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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Thanks for the info. I might try to make this one. Got a couple to walk around for a bit.
  2. Buddy, I've got to get with you soon. I apologize for not doing it sooner, but there's been a lot going on in the family and on the homestead recently.
  3. Great analogy. I think more and more are seeing it in a similar fashion. Also they are beginning to question the source, the timing, and the political reactions from the situation. For me, there is no hesitation in saying it was from the Chinese, and that the release was in an effort to damage and possibly destroy the financial position of the US and the world at large. There is in my mind, little to suggest a rational theory otherwise. As far as the political aspect...it succeeded. Trump gone. Controlled Joe in charge(supposedly), and the majority of the dems and the left are hell bent on "changing America for the better."
  4. Actually, I've been accused of not analyzing things enough. Now, I must say that we all have our opinions, and I too would like a vacation from this particular reality. But I don't really see how. I've tried the "bury my head in the sand and ignore everything" method. That doesn't work for me. I'm not particularly intelligent, especially compared with some of those here; but I see just too much that doesn't add up or make the very least bit of sense. Examples would be the CRT push in our schools, the insanity of pre-k and giving our children to the wildly leftest teachers for an additional several years of indoctrination. Others out there, but don't really feel up to going into a long tirade this morning.
  5. Jeff Cooper?
  6. LOL! Shirley you jest.
  7. Or as close as we may be allowed to get. If you've seen my old thread "Well I did something today I said I wouldn't" or something like that, you'll know I was, have been, and still am...a person who contends this is all a ploy by our Overlords. Yes, I know there is a virus. One would have to be a fool to contend otherwise. Is it the End...as some are touting? Or just a tool that was let out to start the NWO? Can't say definitively, but I think my position is as good as most on it. I have now joined the growing list of those who have lost family and friends from this. Far too many over the last 3 months to not affect my past perspective and future commentary. Reaction to the Covid-19 from my family, friends, ex coworkers and even those of us here...has been varied, to say the least. From acceptance to hysteria and to total denial. I've been the black sheep/total waste/whack-job of my family all my life, and generally regarded as a lost cause. So if I give you pause to think with some of my wild-assed opinions and comments, I've done my part to open a few eyes I hope. Now a little less morbid comment. We seem to have reached a middle ground now. Most agree that it is real, no matter its source and origin or purpose. But we are searching deeper into its birth. That may yield a few surprises yet. People have died from it. Fact. Politicians, World Leaders, The CDC, and the UN have made use of this pandemic to further a mad power grab. So far it seems to be working quite well for them all. Whether we as individuals, as a nation, or as a world...will survive and return to "normal" is still to be seen. Removal of the current leadership is a must to achieve it. For my money, it's a poor chance in front of us. Yes, I am a borderline pessimist. And getting worse by the day. But I believe everything I have written here. Whether you agree with a little, a lot, or just think I'm a fat old fool. It's your choice. Just like the vaccinations...it's all up to you. Now as to "Uncle Phil" Valentine, for many and varied reasons; I hope and pray he recovers from this. Because I like him, and will be looking forward to hearing his observations and opinions now. Ok...done. Yeah, I'm a long-winded sort. Even when typing. If you read all this, I thank you. Agree or not. Just my own opinions.
  8. Or as close as we may be allowed to get.
  9. And pretty smart under his humor. I met him once. Seemed like a nice guy. Friendly, unassuming sort. No airs of importance about him that I could tell. Prayers for ya' Uncle Phil.
  10. Congratulations! I hope you were/are better prepared than us. I thought we were good...but Biden, inflation, and taxes have changed our position somewhat.
  11. Arthur Hunnicut/Bull from El Dorado?
  12. Sometimes I think you ain't right! Lol
  13. Same here. Wife is a JW FANATIC! I couldn't begin to put a number on the times any and all have been watched here. It's high I know.
  14. LOL!!
  15. Bicycle or a buggy would be my choice. Actually an adult 3 wheel bike/ trike for this old fart.
  16. hipower

    Ruger LCP-Max

    Don't know about your saggy pants problem...but I'd suggest suspenders. Now for something real...I have an LCP with a CT laser. Had it since the LCP was first brought out. It's a bit snappy, but I think it makes a very nice pocket gun for when you run out in your primary.
  17. hipower

    Ruger LCP-Max

    I could get behind the .32 version LCP. I have a bit of 32 squirreled away. Also had a P32. Sold it in a fit of insanity. Good little pistol.
  18. That's entirely too good! Is Bezo's slick, or sick enough...to purposely design it like that? Never mind...I must read the entire thread from the start before making a comment.
  19. Profile of the one on the right puts me in mind of G. Gordon Liddy.
  20. Garufa's comment is spot on! Disturbing is a very good description for this novel. One Second After is one of the most potent and heart tugging stories in any of the EOTWAWKI I have ever read. Especially if there are any diabetics in your family or circle of friends.
  21. LOL! This has been an on-going controversy for decades. It will never die. It's right up there with the "Which is better...9 or 45?"
  22. You should! That's the best one I had. Just got a new lower from FoxTrot Mike and going to try for another build.
  23. We were called a lot of things back then; but "rich" was never one of them. Small town. Population of less than 800. We didn't make the cut for the "better" side of town. Dad was a mechanic and Mom worked at Georgia Shoe. Had to have a white collar job to be in the social register there.
  24. Slightly off track, but you brought up the chocolate pie Mac. lol The Rose Garden Cafe, just off the Smithville/Center Hill Dam Exit on I40 has excellent homemade pies. The Chocolate is wonderful, and the coconut is a close second! It's about 15 miles West of Cookeville, and for the redneck guys...about 6 miles from Baxter.
  25. I don't worry about...I use sandwich bread. Just like I did growing up.


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