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Everything posted by StPatrick

  1. If DE is like most places in the country right now, they'll be willing to overlook all manner of personal oddities if they believe they can trust one candidate over the other with respect to their hard-earned money. Sure, if you were to build a perfect candidate from scratch, you'd never come up with Ms. O'Donnell - but you might prefer her over Coons. One is fairly goofy, by the accounts we've been fed via the MFM...the other is a steadfast party hack in lockstep with the current administration, who was originally thrown up as a candidate in assumption of a bloodbath vs. Mike Castle. He's not a "serious" candidate either, and if the vetting process is done quick enough, the skeletons will come running out of his closet soon enough. For example: http://patterico.com/2010/09/19/leftist-activist-in-delaware-chris-coons-harassed-me-due-to-my-political-activism/ There's the tip of the iceberg...the bad stuff about O'Donnell came out in the primary, while Coons remains un-vetted. I doubt that he'll get the white-glove Obama '08 treatment - his past is going to be mined for every misstep, and I'll bet there are plenty of those from a guy who ran his county like a kingdom and bankrupted it in the process.
  2. While at CHMR on Sunday, I had a chance to meet a nice fellow who was into competitive shooting. His warmup routine involved using a Smith 617 with a red-dot sight to practice trigger control, and he explained that keeping the dot on target through the entire pull (he used the DA) was good practice. He was nice enough to let me try it, and the utility was immediately apparent - with that setup, there's no head-scratching "how did that flyer end up there?" moments. The experience made it clear that my trigger control needs work, and this seems like a fun way to practice. So, first, is there a more economical alternative to the Smith? If so, how much am I giving up in the smoothness of the trigger pull? What are "good enough" red-dot sights for < 25 yard shooting that could easily be mounted to a revolver? Thanks again, your input is always appreciated.
  3. Speaking from some experience, the "hard" sciences (those that deal with the physical world) attract people who are already know-it-alls. I have been one since childhood, and have been a chemist since I had a career choice. Engineers are no different - they're really just applied physicists with a focus on the interactions between really big things, for the most part. Being right all the time has consequences, as you've outlined regarding his poor purchases you might have prevented. One thing most of us wannabe genius know-it-alls do have in common - and this is how you make it work- is a desire to learn how to do X better, whatever X is. If X is buying a gun, teach pop how to evaluate what is and is not important, and explain how the important variables are related: what increases or reduces price, what should you walk away from if you see it? Instead of telling him what to do, which will get the full-on mule treatment, educate him on how to make decisions in your area of expertise. Be a teacher, and see if that works. If it doesn't, blame me.
  4. Don't forget that the "peace" sign started out in 1945 as the "V for victory" symbol after VE and VJ. The scummers co-opted the symbol and inserted their own meaning. After all, two fingers in the air is easier than miming a daisy in a rifle barrel, or rolling over and showing your belly like a good doggy. If I ever decide to take the time to speak to hippies (unlikely), I think "who's a good doggie?" will be a question worth asking. They would think I'm an angry racist pawn of the capitalist system, and I'll think they're a pawn of ANSWER or the ISO (look em up, but not after you've eaten). Only one of us is right, and it turns out to be the owner and regular user of soap. I would have more faith in their peaceful and nonviolient nature if they didn't murder 20,000,000 people every time they took power.
  5. I'm glad momma deer didn't decide to intervene with playtime.
  6. I cannot wait...Buscemi, organized crime, corruption, booze, women; what else could you want? Oh, how about directed by HMFIC Martin Scorcese? It's got that too. The previews in May had me pretty fired up, I've watched the "making of" stuff on demand, and now it's finally here. Got my first 1911 yesterday, shot it today, and now this = great weekend (ignoring losses for Notre Dame and the Titans, but a win over Dallas by da Bears).
  7. That's why we have all these super-smart judges tasked with figuring out what that clause means today...it's just coincedence that they keep finding "rights" for the state while actively limiting those of the private citizenry. To sum it up in one word: Kelo.
  8. I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Holdren no matter what he says - I figure that being against any proposition a "forced sterilization" proponent is for should put me in the moral winner's circle 99% of the time. Every time this man has been confronted with a potential "catastrophe" (even when unproven), he has called for global control of individual decisions. Here's a good example: FOXNews.com - Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions
  9. Just double-checked, and it's still there. Look under shooting gear, then handgun ammo, and the s&b is listed as a featured product. Cabela's -- Handgun Ammo
  10. Sellier & Bellot 9mm FMJ is $8.99 / box of 50 through the 21st; there is also a promotion where shipping on orders over $150 is $5.00.
  11. Seeing as how others have seen the same thing, I'm curious as to why - it would be interesting to find out if there's a design / engineering reason for the assymetry. As far as the whole "put X number of rounds through it...", I'm there and then some. It is not now, nor will it likely ever be, for sale. I was just making sure that someone couldn't raise it as an issue if I ever lost my mind and decided to part with it. Thanks, TGOers!
  12. There are some fit / finish issues with my P229 Dark Elite 9mm I didn't notice at the time of purchase. I don't know whether it's something that happens during normal production, or it's actually a problem. I don't intend to sell it pretty much ever, but the pics below will show why I have questions: First, a pic of the left side - note the fit and parallel lines between the slide and frame at the rear of the gun: Now look at the way the slide and frame on the right side are not uniform relative to the left- both have been "rounded off" in opposite directions: You can see that the farthest rear point on the slide is far more beveled upward, and that the right rear section of the frame is as well (the back of the frame where it meets the slide on the right side has a downward angle, whereas the left is parallel to the rails). Is this an issue? I ask because though I love the way this gun shoots, should I ever decide to sell it, a potential buyer could make an issue of it and demand less. Thanks for your feedback, Patrick Also, yes, I considered posting this at Sigforums, but I wanted to start here, with locals.
  13. 2 things to clear up some points previous: 1. Lamontagne (the GOA endorsed candidate) did not end up winning in NH. Kelly Ayotte did (Palin endorsee), but only by ~1800 votes, so there may be more recount drama coming. Both of these candidates are very solid, so either should be able to fill Gregg's shoes. 2. While being shed of Castle is nice, Coons, the Dem who will replace him if his side wins, is considered a "bearded Marxist", i.e. he is going to be the most collectivist member of the Senate if elected. His views are left of the Dems as a whole across the board. That's worse than Castle, so let's hope O'Donnell can make a real race out of this, and the citizens of DE can be persuaded to vote for O'Donnell. Coons will not only be a disaster for the next six years, he'll be a disaster for 30 - once DE elects a Senator, they keep him in place until he dies or becomes VP.
  14. Meh...if I had to put money on it, I'd bet Atheist and take even odds on it, if there were a way of finding out. NTTAWWT. This guy has been steeped in radical leftist sewage as far back as anyone can trace his history - his God is the state, just as the Jacobins and Robespierre would have wished. Sadly for his O-ness, the French revolution failed long ago (long-term, obviously, since Louis XVI clearly got his comeuppance...), and Barry has to deal with Americans, who tend to worship a heavenly God or none at all, and don't so much kneel at the altar of the state.
  15. Ahem...RAAAAAAAAAAAACISSSSSST! /so the MFM doesn't have to...they're writing Lady Gaga stories of vital importance as we speak, and must not be diverted from that important task I will add my own: You scare me because, when confronted with empirical evidence that your plans for [insert government intervention here] aren't working, you and your cadre of advisors only decide to double down, yet I and millions of others are the "bitterly clinging" idealogues. You scare me because you campaigned as an above the fray, ultra-intelligent, suave, nuanced, leader of men, who would restore the country to its past glory, albeit by changing everything that made such glory possible. Your past record and current performance suggest you are none of the previous, except for the part about changing things. You scare me because to this point, you have been a useful idiot to Madame Pelosi and Mr. Reid. As I am sure you know Josef Stalin's writings well (yes, I know...he didn't do the whole collectivism thing right, and that's why it failed), you are familiar with the concept of the "useful idiot". If you're unsure who that is when applied to the current American political scene, look in the mirror. If you still don't understand, since you're too busy gazing upon your distinguished visage and imagining how historians will remember you, you're the idiot. You. You've been punked by an old San Francisco granny who married enough money to do whatever she wants, and a former mob lawyer. You let your fantastic vision be put into action by them, and tried to blame the right when it failed. Pollyanna just called - she thinks you need a reality check.
  16. The accident is about as unlikely as...well shoot, it's only happened once, so the poor man who was stabbed won a very bad lottery. Hopefully, archers around the country will remember to never point a loaded weapon at anything they don't wish to destroy, and learn that a nocked arrow makes a bow a loaded weapon. It's kind of counter-intuitive, since you don't think of a bow as loaded until it's drawn, but sadly, these guys have proven (in the most tragic way possible) that carrying a loaded bow pointing at your buddy is the same as sweeping him with the muzzle of your rifle. It's a situation where nothing good can happen, but for that once in million occurrence, the worst is possible. Had the bow been pointing 45 degrees to either side, there would have been a muffled "s##t...sorry man" and both men walk away. Thanks for the post - I had never considered an undrawn bow loaded, and will going forward.
  17. But but but...we are the ones we've been waiting for...Hope...Change! /I feel dirty for typing that. Until half the US voting population learns the difference between real money and .gov money, affairs as they are will continue unabated. Paul Ryan > Ron Paul.
  18. I'll just pile on here: register with gunbroker.com, so you can see actual closed auctions wherein firearms actually sold. There is a world of difference between the "going, going, gone" prices visible to anyone vs. true sale prices visible to registered members. To repeat the earlier posters even more, please read this and follow it in order to maintain your good standing here at TGO: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handguns/33631-read-first-before-posting-how-much-my-gun-worth-thread.html . For posting pictures, Flickr.com doesn't seem to play nice with this website; I've had good success with TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (single photos), and Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket for posting pictures on the trading post here at TGO. Also, if I had four shotguns I wanted to sell, and I wanted to do it without investing more than the minimum necessary free time, I'd consider purchasing "benefactor" status here on TGO. I just sold a pistol in less than 24 hours here with minimal effort, and never had to bother with a gun show, etc. Most everybody who visits this site wants more guns - it might be economically advantageous to sell them here, and keep your free time to yourself.
  19. You're smarter than I was at 23...my once beautiful Martin acoustic has so many idiot marks on it it's not even funny, most acquired between the ages of 18 and 25. The sad part is that it's not wrecked enough to have "character", so much as it looks like the owner was too dumb to take care of something nice. Good on you, Kegs. Being able to manage the stupid is a sign of maturity in my book, and somebody's got to drink the [insert beverage here].
  20. Here's one vendor...prepare to shell out the cash, though: https://shopquestar.com/shopping65/shopexd.asp?id=691&bc=no .
  21. Seeing as how you were kind enough to let me shoot your Kimber Ultra Carry last Saturday, I'd be a real jackwagon if I didn't reciprocate - shoot me a PM next time you're headed out to CHMR, and it's all yours for a minute or ten.
  22. That's a great start on my shopping list, along with 4" bobbed models. Now I just need to find the right deal... I've been using SlideGlide, and have can say that my Sig 229, XDm, and MkIII all run better (and are easier to clean) than using an oil such as No. 9. Especially with the Sig, it's great. Their pistols run best "wet", since the slide and receiver are deliberately loose, and oil will flow over time, and leave dry spots unless you re-lube, whereas grease stays where you put it. You can pick it up at Brian Enos - Competition Shooting Books, Slide-Glide, DVDs & Reloading , and the site is pretty entertaining as well.
  23. Baby steps. This is a symbolic amendment - obviously, it carries no force of law, but it does create some fun bones to pick with the feds. Despite that, you are correct - it doesn't actually do anything concrete. I will say that it scares our elected representatives, though - any amendment to a state constitution requires a pretty overwhelming amount of support from voters and elected representatives...should this thing pass, our state reps will factor it into their voting calculus. They'll have to go about their work with the realization that any new legislation passed that goes against that amendment is a direct "do not pass go" route to unemployment.
  24. +100 for G&L, but if you're looking for common handguns to test-run, post a request in the "handguns" forum regarding them, and see if there's anybody on the board that will let you shoot theirs first. As long as you provide the ammo, and aren't looking for something too exotic, you may link up with someone who'd like to help out. It sure doesn't hurt to try, right?
  25. Well, I can't show exotic woods, but I can show some serious positive traction - these are the aluminum grips Sig puts on the Elite-series pistols, and with the summer heat and humidity, they're the only ones I can hang onto while sweating like a filthy beast. Nice and slim, very grabby, not so pretty. Sorry for the crappy phone pics, but you get the idea.


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