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Everything posted by kimbercarry
Hey folks get real. The guy is 10 ft away. How close is acceptable. She didn't know him, gotta believe he was bigger than her, flimsy excuse to get closer and yea I would probably done the same but kept quite and not pointed the weapon directly at him until I was sure he was coming closer. I'm in my 70's, can't run or jump anymore and I'm not going to be a victim. I had rather take my chances in a courtroom than in a parking lot. If it were my wife, I would be giving her accolades for her vigilance. 10 ft and closing leaves no time to guess what he's up to, give the lady a break and try to put yourself in that predicament. Her reaction could have been different but the action she took may have prevented something a lot worse than facing a jury. You gotta hold the guy responsible for doing stupid stuff.
Fellers, our TN politicians are in bed with the Rino's and are no help in stopping Obama. Load your big guns to stay safe until we can get folks that will protect our country. God Bless Our Military.
Went to memorial hospital for test and while waiting I logged into their guest wi-fi. Typed in google and rra. Not in this lifetime, all gun related sites are verboten.
purchased a RRA 101/2 incher with the buffer tube a few months ago and It will sure make you popular at the range. When shooting with others, the novensky is a must because it projects the noise and muzzle blast downrange instead of blasting shooters on either side. A real fun gun!
VIRACNIS, I don't have a link but I had purchased an 8 roung mag for a Colt officers model and it was a regular 8 round mag with the base pad so I knew they had them so I called 1-800-955-4856 to place the order. They are made from metal.
Actually looks like "limp wristing". I have 6 pistols with 3 inch barrels, 2 paras, one colt defender, and 3 kimbers and they all run as good as my 4, 41/4, and 5 inchers. Had to send a Para P10 back for some adjustment but has been fine since.
I carry 8 round mags for spares to my Kimber "Ultra Carry" but I ordered the base pads from Bill Wilson to prevent overinsertion because if you hit the base of an 8 rounder in a 7 rounder, they will jam the slide rendering your weapon useless but it can still be used as a hammer until you can get the mag out and it ain't easy
Does your girlfriend/wife know the combo to your safe?
kimbercarry replied to glowdotGlock's topic in General Chat
Yep! But she has never opened it, she ask me to get her stuff out. -
Carrying a "Compact" 1911 - "Advanced" carry gun?
kimbercarry replied to Viracnis's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
MacGyver's right! "3. A lot of people tweak their 1911s without really knowing what they're doing. I guess it's because of the ubiquity of the platform, but everyone's first action with a 1911 seems to be to trade something out. Simply look at any "my new 1911" thread on here to see evidence of this. I'm not saying this is bad - my 1911s are custom as well - but when trading something out, you have to be committed to returning to the range and function testing." Installed a borrowed grip safety on my Lt wt commander and it would go full auto. -
Discussed this topic with a friend who is in the bug business and he will not go anywhere near the lake with anything that will kill spiders because of the EPA so we clean off the spider poo each time we go out on the pontoon.
Yep, senator@corker.senate.gov is the address I have been using but after voting with Obama on the START treaty along with several other Republicans like Collins and Snow of Main against the wishes of the people of Tennessee and the of the United States, disregarding the advise of former military leaders and former United States Ambassador to the UN (John Bolton), he has probably gone underground. Just another politician sent to represent the people of Tennessee who decides to just wing it on his own for personal gains.
Does anyone have an email address for Senator Bob Corker? So far "Google" has not produced one.
Carry in National Cemetery on Holtzclaw Ave?
kimbercarry replied to kimbercarry's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Thanks for the replies! Just another issue with with the government. -
May be a migrating flock. Sometime they will hang around feeder for a couple of days to refuel before continuing their journey across the Gulf. We leave our feeder up until freezing to help the stragglers.
I have 9 of them. The highest round through one of them is over 7K with "0" issues although most rounds are softball reloads. Some of them are OK with +P's but I carry "Federal Hydroshocks" for EDC and the 50 or so rounds fired through some of them have not resulted in any issues.
GF just toured the coke plant with her church group and was searched at the entrance by the security guys. She was chosen at random, everything in her purse was inspected and a can of "Freeze" was confiscated until she leaves. No posting. If I had been there I would have had to return to the car to wait for her because I'd be carrying. Everyone had to pass through a metal detector like ones at the airports.
Unholstering your weapon
kimbercarry replied to kimbercarry's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
You have carried for along time, what size 1911 do you carry and is it a steel version? Trigram, I am 68 yrs old. The school used 2 of my weapons in our eight grade play so that should help to establish a timeline. 50+ years ago having firearms was not a big deal. If you knocked on someone's door after dark, a weapon was involved. I carried various sidearms (usually without a holster) until the early 70's and switched to A Colt Gov Mod "Series 70" shortly after purchased a Colt Lt Wt series 70 Commander due to lighter wt and shorter slide. Both required throating to feed the hollowpoints and with the standard barrels would keep the group at 15 yards in a "syrup bucket" Carried the Commander until I became aware of the Para Ord P12 with 12 round capacity +1 in the chamber so I went in that direction and found it too heavy for my taste (accuracy great) so I looked to Kimber and fell in love with the "Kimber Ulta elite". Small package, light wt., melt down treatment, 8 rounds of .45, and at 25yds more accurate than any of my other weapons. After several thousand rounds, I decided that was the weapon for me so I purchased another one, rigged up a Galco dual shoulder rig for my "Sunday go to meeting" outfit. I carry at least 1 of them everyday in a Kramer #3 horsehide IWB. Aluminum frame and MIM parts, the only changes made are a set of Hogue rubbed grips. Purchased a "Colt" Defender, Reliable and accurate but too little too late so I stayed with the 3" Kimbers. All my Kimbers still have the MIM parts and have been dropped with resulting blemishes -
Unholstering your weapon
kimbercarry replied to kimbercarry's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
LOL Might have known you guys are observant. Yep, the incident with the wife occurred when I was married. The post covered several years although I have been accused of having both at the same time. Right on! I carry the 1911 format which is more forgiving of trapping clothes in the holster. (because of the thumb safety) It is another important point in reholstering, clear that garment! Pull that shirt tail up when reholstering, and pull that shirt up when presenting your weapon. (muscle memory) I look when I put the pistol in the holster because I can never be sure something ain't dangling. Thanks for the replies, Kimbercarry -
I read a lot on forums about people saying you should never unholster your weapon unless you plan to use it, I have seen this statement over and over and may not understand the thought processes behind the statements. My weapon is pulled from the holster at least 10 times/day for bathroom duty, eating (GF says gun butt eats up her chairs), to the shower, going to the hospital ( i have a safe chained inside both vehicles for unusual circumstances) and to bed. I have carried daily a 1911 style pistol almost 50 years without an ND The benefits are: The muscle memory is developed on a daily basis and when you need it, it just jumps into your hand (just like your car keys) without thought leaving your mind free to make better determinations. Case in point: Took wife out to dinner. When we returned to the car, someone started running toward the car from the left side of the building, his right hand was in his pocket and the left hand extended toward the door handle, my weapon was in my hand without thought (muscle memory). So IMHO, handle your weapon daily.bye the way, the fellow decides at the last minute that he had something else to do
I always have two on me at all times while at home, A kel tec rt front pocket and a Kimber ultra in an IBH . My GF questioned why I am always armed and after a logical discussion concerning recent events and the fact that I now have both knees replaced so I am less mobile, she now keeps her revolver in the same room with her.I just ordered a new IBH for her and I expect she will be carrying 24/7. 6 months ago she was terrified of firearms, now she loves shooting
Own 2 Kahrs, a PM9 & PM45. Both easily concealed and neither are range guns. Have not shot a CW9 but due to the weight I feel that it will be snappy also but think it would be a good carry gun. You may consider a larger 9mm for practice. My GF shoots my Kimber .45's for practice, it's just push rather than snap. 50 rounds are about the limit of my comfort level with the Kahr's but when needed , they function perfectly.
A quick way to locate the current drain is to disconnect the negative cable and connect a volt/ohm meter set to the amp setting connected between the battery neg post and the cable and observe how many amps are being pulled with everything shut off then began pulling the fuses one at a time until you locate the offending circuit.
Interview with John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime Question: It just seems to defy common sense that crimes likely to involve guns would be reduced by allowing more people to carry guns. How do you explain the results? John R. Lott, Jr. is a resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute. He was previously the John M. Olin Visiting Law and Economics Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. Lott: Criminals are deterred by higher penalties. Just as higher arrest and conviction rates deter crime, so does the risk that someone committing a crime will confront someone able to defend him or herself. There is a strong negative relationship between the number of law-abiding citizens with permits and the crime rate—as more people obtain permits there is a greater decline in violent crime rates. For each additional year that a concealed handgun law is in effect the murder rate declines by 3 percent, rape by 2 percent, and robberies by over 2 percent.