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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Past my bedtime.
  2. Haven't seen Attila--I'll check it out. Thanks. PS, I've been borrowing your Mark Twain signature line in conversations. It's a big hit. But I do give you credit for it.
  3. Congratulations on getting your HCP, especially so quickly. I need to start the Wally World circuit for some reserve ammo myself.
  4. My personal opinion...300 is by far Butler's best movie. Saw Gamer last week and was less than impressed. A poor ripoff of Death Race. And his romantic comedy was pretty weak. I believe he needs a real intese role that holds his acting interests. Hopefully this will be better. Yes I am very opinated on movies. If I like, I really like it. If not--to Quote that great penguin philosopher, Opus---PPHHFFFTTT!
  5. I couldn't narrow it down to one. So here's my favorites: S&W Model 66 Colt Python-4" HiPower SA Loaded Operator CZ 75 Compact
  6. hipower


    Nice Para, RD. A friend of mine has one and it's a keeper. I'm sure you'll like it.
  7. Go for it! I have owned a Lightweight Loaded Operator for about a year and really like it. Traded for it used and it had been abused a little but cleaned up perfectly. Feeds anything put into it and is very accurate. The only issue I ever had was a weak mag spring. A new one cured that.
  8. Check with John at Eastside Gun Shop. He is doing variety o reloads for 38"'. I"ve been very pleased with the PD rounds and their range ammo.
  9. Good idea on the StackOn cabinets--mov'em out. I'm not downing your choice; I have one of the 45 Gun StackOn Safes. It's a pretty decent safe, especially bolted down and in a concrete walled corner boxed in by metal cabinets bolted to the walls. But If I knew then...as I've since noticed on mine. I probably would have splurged and gotten another brand. I'm not real fond of the door fit on mine, seems like a little wider gap than most. Maybe it's just me being paranoid and worring about humidity and moisture buildup. I wired the safe and have 2 goldenrod dehumidifiers in it. And actually thing of putting a portable dehumidifier in the room with it. We have a running spring real close to the house and I worry about the humidity. But what the hey...it's a good unit. Just would like one of the new Browning safes.
  10. Welcome to Glock World. Have two myself--G22/G30 and getting real fond of both. No experience with the G32, but do have an XD in 357sig and agree that it's quite a potent round.
  11. Congratulations!!! God Bless You Both.
  12. I Will Not Forget! I Cannot Forget! Some may, I won't. It's burned into my memory as long as I live. Like many others, I cried unashamedly that day and still do seeing those images again. I'm sorry for those that have forgotten. I'm terribly sorry for the lack of respect given to Firefighters in general these days and that those short-lived days of thanks and rememberance for you have ended. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your commitment and service to the community. I thank you as I try to do with others when the opportunity arises.
  13. You're absolutely right. I had to learn the hard way.
  14. You misunderstand, sir. That's the basis of the Liberal Value system: Do as I say, not as I do for me. It's ok for me, not you. I know better than you, let me take care of you. Just give me all your money, you're to ignorant to know how to best spend it. And any other two-faced, self-serving platitude you can come up with.
  15. You said laser/light combo didn't you. Unless you have above average to large hands you might not care for the CT lasergrips. I put a set on my xd9sc and found it increased the girth of the grip considerably. Just an fyi comment. I should have known that since I was happy with the Streamlight unit on my 4" 357 xd.
  16. Really nice. You'll like the way it handles. I'm toying with the idea of a compact to go with the xd9sc.
  17. Yes. At least that's what my wife says.
  18. Good thing to do!
  19. Congratulations on your first gun. I believe you will like the Sigma. A solid, dependable gun. Not flashy, but will function for you. And in the end, that is all that is important. Practice with it consistantly, get comfortable with the trigger, and you'll be fine. Good Shooting to you.
  20. I've seen this weveral times and it still gives me a chill each time. Show this to everyone you can. Tell them it might just save their life by watching.
  21. Well, Bless me! I forgot the Sig 1911's.:stare:
  22. Alright, I'll play devil's advocate for you. Don't do it. You'll hate yourself in the morning. It's too big, too heavy, and way too expensive. There. Did that help? No? Then go get the freakin' Sig.
  23. Glad you like it. Seems like a gun that has a small place in the gun world. I would like to pick up one at some point as well. As you know, lots of negativity about the Judge in all its forms, but I'd consider it at least as useful as some of the monster caliber guns in production today.
  24. I'm puzzled too. The comment that you have to have an FFl to buy and sell at a profit? I'm not fussing at Strick, I'm really curious. I've not heard of that. What about anyone who trades at a gun show and gets a better deal than the other guy? Could that not be considered profit? I've traded guns that were bought sometimes years earlier when I decided for whatever reason to let go of them. Some I got ahead on and some I got behind on. And some I lost my but on because of impulse buying and hating what I got after shooting it. I know none of us like coming in behind in dealing, but usually someone does. Usually me. But no one forced me. No one held a gun to my head and said "Buy this at a great profit for the seller of I'll shoot." We all decide relative worth to us on an individual basis, if it's to high...walk away. But I'm not aware that it is illegal to make a profit, even here. Is it a TGO thing, or have we all misunderstood this thread and transaction?
  25. I'll pretty much echo the senitments of others here on the keltecs. I've had a P32 for about four years as bug and pocket carry It's light, snappy with the right ammo, pretty accurate for no sights. With practice, 6" patterns at 20/25 feet is doable consistantly. But, Practice with it! Stay used to the long trigger. Run a few round thru at each range session. As for ammo, I practiced with fmj and winchester silvertips , using the latter for carry. Then found some prvi partisan fmj; liked it better than the winchester and kept it loaded withe the pp since. I would recommend the 32 over the 380 for all the usual reasons--caliber similarity, etc, and the ease of getting 32 ammo. Had a first gen PF9 and absolutely hated it--Long sloppy trigger, harsh recoil and fte's. Sold it as fast as possible. I do understand the newer version is better.


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