.nraila.org//Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=715 TFA folks aren't real fond of him either: http://www.tfaonline.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1708&p=5532&hilit=Kent+Coleman#p5532 He is a Democrat.
  11. Their "Model of the M1911A1" was the only platform one of the well-known .45 "hot-rodders" (Wilson, Brown, someone else?) would use other than a genuine Colt for their custom jobs before President Clinton shut off the spigot.
  12. He is VERY anti-carry. He is "my" representative.
  13. Of course, the FBI carried their .357s with .38 Special 158-grain LSW-HP +P as well. Much more manageable under recoil, less risk of over-penetration, etc. And, unless one has a six-inch (or longer) barrel, one is probably sending a fair amount of unburnt powder into the air, too. OMO, YMMV.
  14. I still carry revolvers when I will be going to certain locations...they are easier to make "TCA-proof" for college visits, etc.
  15. Yes, I'm certain that my representative, Kent Coleman (D), is losing no sleep over what has happened also.
  16. If mental illness can be defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, what is it called when you know you will get NO results??? Oops, I'm sorry; I see that Todd@CIS already answered the question.
  17. I can see where some might say that her appointment might not violate the spirit of the wording, but it would indeed violate the wording.
  18. All I can say is, how many of the rest of us would be unwilling to release our birth certificates to lay any such concerns to rest? We had to show our two sons' birth certificates to sign them up for Little League, for goodness' sake!
  19. You answered 33 out of 33 correctly — 100.00 % Average score for this quiz during November: 77.9% Average score: 77.9%
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are all in my prayers.
  21. I agree it is odd; that does seem to be the only sign they have.
  22. ...and carry revolvers.
  23. If these are the two choices, I will definitely hope for Governor Richardson. He is very much more pro-Second Amendment than Senator Clinton.


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