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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. I've been hunting with shotguns my entire life, but never owned nor shot a 16 gauge. Recently, I obtained a Remington 1100 in 16 gauge and would like to know where I can buy a set of RemChokes for it. I would be most interested in a three tube set in Full, Modified, and Improved Cylinder choke. I'm interested in shooting my new to me gun, and called Remington. I was told that they no longer made the RemChoke tubes for the 16 gauge. I've heard that they are now making the 870 pump in 16 gauge, with RemChoke barrels. I would think that these choke tubes should also fit the 1100 16 gauge barrels also. Can anyone point me in the right direction to obtain a set of 16 gauge RemChoke tubes for my Remington 1100? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. How many braved the elements (rain) and made it into the dove fields on opening day? How did the rainy weather affect the availability of flying birds? How about some opening day reports and some photos. Didn't seem to be as many TWRA dove fields published this year.
  3. Is everyone ready for Dove season? I'll ask for opinions here... and non of us are in short supply with them...what do you think is the best gun for Dove hunting and why. Will you be using a 12, 16, or 20 gauge...side by side double, over under, pump or semi-auto? Will you suit up in camo or just wear regular clothes? How about decoys, pin on the fence wire ot limbs, or the ones that the wind makes their wings spin (sometimes) or the battery powered models? What shot sizes...7 1/2, 8, or #9 bird shot? Are you using a dog for retrieval or just trying to find them in that cut corn yourself (good luck)? Where will you be hunting...private land, friends place or TWRA Dove fields? What are the best TWRA fields in Middle Tennessee? Are you planning on being out there at noon on Friday September the 1st? Finally, how do you like your dove breast prepared to eat? Good luck, be safe, and good hunting.
  4. Any idea what is going on with them, Dolomite? Got lots of hawks there?
  5. Any wild quail on your place?
  6. I used to find some good hunting in West Tennessee in the mid '60's. Guess it's all gone now. A friend and I had one farmer that was also a school bus driver, that let us hunt any time we wanted. We always gave him our game...sort of payment for letting us hunt.
  7. Is the fescue harmful to the birds or it it just not enough cover?
  8. Oh, I'll take some southern fried quail over any meat or fish! It seems there are a lot of things against the quail population, as pointed out in this thread. Hunting the pen raised ones is almost like hunting cripples and it's too expensive for me.
  9. Just in case you should want to order some (wink - wink), here's some phone numbers...1-800-327-3776 Tammy...1-800-948-8029 Rossi Customer Service...1-305-624-1115 Pres. Anthony Acitelli....1-305-624-1126 Rossi FAX.
  10. Tammy claims the "Tuffy" stock and none of the others will fit the Circuit Judge. I don't know if that's true or not. Has anyone switched stocks on their Circuit Judge?
  11. Thanks for the suggestions, most of which I have already done. At first I was hopeful that they would help me out. Then I became infuriated that they were giving me the middle finger, all-the-while pretending they were trying to help me. Now.... I'll believe they will help me when Hades freezes over! They did offer me a new gun...but, first I had to ship them mine. After seeing some comments on various forums, by others that had shipped them theirs, I figured I was better off not to ship them mine. Had I done so, I would have nothing now! They have a hierarchy of "customer service script readers", that will eventually wear you down. They're nice and polite, but no cigar! It's frustrating beyond belief. I even asked them to have someone like "Boyd's Stocks" make a replacement for me. Their company policy won't allow that. I told them if they would ship me a replacement gun...and give me the shipping number... I'd immediately ship mine with the bad buttstock. I even offered to give them my credit card number as collateral, until they received my gun. Company policy wouldn't allow that! Anyone get the feeling of a great big run-around here? They are good at it... very good at it. I've lost count of the calls I've made...some as long as an hour in duration! All I wanted was a lousy replacement buttstock. Like I said...they wear you down with...."it's on order"!
  12. Update August 8, 2017. It may be hard to believe, but I still haven't received my replacement buttstock for my Rossi Circuit Judge .45LC/.410! I haven't shot it any more either, so it's been in the closet since Rossi ordered the buttstock on October 26, 2015! I called them just the other day and had them "escalate" the call. They did and I got a call from Tammy. She "claims" they got some product in and used it to fulfill orders for people...presumably people that have been waiting longer than me. She still claims that they are "still" seeking a manufacturer for the stocks. Can any of you imagine a factory seeking a manufacturer of a needed part for two years? I don't understand how they stay in business. I'm at their mercy...which also seems to be in short supply at Rossi, and don't know what else I can do. This gun only has around 50 rounds through it, if that many. It did come with a pistol grip that I could put on there and shoot it. But, I want to keep the round count low, because as soon as I get a new stock on it, I'm going to trade or sell it.
  13. It does seem that everything is against the quail. I've even heard that turkeys will destroy the nests and eat the newly hatched birds. Being a ground nesting bird puts them at a big disadvantage also. I've also heard that fire ants have destroyed the quail in some southern states.
  14. I have never seen the house cats get a quail, but a friend of mine and an avid bird hunter says they do. He also told me that he watched a hawk take out a few from a busted covey... some in mid-air!
  15. I grew up on a farm in the '50s. We had three or four fairly good sized coveys there on the farm. One covey had an albino in it. We wouldn't shoot into it. Later, there were other birds with albino white spots on them. I went into the military, so I have no idea what happened to them. My cousin owns the farm now and every inch is in row crops... no thickets, no fence rows, no sloughs, and no small stream through the middle of it anymore. Probably no more quail around there either. I love wild quail fried in a black iron skillet, like southern fried chicken. Last time I was home, I had some in a restaurant... didn't even taste like quail. I guess those days are long gone.
  16. Are there any wild quail left in Middle Tennessee? Loved hunting them as a teen, even though they would scare the daylights out of me when they would explode in balls of feathers, upon being flushed from a fence row or thicket.
  17. Hey Shotgunner, it's never too late to hear about experience in the field. I've heard that if you're saving the hides, the .17HMR makes a small hole going in and explodes inside, without exiting on the other side of the hide. I just put a better scope (BSA Sweet 17), but haven't had a chance to sight it in yet. I'm anxious to see what it will do in the field. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  18. Dear Santa, I hope Roudolph can find my place to drop my new Rossi Circuit Judge .45/.410 butt-stock down the chimney. I'm hoping the weather and visibility are good. You can easily recognize my place by peeking through the window. It will be the one with the skeleton (me) sitting at the computer keyboard, anxiously awaiting good news from Rossi and Mr Anthony Acitelli, or even Tammy, that "Santa's on His Way"! We thought it was coming last Christmas, and when we heard "Sleigh Bells in The Snow", grandmaw ran out to get it, but got ran over by a Reindeer! It's been rough, waiting since last October. What's the matter Santa, are those Elves slacking off and demanding a $15 an hour minimum wage, and some of that Obama Care? I won't lie to you Santa, I've been almost good this year, but will try to do better next year, if you'll just bring me that Rossi Circuit Judge butt-stock. Also, I promise not to tell Mrs Clause about that young divorcee, Mrs Rossi that showed up by her Christmas tree in that negligee, with cookies and milk! Wink-Wink! Santa, if you need Mr Acitelli's phone number it's 1-800-948-8029. Now, get your fat butt over there and get my butt-stock..... please! Merry Christmas and Ho - Ho - Ho!
  19. Glad you pointed out that the tactical stock is shorter, Danger Rane. I've got pretty long arms, so I definitely do not want a shorter stock. The wood stock is shorter than I'd like. This gun would make some kid a great "first gun" Christmas gift... if I had a new stock on it. The cracks in this thing are so small, they can barely be detected by the eye... if you know they're there. But, I know they're there, and in my opinion, it would be dishonest to unload this on some unsuspecting person. I'll continue to eat the problem until Rossi comes through with a new "wood" buttstock for me. Then it's going to be traded or sold!
  20. Thanks for the offer, Danger Rane. A side by side comparison might be the best way to tell if the receivers/frames are identical. Did tour "Tactical" model come with a pistol grip? Mine did. I could put my pistol grip on it and just blow ammo through it, but don't want to do that. I'd like to keep it below 50 rounds through it, so I can trade/sale it when I get the replacement stock. In talking with "Tammy", a couple of days ago, I'm doubting they would even send me a Tactical stock... after all the fitting problems they're claiming. Also, if I did the tactical furniture, I'm wondering if they would give me the fore-arm also.
  21. Yeah, it's hard to tell what's going on down there in Florida. It's inconceivable that any major gun manufacturer would give anyone this much runaround if they had a stock in their warehouse. We talked again about their offer to replace the whole gun with a new one. The offer is still good... with these limitations: First, I have to ship my gun to them, for evaluation, on the shipping label they sent me. Second, they cannot give me an "expected date" of shipping a gun out to me, as they have none in stock. Third, Tammy says there's "others" ahead of me in the que for both buttstocks and guns! At this point in this fiasco, I honestly "do not trust them" enough for me to send them my gun first. They have not earned my trust, nor anyone else's that I can tell. I like the idea of the personal letter, but if they're telling the truth, and have no buttstocks, it probably won't do any good either.
  22. No, I didn't. She said I could not "escalate" my call up to the Pres/CEO Anthony Acitelli. Same song and dance as before.
  23. Has anyone fitted the Rossi Circuit Judge-T (Tactical) buttstock to a regular Rossi Circuit Judge 45/.410 manufactured with a wooden stock? Just wondering if the manufacturer (BrazTech) changed the design of the receiver, or if there's that much deviation in each receiver? Would like to see pics of these two receivers... without buttstocks installed... side by side. Any help is appreciated. I've been waiting for a replacement buttstock (wood) from Rossi since October of last year!
  24. Yeah, it seems the best set up for them is a wooded area adjacent a housing development. That way, they can pick off outdoor pets anytime they're hungry.
  25. Just got off of the phone with Tammy, from Rossi Customer Service. She did not offer any hope that I'd be getting my buttstock anytime soon. I asked her about them sending me a "Tactical" stock, as they're unable to come up with a wood stock. She claims that others have tried it and either damaged the stock or the receiver, due to it not fitting properly. Has anyone on here been through this process successfully? If so, is the tactical stock the same length as the wood stock and did you have to do any fitting to make it work?


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