Mark, really glad to see the M37 survived. My wife had a similar occurance several years ago. She was sitting at a light waiting to make a left turn from the marked turn lane. While waiting, a 16-yr old girl decided the my wife wasn't moving fast enough to suit her. The teen drove her new Nissan Sentra around the left side of my old lifted Chevy Blazer 4X4; the kind with real steel bumpers; to make a Right turn. See where this is headed? About the time said teenage driver in low plastic Nissan pulls around the big, tall hunk of metal Blazer--the left turn arrow comes on.
The result--some brown paint on the right front bumper end of the Chevy. The Nissan didn't fare so well. The right side of the Sentra hung the bumper end at the top of the fender, peeled it back, raked both passenger side doors and breaking windows, gashed the rear quarter panel, hooked the rear tire and bent the axle, and finally ripped thr rear cover almost totally off the car. During this my wife is terrified she's going to run over the top of the Sentra and just locks the brake after moving a coulpe of feet...Needless to say Metro officer arrives at the scene and asks my wife to move out of the traffic, and and where is the other vehicle involved. As Susan tells the story, the officer is shaking his head and trying not to laugh. About this time I roll up(I got called real quickly, Susan was worried that my toy was hurt) look for damage and can't find anything, look at her face, look at the Sentra, and try to figure out how to tell my insurance agent about this. No one will believe it.
Anyway after the paperwork is done the young girl says her dad will really be upset. This is the second new car in about three months.
So I guess this just shows the idiot driving gene is everywhere.