This is a little off-track, so please pardon me. I have no long term experience withe the PC wheel guns, but I own 2 autos--a 945Micro and a 4013TSW. Both are accurate and fun to shoot, but a little finiky with ammo and need to be well lubed and fanatically clean to function properly. My brothe-in-law has a PC952 that is a dream and doesn't require quite the care mine do. I have handled and shot several PC revolvers, among them several Thunder Ranch variants, and a couple of 44's and a 41 mag. The revolvers in my opinion, are much better and I would, money permitting, would like to have one...or two...
Anyway, I'd put them in a class with the best of the Colt Pythons, and maybe even better. If you've got the bucks, go for it.