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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Same here! But I wouldn't shoot that beauty! And getting too old and infirm to add such a treasure to the Safe Queen List. Need I also add...way short of money ?
  2. NO! Never question it! Memories are all we have.
  3. Understand oh so well how you felt! Many, many times have I done this. Now too old and decrepit to keep adding to the pile. I keep saying I'm selling. Actually have 8 on consignment at Belshire right now.
  4. I was a bit confused at first. Then...like sledge hammer to the head...I understood it! LOL!!!
  5. You know...I haven't been into an Academy store in a coon's age! Maybe I should go sometime.
  6. I bought one first because it was cheaper than any other 22 plinker I could find. After couple mags...I was very impressed and happy with it! Now after a couple K rounds. I love it! Always in my range bag with 6 loaded mags and a Federal value pack. Great pistol! Looking for a steal/deal on another one!
  7. A mere child!
  8. Actually, I'm retired and have no life. Just medical appointments. So a day meeting could be arranged.
  9. DING! DING! DING! I'll buy her!!
  10. Dan! You juat had to be in Chattanooga! Would buy now. But between the wife and myself...any distance travel is impossible for the foreseeable future. I hate to be one of those that always ask the stupid question...but any chance you might be coming within 40/50 miles of Nashville soon enough to make a sale?
  11. Buddy, prayers for your recovery! Recently turned 72. It sucks. Last few months really sucked! Pneumonia, RSV, Sepsis. Skyline. Life Care Rehab. Home Health and people who know what's better for you than you or your doctors do. Be careful and do the rehab work. Keep us informed. At least we can laugh at each other!
  12. I'd have to go for this myself if I were going to be around K-town in the next week or so. Law-a-way and pick it up in person. But travel is not on my itenary these days. Don't have a G22 anymore. Sort of liked it.
  13. As usual...I am the squirrel here. So far, I prefer the red dots. Only have one in green, and it's fine, but lean towards the red. At the moment.
  14. As usual...great work. I'm still thinking I want to get with you about doing a Bowie for me. Hopefully before I get totally decrepit and imobile. Yes...maybe I can get myself together soon and do it.
  15. Deleted.
  16. For me...the best part is what you said about building memories with your dad.
  17. If I interpreted that correctly...that's not going to happen. LOL. Not sure where it will go when I'm gone, but have no intentions of selling. Possibly gifting to one of Dad's nephews that's begun competition in long range 22 for now. I think that would please both Dad and Remy. Anyway hope that's a little further off. But never know what the Good Lord has planned for me/us. Thanks for the option though.
  18. gregintenn...there are still some suprisingly open-to-rural areas withing the greater(LOL) Metro Davidson County/ Nashville landscape. Not many. And they are going fast! Not knowing where the op actually is...but some beautiful country outside the "Brentwood" landscape. I used to travel it to get to a few customers. Liked it. But hated the time it took to get there and back when I had an average of 40 stops a day.
  19. Actually....I may have rocked that fashion faux pau...once or twice.
  20. I have to tell you...I didn't put it together last night when I first saw it! Getting senile.
  21. Lots can be said for "bigger is better"...but bigger is usually more difficult because of size, shape, weight, etc. Have several that I actually prefer over the things like the LCP, but have had one with a frame/trigger guard laser on it from CTC that I've had since the LCP was introduced. Father-in-law and I were out looking for a pocket wheelie for him when I saw the Ruger. It really appealed to me, and I'm a sucker for lasers anyway. So it came home with me. I used to think I overpaid for it(around 600 for it and the laser), but now as pricing seems to be escalating on the pocket pistols...I'm ok with it. Long round-about way of saying I like the LCP a lot, but for the last 6 years or so, it's been a Shield that I go to. Been thru all the incarnations, and currently have a PC model and an extra mag on the belt.
  22. Nice piece! Really like the Airweights! Have a 317/22LR with CT Grips. Great little shooter!
  23. Lord...why do you let this man tempt me so? I DO NOT NEED another 22 in any flavor! Thinking about it. Nice plain rifle to trick out any way you might desire!
  24. Yes...I remember your posting sometime back. We all need to take a break at times. Welcome back to the madhouse!


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