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When you do, mention the rules for hunting hogs in Texas, which are as follows: [none]. If the TWRA really wants dead hogs, that's how to go about it - any weapon, any means, any time of day. Kill hogs with a bow? Great! Kill hogs at night? Outstanding! Kill hogs on baited fields? Allowed, if not encouraged. In TX, if your weapon is legal, feral hogs are open to anyone, no license required, no bag limit, no restrictions. They treat feral pigs as invasive species, and let their citizens eradicate them in any way they see necessary, within existing laws (e.g. no Claymores, though that would make an interesting YouTube vid). If the TWRA wants less piggies, other states have taken an approach that can be followed.
I wish you luck...at least one Memphis-area member is selling off his rifles since he can't find a place to shoot. To say it's a shame that our westernmost brethren can't even find a place to sight in a rifle is an understatement. If you can make it to Nashville at an opportune time, many members here can help you out. Sorry. PM if you have travel east.
I'm in Franklin - if you want to test magazines, I have a pile of Wilsons you can try.
And damn your dirty minds for thinking about anything but shooting a rifle! I see many pictures of folks benching rifles, or shooting from rested positions. While I sometimes shoot with my front hand supported, I primarlily shoot offhand, from a non-target shooting stance (forward lean, feet 45ish degrees away from target, to the weak-hand side). Am I weird or something? It seems like this is the most likely use of a rifle for hunting or other functions as needed.
I keep mine under $1k every year for that reason - while the .gov will spend it, I will (nowadays) save it. The $1k threshold leaves some wiggle room in case of unforeseen issues (which I'm unlikely to encounter, since I only have 1 source of income), but keeps as much of my income as I've deemed prudent out of the hands of Uncle Sugar. Those who argue that they need the big return for savings (and I know more than a few) don't need a big return - they need discipline. I speak as a formerly broke person, who has since reformed his ways.
Well, it sounds like you have all the prerequisites to be a good writer then, as all the greats have been nuts...just try to avoid the Dumas / Poe path of financial ruin or the Hemingway path of sudden and acute onset of severe lead poisoning. If it were me, and I had to pick an eventual tragic end, I'd suggest alcohol. At least there will be good stories to tell afterwards, and you can die debauched, rich, and interesting. For irony's sake, and in order to facilitate multiple biographies, you should attempt to become one of the undead once your success has plateaued.
I asked a Sig rep about it - he said August was the target launch date, so figure sometime between late summer and Christmas.
Bacon, FTW. Though I could add: The Beatles A good book, and a glass of either whisky or whiskey (if you know the difference, you know what I mean) Singing in the car - it's the only time you really sound good, and you know it The satisfaction of a job well done A good night's sleep, followed by a loooooong pee A steak done just how you asked for it Knotting your tie perfectly on the first try (rarely wearing one, this always makes me happy) Hitting the ten ring on purpose Getting the rear tires loose through a corner on purpose, and hitting your line afterwards Breakfast for dinner Rockabilly and cold beers The smell of Hoppe's No. 9 A sharp knife when you need it, right there in your pocket Found money - there's no better $5 dollar bill than the one that you just found rumpled in your pants pocket Appreciation or praise from someone you respect Polite strangers A good debate Fine [objects of your desire], be they guns, guitars, golf clubs (my weaknesses), or others as to your liking DIY anything A good dive - there's nothing more peaceful to me than being 70' underwater, being part of a whole other world ...and so many more I'm a fan of simple pleasures, and am lucky to experience many in my life. Still, and still, and yet again, the answer to the question is bacon, unequivocally.
Things do change quickly...updated: .22LR (handgun / rifle) 9mm (down to two now - another member has the PT709 now, so just Springfield andSig) .45 ACP 7.62x54r
I wish your Sadie the best of luck - I know I've cried harder for some dogs that passed than people I've known.
...And that's probably the best approach. I have no expectation that he somehow becomes Krauthammer, or Buckley, or Burke, because he can type. Let the man make a point, and forget or forgive his shameful past as you will.
Update: I replaced the recoil spring with the Wolff "Improved" 22lb spring for Kimber Commander-sized 1911s. Upon removing the original and comparing with the new Wolff spring, it was pretty clear I had an issue with the factory spring, as it was nearly an inch shorter than the Wolff. I ran several mags of WWB (same ammo that was not returning to battery originally) through the gun on Saturday, and the failures to return to battery were gone. However, I still had a couple spent casings land on my head, so there's potentially another issue in play. So - I've still got a weak extraction issue, even though feeding is back to normal. Since it's erratic, I'm going to assume the ejector is fine. Is the next logical step replacement of the extractor? As noted before, tension is good, in that a chambered round can be pulled all the way back to the ejector, and will not slip or "droop". Is it possible the extractor tension is too high? There are a lot of potential variables to go through, so if you have some insight, drop it on me. Thanks, gents.
Yeah, but it's just his BBBBBBBBUG, what with seven available plagues and such.
If you like IMAO, you owe it to yourself to visit www.aceofspadeshq.com . It's news, politics, humor, and hobo hunting all in one.
Anybody know where I can find a hello kitty stock for a Garand?
Discovery is airing a show called "pig bomb" tonight, highlighting issues surrounding the wild hog population boom. Sorry if the post isn't as awesome as the title.
There's legitimate complaints that can be made against the NRA (contests, insurance offers, LifeLock(!it's a scam!)), but they're the most successful pro-2A racket going right now. Other organizations may be more aggressive in their agendas, such as GOA, but Sarah Brady doesn't exactly wake up in a cold sweat when they come out with an official position. When the NRA speaks, legislators listen, and the gun-grabbers hit 11 on the pucker scale. I would agree with many others that the NRA has not been as aggressive as I would like them to have been in the past (AWB, Class III, etc.), but look at the current political climate...the "war on guns" is over, and we've pretty much won - now it's about squeezing out all the possible spoils of victory, without reawakening the more indifferent members of the public. The tide against gun control has turned, and credit must be given when due. 20 years ago, "shall issue" was a battleground. Now, it's rapidly becoming the new normal, and since the 60's, the general public attitude re: gun control has greatly shifted towards the NRA's positions. AK, AZ, and NH don't require carry permits for their residents - continued support for the NRA (and GOA, TFA, et. al) could make that the baseline in the future. I don't like the junk mail, but I'm confident that the NRA does enough good that I can deal with the annoyances. MAV, join up. You've taken to the shooting sports like a duck to water (your posts since you joined up here are quite impressive), and are more active in them than 95% of gun owners. For the price of 2 boxes of .308 a year, you can do your part along with many other TGO members who are already active NRA members. /No, I don't work for the NRA. If anything, I actually manage to work for a company more hated than them.
One for the Bronker: And since we're all about off-topic in this particular area of the forum, there's a website dedicated entirely to awful tattoos (sometimes NSFW, almost always gross, and you'll be stunned by how many people have dongs in their various states permanently inked on their bodies): Ugliest Tattoos - Funny Tattoos Edit: NSFW isn't quite right...it's actually NSFNP - Not Safe For Normal People. I hadn't looked at the site for quite awhile, and if you don't have specially formulated Clorox (Now for Brains!), well, you've been warned.
Where I live, that rifle would be called a "want". In Detroit, that is a badazz pile of "need". Nice pickup!
10/22? Sure, if you want to tac-ify and put toys on your rifle. For a pure no-frills shooter, look into the CZ 452 "Trainer", approx. $350 online. The 452 is the absolute best .22lr bolt gun on the planet for less than $1k, and comes in many different variants.
This is probably intended to compete with Kahr, or the Sig P290 (which isn't going to sell well if everybody else gets their new mini-9s to market first). I doubt Kimber wants to have a "cheap" pistol like the LC9 in the portfolio - they still need to maintain that "entry level luxury" image for brand integrity purposes.
It's funny...people will admit to a bunch of personal failings, but I've yet to run into someone who will admit to being a bad driver or having a bad sense of humor. Every state I've lived in, the residents looooooved to claim how people from other states couldn't drive. Reconcile that, if you can. Near as I can tell, every state has plenty of drivers who get around like a one night stand in Haiti*, regardless of road conditions, and plenty of folks who aren't funny. Neither cold, nor rain, nor everything else that the postman fears changes this, and it doesn't have any effect on their senses of humor either. *If you didn't get it, they're Unsafe F****.
I need to practise but cant find a NFA frendly range.
StPatrick replied to a topic in Training Discussions