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Everything posted by hipower

  1. Oh my stars and garters! That's nice!!
  2. I wonder if he has a headache after wards? Or a head.
  3. N-ot sure it's ALL, buddy. Unless it's changed. I think it's 50/75/100 depending on the model.
  4. Don'e overlook Canik!!! Wise words. Canik has very good, feature packed pistols at very competative prices. Right out of the box they are fantastic. Don't ask me how I know. I'll talk your ear off!! But...as Smith says, S&W rebates are very tempting for buyers right now. Combine that with some lower prices lately and S&W becomes very attractive. Disclaimer...I own or have owned all three. For me, the 320 comes in last. S&W number 2, and the Caniks are in first place. JMO.
  5. Last Ford Show I went to was in early 2000s It was a mess even then. Could get around better on foot than in a vehicle. Even the crowd was bad that year. Almost elbow to elbow walking down the streets. I haven't been back since a trip to SMGW a few years ago.
  6. PPHHFFFTTTT! Still think it looks like her! lol.
  7. GOA / NAGR
  8. I believe that would be the fabulous Faye Duyaway when she actually looked good. Didn't age well I thought. Got thin faced and harrpish looking.
  9. I agree Doug. The sheer size of the NRA base, should be a force for politicans to fear! However, Wayne and his cronies have diluted the power of the NRA to the point that it's almost, but not quite, a useless joke. A self-perpetuating, money hungry group interested only in themselves. Until membership, public pressure, and threat of reduction in available cash makes Wayne get off his butt and try to help us. But more to the point so he can stay relavent! At least in his mind! LOL!!
  10. Moi? Shirley...you jest! ( JIC. Yes, an Airplane! reference.) You must be talking about J!
  11. Partially comedic comment there. When I found mine, I was reading online reports comparing the US MSAR to the original Steyr. At that time many comments were not favorable. But I went ahead anyway and bought a cool rifle. But this was about 12 years ago. I enjoyed it for a while and then thought I wanted something else. So I moved it on. That sound familiar? lol.
  12. Thanks guys. I now have a Walther 22 wmr. And got to meet a very interesting man and new friend to boot.
  13. Sweet! I would but already set up for something else buddy! You just can't have too many Gen 3 19s!
  14. Well Crap! You guys sure bring a fella down! When all is read here, it's quite obvious that our literary aroused plans are not going to work but for a very short time. 200 years ago, people would have had the skills to survive. Today...not very likely that the 300 million plus individual can sustain themselves for long. Might just happen the the influx of non-citizens could be better prepared to survive than us. Poorly developed countries with a population of agriarians will have the best survival rates just because of a non-reliance on technology and food supply chains. Basically it's a grow it yourself or starve situation. This will definitely be a time when being a Luddite just might leave you better off. But for a very small percentage of us, the best hope just might be for a good last meal and few pills. Sort of like the ending scenes in Soylent Green. Go to sleep remembering the best times. As I've jokingly said before; the honest truth is that in a true EOTWAWKI scenerio...I might get a couple of mags off before the end. Or at least time enough to get off 2 rounds for us.
  15. That is a sharp rifle rest!
  16. Had a tricked out 336 that my brother-in-law built. Sweet little rifle! Wish I'd never let him buy it back! But a man of your stature should just go and get a Marlin! You know you want it.
  17. If you're near my age..that's when a nickel was big money for our families. So getting one was a big deal!
  18. WTB add closed. Thanks for looking and getting my itch scratched!
  19. WAG...Patrica Hayward?
  20. I've posted earlier in the thread, but wanted to comment on OMC's post. I too jumped on the 43X almost as soon as I could find one, and actually ordered online from PSA, IIRC. I actually had 2 at the same time. Just after I got my order, I got one from a member here. The ordered version was a duo-tone as was yours. Also wanted more capacity, and ordered Shield Mags for them immediately. Thru a series of events, I didn't shoot either until I recieved the Shield mags. Both shot well and thru about 50 rounds total, without mishap. Both stock and Shield mags were flawless. Of course I couldn't get but 13 into the Shield mag, and didn't use it enogh to get a full 15 loaded up. Both pistols were as accurate than me, probably much better. But, the snappy recoil was a bit much for the old hands. I even tried a few one-handed shots. That was not a good idea. LOL. Anyway, my assesment was that I'd try again later after the liberal application of some CBD creams. So...just for s'n'grins, went out with the 43X, a G19, and aP365. Jst to compare them. As you'd expect G19 was comfortable, the P365 a bit less so, and the 43X barely tolerable for me. I did get the opportunity to try out some other things another day day. One of the Sig micro pistols, (it was a definite no-go for me), and a Hellcat and Springfield XDs. As you'd expect...all performed well. Just as they should. But...that old problem was still the issue. I couldn't get past it with the micro 9 family. Much as I liked them, it wasn't going to work for me. Felt recoil for me and my arthritis, I ranked in the order...bad to worse. 43X, Sig Micro, Hellcat, and almost a virtual tie with the XDs and the P365. That's just personal findings, ymmv. So, for now, I'm still a Smith Shield fan. So far the Shield 2.0 and the Performance center 1.0(?), are my choices for edc. Just my take on these. Thanks for watching! lol.
  21. Still here? Hmmm. PM sent.
  22. But are we ready for .357 Sig from the Scorpion?
  23. Agreed. I've not even completed the last seasons of Yellowstone. My wife loves it though, so I have to listen as she watches. As far as GOT, can't tell you how many times we've watched it. Wife thinks it's the best ever. House of Dragons is interesting to me. Hasn't gotten to the level of GOT, but is very good. Matt Smith is great in it. Hatted his stint as the Doctor. Strange.
  24. Good on ya! I was wavering on it. I have an overpaid for Scorpion 239/9mm that came to me with an aftermarket 40 barrel. For some reason, just liked the thought of a Sig barrel instead. lol Heck, I rarely shoot it anyway.
  25. My dream! Love the 3"! Someday maybe I'll get one.


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