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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Neither is Kneel or Prone for firing. 22 minutes? It takes me longer than that to get 100 yards in at all.
  2. Sad...but true.
  3. Caniks are beginning to be very widely accepted. A fine Turkish manufactured handgun. I've had several and find them to be just about the preferred gun for me. Excellent triggers and ergos are great for me. Rivals easily to my Walthers...and that's saying a lot for me.
  4. Nice collection of Smiths.
  5. Congrats! Good score. You are making me want to try one of them. lol Oddly I have never owned one.
  6. I think it resembles the bag from Arnold's Raw Deal movie.
  7. Hell...to be honest, I wasn't prepared when I graduated high school. It's really scary to see what most of the kids getting out today are like.
  8. Karma...you gotta love it!
  9. You know...I knew that. I can't think of why I typed Adams! Brain fart I guess.
  10. Side note...John Adams was amazing in this!
  11. I remember that craze well. lol! No...I didn't partake overly of them. I did try several times to drink one, but had to stop. After few sips I would get a terrible, blinding headache. So I left them alone. But had I thought of that alternate use, it would have made wathing the kids a family gatherings a whole lot easier.
  12. Naah. Got more than that.
  13. Prayers my friend.
  14. And that is giving her far too much credit! This person just irritates the pee out of me just by hearing her whiny screeching! I guess that's what it takes to be a media personality these days.
  15. Saw it as well, Erik, but haven't found anything in a few searches. Very puzzled. Wonder if this is why the mags are so difficult to fine?
  16. I do surely wonder at times...either Joe is the absloute best actor in the world; or this is exactly the case as in above. I really do not think the man has a clue about what's going on around him. Just too darn bizarre most of the time. Only really gets animated when he's angry, and that doesn't go well towards making me think he's Presidental material. Let alone qualified to be President or just a shill. My wife thinks Barack is pulling all the strings on the Joe marionette. Sometimes I agree. I sure hope not.
  17. Nope. lol. This was last Friday afternoon. Saw a guy in the shop buying multiple items. A Rifle(s) and Ammo. He was riding a Harley and having a hard time trying to strap the boxes on safely. Guess I saw your post and just made that connection with you.
  18. Sorry. Guess I got the wrong guy.
  19. Did you make it home with that large box on your bike? lol I was there for a while and saw part of your " struggle"
  20. Yeah I'd much rather be in that era again old man! lol. You predate me by a few months. I was at that event with my fatherinlaw and brotherinlaw. We all had a really good time. Met a lot of people and even went for lunch a beverage with a few of them. Ah... the good old days! Welcome back to the insanity.
  21. Agreed. However, my wife says I'm not "mellowing" as I should be. In my recent years, as I seem to have less and less patience with "people" in general. I guess it's a good thing I'm not ingreat physical condition or I'd be out getting into things that really incense me. I think she just may be right. Here is an attempt to paraphrase something that I read years ago, and I tend to agree with it. Much more so each day I'm here looking out at the world. People/Humanity, as a mass, as a group are stupid, useless,mindless, easily led sheep; and prefer to be told what to do and how to act. As Individuals, there are some that are worth saving. Those few "individuals" are the only reason we have survived and advanced to this point. The rest follow the leader. Me? I'm a sheep wanting out. Know just enough to be a danger, but often not enough to help.
  22. I agree! The situation is completed wacked! People are so bent by the slightest hint of disagreement with their "correct" stance that you can't even make a comment on things without being bashed and shamed. Case in point...I comment on one of the many FB threads last week on Phil Valentine's passing. I just made comments of how I'd gotten into listening, how I'd learned from him, and genuinely enjoyed his stance and life outlook. Safe enough, I thought. Well...I was wrong. As of Monday night, the last time I looked at it; I'd gotten right at 200 comments on my ignorance, being brainwashed by right leaning propaganda, being accused of anti-vaccine, and in general that I was a bad person. One went so far as to suggest I should join Phil. Immediately. There's more, but I stopped at the last one. Not surprisingly, even my lefty neighbor chimed in on the bashing. Towards the end of my reading, a poster commented that there were at that time, at least 157 poeple smarter than I was. My neighbor jumped in to comment that now there were at least 187 with him counting him. I'm still shaking my head over this situation. I never said anything past liking and agreeing withPhil on many things. It rapidly became vicious and went to the vaccine stance Phil had. Which as I remember, was basically... it's your choice. And I never even mentioned Covid or vaccines! We can't even give "other" opinions now. Must be in lockstep with the masses or you're dirt, and uneducated dirt at that. I'm beginnig to think I should just delete FB and go back to using phones as A.G. Bell intended...just to talk.
  23. What you think of the Sterling brand that's been showing up? Turkish I believe. Started to order some and hesitated on it.
  24. That's some good item info Jeb48. I like the idea of those long burning candles. I intend to add some LifeBoat/Survival Rations packs as well. I've eaten a few of them and they are decent to good, and the newer ones say they don't make you as thirsty.
  25. Listening to the radio sure can be dangerous these days. I've heard lots of stuff come across the airwaves and into my car...but never instructions to remove my willie!


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