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Everything posted by hipower

  1. If my old legs could stand the trip...I might try to arrange something. But back and legs won't stand that long a trip. Plus wifey is getting into some back/hip issues now as well. I don't leave her alone for a trip that long. Probably ok, but prudence is the wisest route for me these days. I couldn't forgive myself if she fell (again) while I was out gun shopping. But...there was a time I wouldn't hesitate to do so! lol! So...I'm out on it I guess. Sad. I NEED another one of Gaston's implements! I don't have enough of them!
  2. Why do you have to be so far away and tempting me so!!?? I'd love that G48! Probably could find someone to get the rifles to.
  3. When I was in the parts business, there was a body shop in the next building up the street. I want to say there was a radiator repair service(?) in that corner building back then...1996-2008 for my time there. Just before the Picker's crew began to investigate the building. I miss that job and the people I met in Columbia. Knew every car dealer and body shop withing 25 miles. But it sure was a pain to negotiate the roads outside the city proper at times! LOL!
  4. So what's the price on the full package?
  5. We have to be proven "Innocent beyond a shadow of doubt." Criminals have to be proven guilty beyond all forms of measurement. Even then many get released!
  6. That's a nice working(hunting tree rats) rifle TG! If I didn't have a Marlin I lucked into years ago, I'd be adding a stop when we head to Knoxville soon. Have to pick up an old RCA Victrola Cabinet my brother-in-law gutted to make a bar cabinet. Wife not happy about that. It was hers. LOL.
  7. FWIW...I paid 400 for used piece of crap safe years ago. Lock tumblers came out of alignment during moving to my garage. Was never able to open it. Still here as a reminder to me. Actually I can't move it anymore with my back. Don't buy junk. Buy this one NOW! You will not regret it.
  8. Thanks for the critique. Well done. Still doesn't make me want to go. LOL! Frank Herbert is...well let's just say I can't read him and leave it at that. Put Walken in every scene and I'd go!
  9. Thought about one for a bit, but decided I like auto-loaders more for 22. LOL! Some time back I had a Taurus 22lr, in the mid 90s while I was running a sales route. Bought it one day and sold it a week or so later to another customer. Don't really remember any issues with. But did have a 4" Tracker 22 near 2010 or so. Awful! Couldn't get a decent group from it. Called Taurus CS and they sent a pickup for it. All I can say is that Taurus replaced it without comment. That was strange. Just sent a letter saying it was going to be replaced. Before I even took it home, I traded it on a 44 Tracker in the shop. Still have that one. But to your question. I would not hesitate to buy one if I came across it at a good price. I've had good service from Taurus products and their CS. The only other time I've had occassion to use CS was when the Millenium/PT line was recalled. Mine was junked and replaced with a 24/7 Pro model. A much better pistol.
  10. Now that's funny!
  11. Have 2 45acp revolvers. Love'em...not the "thump" though. Ruger New Model Vaquero with 4" barrel seems to shoot softer than the Smith Mountain Gun. But sure is harder to hold for me the the "birdshead" grip. But sure does look Purty!
  12. Pretty...might even almost say beautiful. But form and functionality must come before beauty when shooting heavy recoil loads in almost any size pistol frame. I personally, and just my opinion, prefer stock Smith Grips in most cases. Here...I do go along with your choice.
  13. Oh my stars and garters! You are causing me much lust! This is, as you know, an absolutely gorgeous pistol! The epitome of the carry 9! Always wanted something in and Ed Brown or Wilson...but always out of my price range. GLWS!
  14. I admit it, Jamie. It was a rather unique movie. I actually found a copy in a $1 each yard sale. Thought it would interest my wife with Liam in it. After watching, I decide whe wouldn't approve of this one.
  15. I've found the awnser for my wife's constant questions during a movie...pretend to be asleep! Sorry dear, but I haven't been watcing close enough to awnser that for you.
  16. I actually sat thru all of "Afterlife". Personally I saw no redeeming value in it. Wasted time. Could only look at Ricci's boobs for so long!
  17. I did something similar some years ago. Suffered thru the attachement of the unbelievable number of electrodes on my scalp. Had a hard time getting to sleep with them. That was the first night. Got all hooked up on night #2 and jerked the device off. I found it to be not only uncomfortable but discovered I was extremely claustrophobic! Mouth and nose covered. Face covered. (Old style equipment) Found I couldn't breath against the inbound air flow. I just went berserk with it. Nurse was actually really pissed, but since she hadn't started the test, I didn't get charged for the second night. I might try it again. Sometime. Have to get thru some other things first. And yes...I do understand better breathing and better sleep will help me.
  18. Very nice looking blade design on these! Just enough different to be great!
  19. Might be time to rethink all the Trillions we owe and the Billions we send out of this country every year! There's a limit. or should be, on how much we finance the rest of the world! It's long past time the United States should cut back on being the "sugar daddy" for the world!
  20. What an idiot! Just because FJB says someting...we are supposed to think it's words of truth from God's mouth!
  21. I hope not...but don't count it out of the possibilities.
  22. Great pistol! I've owned(still do) several of the XD line. Actually like the grip safety that many complain about. It really helps you to understand how to hold a pistol. And gives you training for 1911s! lol. I would go for this...but it really doesn't fill any "holes" in my small collection. At least for now. Someone needs to jump on this fast! Very good pistol at a Great price! Extra mags and leather holster as well! Can't beat this one!
  23. Novel idea! Just don't think I'm going to jump on it! LOL!


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