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Everything posted by hipower

  1. OK...re; Sabaton and res308's comments. For me, ARLINGTON just tears me apart. First time I heard it, I admit I cried. The song is so strong on family and service it is just amazing. Now for Sabaton. I was not prepared for this much of a reaction. I got chills and hair standing on my arms immediately. Totally fantastic! I loved it so much. The vocals remind me very much of a South African Singer...Steve Hofmeyer. I would love hearing him sing that first Sabaton song. I'm going to hit his FB page and suggest it. Steve's voice has a bit of raspiness similar to the Disturbed singer on his rendition of Sounds of Silence. I was just listening to u-tube music videos when I ran across Steve singing Barry Sadler's Ballad of The Green Berets. I was 17 and very impressionable when I first heard Barry Sadler. I was taken in immediately by his voice and lyrics. He's still one of my favorites.
  2. We've bought the Aldi hams for years now. I can't really say how long, but they've always been great. No reason to stop. Usually would get 2 at a time, but since the immediate family is pretty small these days, one is enough. When I feel like splurging...Honey Baked Han and Turkey Breasts for me. And for our pork loving friend SNAVBA...I'll have one of your sammiches please! We've cut back on the bacon. So sad. Doc's orders. Gotta watch all those bad things now. But last few checkups are fair. I might celebrate with a BLT Tonight!
  3. I've had a lot over the years, and like most of us...for some reason they just didn't seem to work for me. Lots of kydex. Just didn't warm up to them. The best of them seem to come with the Canik pistols. jmo
  4. Correct. I sometimes focus too much on pistol buying and not the carry side of things. As such, I have several choices on my fav carry...a Galco OWB for my Shield Performance Center. I've tried several different holsters and forms...leather vs kydex, IWB Vs OWB. But this is my current choice. I won't comment on the ammo, as I tend to use my stock of various HP ammo. I haven't done a lot of extensive testing, as perhaps I should; but usually Hornady Critical Duty. If I feel the need for more powerful ammo, I have a few boxes of Buffalo Bore left. We all should get together for a holster swap meet! Might help us out.
  5. Where is that "drool" imogee when I need it! I foolishly sold one of these years ago! 'Nuff said.
  6. Very Sweet Pistols! I have 2 75 CZs and would love to have 3...but lack of funds stops my buying this one as well.
  7. I have the Taurus 942 and it's an OK, to VG Pistol. Just depends on finding the right ammo for it...and the luck of the draw from Taurus. This is my 2nd one and it's a keeper. It was replaced when I sent the first one back to Taurus. Totally unknowable as to where your shot would go. As said by GrayFox above...couldn't hit a barn from the inside with it. In spite of my long time association with Taurus products, there are still some issues from them. As I started my initial buying spree in the 90s, I bought a lot of Tauri pistols. Slowly gotten out of them but for the best ones. Now back to the OC's question on the 942, mine is good. As reliable as I could hope for, but it's not a Smith 617. I was always too cheap to buy a 617 and I've regretted it for a lon while. IMO, the 4" 617 is a true gem in 22 revolvers. In fact, I'll go one step further on this. If you are looking for an excellent 22 revolver...bite the bullet, so to speak, and get a 617!
  8. Great thing to try! I know I would appreciate it and you for this! My best wishes for your success in this. Sadly it wuld not be one I could reasonably visit, but lots of great people around you. So much hope for it to come together!
  9. Woah! I sure remember some of the frat parties where we sang that for hours on end! Or so it seemed. Could have been the wine talking.
  10. Our paths are quite similar friend. Same form and treatments. 12 year survivor right now. Have had a recent scare that sent me in for testing again. Blessedly negative. But more importantly, I add prayers for Sarah and the Grand Torino Family.
  11. You tempt me! But I have to find the Smith's I need grips for first! LOL! Really. I have an old 6" 38 that was my Dad's. In a fit of stupidity...I took the original grips off to clean it up. Lost the grip screws. Put it all away and haven't seen it since. But in my defence...I am old and getting very strange.
  12. Looks Great!!
  13. I've been lucky, or maybe simply blessed to not have had only a few small problems like this. I've had a couple of charges on my bank Visa questioned and returned to me. Of course a new card at each time. However, years ago, in my comic and toy selling days...I had Discover calling my home and my cell because of 6 identical charges within an hour at a ToysRUs. I was out on a search run for Power Rangers...yeah you can laugh. I went into the Cool Spring store and found a display of Pink and Yellow Power Ranger figures. Limited to one each per customer. I went in and out 6 times before the manager spotted me. Got banned from the store until after Christmas. Anyway, Discover was on it immediately. I heard the laughing in the background as I explained what I was doing.
  14. I don't think Metro and my neighbors would like that very much. LOL!
  15. I've been known to tear up when attempting to say it. Especially with older vets. I totally lost it a few years back when I met a survivor of the Indianapolis. And when I bumped into a Medal of Honor Recieptiant accidently. I do mean accidently too. I was walking in a hallway from a bathroom when I almost tripped over this man. Turning to apologize, I saw his uniform and then that medal. I was tongue-tied for several seconds before I could speak.
  16. I do not want to meet this guy!
  17. Off track a bit, but...you guys have any comments on the FB theories that spreading Irish Spring soap will stop deer from eating fowers and garden plants? Tempted to try it with her new flower bed.
  18. Keep repeating. I don't need this! I don't need this! But....
  19. I'm sorry to say that's right. It hurts to see where we've gone. I can't believe we as a people can forget where we are and just how we got here. Of course today may not be as pleasant as days gone by, but we still need our vets!
  20. While you vets make some very good points, I must say I disagree with the giving/recieving of the "Thank You" greeting. It allows the greatful among us to show our thanks, and for the pride we have in youfor the duties you have fullfilled and for the lives lost for us and the nation. I must admit that lately I have gotten lax in offering my thanks to those vets I can identify via caps and patches, etc., I try do do so in the spirit of love and thanks for those who did what I couldn't do for this...our country. If you find it embarassing, I'm sorry. If you find it offensive...well I'm sorry for you. My wife reminds me when she sees that I've missed honoring an identifiable vet. A father, 4 returning uncles. 1 who didn't come back, and one returnee that commited sucide. You can bet she doesn't forget to do it. All but her father were Vietnam vets. Her father... Air Force in the Korean "Conflict." Of the 4 brothers, all were in active combat situations. 3 of them at thes same time, the 4th a year earlier. 2 diagnosed with PTSD, 2 with now admitted Agent Orange issues. The suicide was one of the 1 with PTSD, as it is now identified. After years of struggling, he drank himself into a stupor. But not before leaving a short note and setting himself and his home afire. A case of TMI, I'm sure, but just explaining why we say Thank you for your Service.
  21. Hard prison time might help. Liberal sentencing and plain dropping charges must stop if we are ever to regain our safety and country. That's about as plain as I can make my feelings known.
  22. Pulled a dumbass move 3 years ago. Sold my 88 Silverado Short bed. Needed about 8K to really make it "nice" again. Even then, finding a nice replacement for it was difficult. Much more so now. Sure wish I had that truck back.
  23. Nice rig! But for reasons outlined in another thread, I'll have to say no to it. Sadly.
  24. The old story. Life sometimes sends you a " Whoa there fella" message. So have to make critical decisions on spending. Like this one...Sunday evening, my wife wanted tp go pick up mulch for her flower bed, Has a huge (at least by my standards) bed laid out. 25 ft x 65 ft, planted with wildflowers and what she calls desert flowers. So I hook the utility trailer and away we go. 60 bags of Vigero Red mulch planned. About halfway loaded and I see tires looking a bit "off." 10 more bags go on. A pop and hiss later, right side tire goes down. Then the left. Looks like dry rot. It's 6 and I'm looking at the trailer. I have 1 spare tire 5 miles away. Thought Triple A would help. Nope. Wrong level of membership. Upgrading takes 3 days to kick in. Crap! Get the HD manager to allow me to drag the trailer into the fenced area, told her I'd get tires changed out Monday morning. OK short version...ended up buying 2 new rim/tire combo and spend an hour trying to get someone to come and put them on. Local guys wouldn't touch it because the trailer was "loaded". Have to take the load off!?!? No! Got a commercial tire outfit to do the job. They came, looked it over and were done in 15 minutes. Wife's 110 buck load of mulch got me for an additional 560 for wheels, tires, and service call. That's where my spending money went,
  25. One of my reasons for looking for coverage elsewhere! Years ago, FB was great. Now...well I'm leaving them, so you can form your own opinions,


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