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About StPatrick

  • Birthday 07/06/1979

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    Hugs and Unicorns

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Community Answers

  1. I don't understand how they use all those BCM parts and fail to include one of the Gunfighter charging handles. Such a good upgrade, yet not part of this package. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  2. Hornady reloading manual, latest version, still in the shrink. I already have a copy, so I'll give this away to the first person willing to come pick it up in Franklin.
  3. Anybody have a recommendation for a bluing vendor in the Franklin area? Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  4. When I saw the indiegogo page for this concept, I immediately thought of emergency preparedness and wilderness camping as great applications for this new (old) idea, which is basically to use a slow falling weight to propel an ever-finer set of gears to drive a DC motor, which then powers an LED light source.  Instead of batteries, all you need for light is a sack of rocks or any other weight.  The concept is basically the same as how grandfather clocks and large tower clocks work.   If youre interested, check out the link to their page here.  Since it's an indiegogo at this point, your money will net you different things depending on how much you spend, but much of your investment goes towards expanding production of these lights in Africa, where they're badly needed.  I kicked in a few bucks, maybe you will too.   Regards, Patrick
  5. [quote name="94user" post="1169215" timestamp="1405554892"]You're right Mac. Any rifle made with old style deep bluing and a real walnut stock will cost at least $200 more than one that has a matte finish and a birch stock. At least, maybe more.[/quote] And we can all thank the EPA for saving is from the horror of pretty guns at affordable price points.
  6. What are you guys using for overall length?
  7. I've got the Hornady, Lee, and Lyman manuals, and between the three there is a great deal of variation as to starting loads, especially regarding overall length. I'm wanting to put together light plinking loads for a 4" barrel and don't really want to spend any time doing load development if somebody else already has the answer. So: for those of you shooting 115gr bullets through a 4" semi, what has worked for you as far as light loads that cycle reliably with that bullet and Unique? Let me know if your 115 was jacketed or plated; I'm using plated so I'd want to back off a bit if you're running jacketed. Regards, Patrick
  8. ...And I don't mean the manufacturer of knives, but rather insane zero tolerance policies as enacted by school districts.   A high school student recently spent 13 days in jail because he had a 3" pocket knife in the trunk of his car on school property.  The young man is an EMT trainee and the knife was a part of his first responder's gear.  In addition to the jail time, the young man will finish his senior year of high school from home.  Zero tolerance policies are an affront to a rational and decent society.   LINK
  9. [quote name="MacGyver" post="1120882" timestamp="1394111946"]Put a credit freeze on your account. Then try and file your taxes. We're expecting up to 15% of returns to be fraudulent this year.[/quote] Taxes are already done.
  10.   I believe David wrote something along the lines of "Why we want expansion, but need penetration" many moons ago.  It was well-written, and he laid his argument out in such a way that by the end of it it would be hard not to agree.
  11. I've lived in my current home for 8.5 years.  The couple who owned it prior to me rented it, so I'm used to getting mail addressed to other people, and I recognize their names.  Today, however, I received three pieces of junk mail with names I'd never seen before:   Patrick J. Gutirrez (the first name and middle initial are the same as mine, and the last looks like a possible intentional misspelling of the more common Gutierrez) Karla Ronquillo Minor Arguello I've never seen these names before in all my time here.  At this point, I have not been subject to any thefts and no new accounts show up on my credit report.  I'm going to call the local PD to see if they can provide some guidance, but I'm sure someone on here has some experience in this area.  My guess is that someone has accessed enough of my personal data to fake legal work status and is using my name to establish a claim of residence.  I would not be surprised to find that the state and federal governments are being defrauded.  Other than reaching out to the police, what other measures should I take?
  12. [quote name="tercel89" post="1112595" timestamp="1392670441"]Will this Kit be able to reload pistol ammo right off the bat or will I need different things ? I know I may have to buy different dies and different brass case holder but what else ? I am all new to this .[/quote] If you want to drop powder directly from the supplied powder measure into a pistol case, as opposed to weighing each individual charge, you'll need a pistol drum. The measure comes setup from the factory with a rifle drum which is designed to throw much larger charges. I have not personally verified this, have just seen it in print.
  13.   The technology for doing something like that in a .30 caliber size simply doesn't exist today.  It's been proven already for artillery rounds, but they're big, they explode, and have long times of flight for communication / correction.  IIRC, there is work being done on something like what you mentioned in .50 BMG.  The advantage there is that a .50 can give up half its terminal effects for onboard chips and guidance and still have more than enough ass behind it to wreck Johnny Taliban's day at 1000m.
  14. Looks like Gunsite is expanding their Franklin, TN course offerings - last year they only offered one course.  Schedule


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