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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. I guess many are trying to get to a round that gives them the most performance for the least cost, especially if they can reload it. I'm hoping to find a .17 rem that does a great job on Yotes, according to the forums on the Internet. Anybody got one for sale? Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  2. Thanks for posting this great picture of your son and his yote. Congratulations to him! He did a good job. I know you said he was deer hunting... but did Willey the coyote just come trotting by, or did he do some calling? Right now I don't have any woods available to me, except the WMAs, and I'm a bit concerned about the "novice SOUND shooters", that may shoot me for a deer! I'm looking for some private land in the Middle Tennessee area. Can't wait!
  3. I've recently taken a keen interest in doing some coyote hunting, even though I haven't done any yet... but I want to. Naturally, I started the quest for the ideal "Yote Gun". I've researched the sites on the Internet, and the threads here, looking for all the information I could find on the .17 Rem round, and the guns that shoot them. As Sheriff Beaufort T Justice said in Smokey and The Bandit, "I'm in hot pursuit" of one of these .17 Rems. Got one for sale? Know anybody that does? Is there anyone out there with experience with this caliber of gun in hunting coyotes? If so, what do you think of it for this application? Is it the ideal weapon for this application in real life, or is some folks just blowing smoke on some of the forums? I'd love to hear of some hunting details using the .17 Rem, and what gun you have it in. Thanks for your input in advance. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  4. Looks like the best thing to do is make friends with someone that has a large land area farm. Those kind of farmers probably has livestock they would like protected from coyotes. I'm looking for one that will let me hunt on their land myself. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  5. Somewhere back up this thread, I believe someone said they couldn't find "Weasel Balls" anymore. I just bought one tonight at Cracker Barrel, here in Murfreesboro, for $8 plus tax. They had seven or so of them in stock. Not sure if this is the right weasel ball or not. It takes one AA battery that spins a weight inside that causes the weasel to appear to chase the ball. Not sure how much it'll jump around on rough ground in yote country. Maybe if it doesn't work right, I can remove the weasel tail and put it on a coat hanger or something. Also saw a "Foxpro" caller at Dick's. That sucker was 200 bucks ($200)! Yea... it's beginning to get expensive! But, someone please help me find that used .17 Rem at a reasonable price. Thanks to all who is educating us "newbies" about the fun of youe hunting. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  6. Thanks Jcochran88. It doesn't sound like many gun manufacturers makes a gun in the .17 Rem caliber. I'd like to find a used one in the $250 - $350 range, in good shape... probably me and a lot of other people too, huh? Do you have one, and if so what make is it? Is Remington the only one to make one? If they're selling barrels for them, some manufacturer has to be making them in some quantity at least. I'm looking for one, if anyone has one for sale...at a "reasonable" price. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  7. I do have a Savage short action in .243, but it's a nice gun. So, I'd rather try to find a used .17 Rem, and buy the whole gun. I saw a Stevens .223 for sale today. Who makes a rifle chambered for the .223, and barreled for the .17 Rem? I am fascinated by the idea of the .17 Rem for shooting yotes. I hope some others that use it will chime in with their stories about their experience in using it in coyote hunting. Does Walley World or Dick's sell the ammo? I don't have any rifle ammo loading equipment right now, so I'd have to depend on factory loads. From the response on this thread, it looks like a lot of people are interested in hunting coyotes. Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen Fred Thompson
  8. Grimel, you guys started started something with the 17 Rem. I stayed up until 3 AM researching that bad boy! That is an impressive round. Does Savage make one? I don't want to pay big bucks just because it has a fancy stock! Thanks again, for all the information. This is the best research available... you guys have real life experience at hunting these "yotes"! Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  9. Excellent idea! Bring it on. No review of a product to be as truthful and accurate as one that someone just laid down their hard earned cash for. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  10. Sorry Tbuford, can't help you on the antler mounting. Just wanted to congratulate you on the two bucks. Looking forward to seeing those pics. What kind of gun were you using? congrats! Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  11. Man! there's a lot to learn about hunting the yote! Sorry they got your dogs Grimel. But, it sounds like you've had pretty good luck whacking your share of the coyotes! That's one of the reasons I wanted to get into hunting them... because they eliminated the bird hunting around here in Middle Tennessee. I'm not familiar with the 17 Rem round. Are you talking about the 17 HMR in .22 Cal. or something altogether different? I can see where the shotgun would be faster when they move in fast. The only shotguns I have that shoot 3" shells are in 20 Ga. Do they make the "DeadCoyote 3" T's in 20 Ga, or is it just too light for the job? Maybe a Savage model 24 over/under would work OK. Just trying to figure out what I've got to do the job...without getting into that expense you were talking about! I guess you have to pay to play! If the pelts around here are no good, no worry about blasting them away, I guess. Thanks for the info on the Foxpro. I'll check out the net for the best bang for the buck. Are they pretty rugged, as far as getting rained or snowed on... getting wet? It might be more expensive than deer/turkey hunting, but it seems like it's as much fun...if you're good at it. Thanks again, and keep the free information coming. I soak it up like a sponge, and appreciate every bit anyone is willing to share.
  12. Grimel I can just hear the fun you have coyote hunting in your words. Thanks for the additional advice. I hadn't given the shotgun much consideration, even though I have a couple in 20 & 12 gauge. From the videos I've seen, it looked like a lot of them would hang up out at about a hundred yards. Do you have experience with a particular electronic caller that you like...including the price? Do you use a ground blind or blend as best you can with the natural surroundings? I hear they are even more wary than a buck. I was hoping to be able to use my little savage .243 with a scope, to nail them when they decide to hold up a hundred yards out. It doesn't surprise me that the Tennessee pelts are no good. Are they infested with fleas, ticks, and such from our warm climate? Thanks for your response. I'm trying to learn all I can about coyote hunting. May be wrong, but believe they have possibly contributed to the decline of quail and rabbits in this area.
  13. Thanks for that good advice Right-Winger. I'll get started on that right away. I'm one of those older gentlemen, so maybe I can fit right in. Been hunting all of my life, since the 50s, but never hunted coyotes...never saw one, except in the cartoons, until the last 10-15 years. It just seems like it is hunting one could do year around, and it's helping someone out at the same time. I've been checking out some of the mouth calls at Dick's Sporting Goods, here in Murfreesboro...any suggestions? Thanks again.
  14. Anyone in the Murfreesboro-Lascassas area that has successful coyote hunting experience that would be willing to share some tips on how to get started? Mainly, on how you find hunting areas, other than WMAs, and what is the best approach to get permission to hunt on a farmer's land. Are most agreeable, or are they afraid you'll shoot their livestock or private deer stock? Do you get written permission to hunt on their land, or is a verbal Ok good enough? No doubt it's best if you've known someone for a long time, but nowadays that's near impossible. Do you find it best to hunt alone, or with a partner? I guess the pelts are saved in the winter. How do you dispose of the rest of the coyote carcass? I realize there are some DVDs and other information available, but I'm primarily interested in hunting here in the Middle Tennessee area. Thanks, and any info will be greatly appreciated. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  15. Congrats graydw1, that's a nice deer! Would be interested in hearing about the gun & ammo used, and details on the distance of shot, if you'd care to share it with us. Were you shooting factory ammo or hand loads, and if so, what was the load used? Thanks for the pics. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  16. I've used 0000 steel wool and Hoppes #9, with good success. Use very light strokes, in a lengthwise motion... don't twist it around the barrel. Moisten the steel wool with the Hoppes and go over it 4 or 5 strokes. Feel, by sliding your fingers over it, to see when the roughness goes away. When the roughness is gone... stop right then! Wipe it clean, and use some good grade of gun oil. I used Rem Oil from Walley World. I got excellent results. the Trick is not to go at it too hard with the pressure.... very light pressure, paying attention to each stroke. Keep all of the strokes in the same direction...length wise. Good luck, hope this helps. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  17. Yes, I know this is an old recall on the Howa 1500, 1550 and, I believe, 1700s. But, I just bought one (Howa 1500 in .243 cal.) last week, that when the serial number was checked, they said it had not been complied with... after all these years! Sorry, I don't have the link and all the specific data right at hand, but if you'll do a Google search, it's easy to find. It has a warning, in red lettering, that says do not fire the gun again until it's been complied with! The recall (bolt sleeve replacement) is free. They even send a postage paid free mailer kit, but you may want to put some insurance on it. The lady on the phone told me about three weeks turn around time. They send it to Tulsa Oklahoma, I believe< for the fix. Sent mine off last week. So, maybe it'll be back while some of the hunting season is left! Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  18. Again, thanks to everyone that shared their knowledge and experiences with the .243. I'm happy to report that I'm the proud pappa of twins... .243s, that is! I bought a Howa 1500 in .243, and a Savage model 10 in .243. I haven't shot either one of them yet. I was doing some internet research on the Howa 1500, and found a safety recall on the bolt! Actually, it's quite old, but my bolt hadn't been modified. So, it went in the mail today... supposedly to be back in three weeks. (fingers crossed on that timing) But, I have the Savage I can shoot, once I get the scope sighted in. If you know anyone with a Howa, please tell them to check to see if the safety recall applies to their bolt. They warn not to shoot the gun again, until it's complied with! It's a free fix... they even send a postage paid mailer kit. I had mine insured with a receipt notice, all for less than $10.00. So, thanks guys. I'm no longer looking for a .243... just ammo! It seems the beginning of deer season wiped out the Wal-Mart supply! Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  19. Well, being as we have hijacked the heck out of this guy's thread... here's more on rifles...specifically .243 rifles. Just bought a Howa 1500 in .243 a couple of days ago. Gun looks good, but haven't shot it yet... and won't get to for some time! I got on the net poking around and found a safety recall on the bolt! Called my s/n in, and sure enough, it hasn't been modified...fixed. The safety recall is quite a few yeard old, so I'm thinking, surely mine has been done, but it hadn't been! Fortunately, I don't have to send the entire gun, just the bolt. They send a "free" mailer package, and the work is free. You're just down the creek about shooting your gun for 3 weeks to who knows how long. So, if you have a Howa bolt action, or have friends with one, the gun is not supposed to be fired again... until the bolt has been modified!!! I don't have the link, or i'd post it. Other than that little surprise, are there any others that any of you Howa 1500 owners know about? I'd be interested in any comments good or bad about the Howa 1500 .243 from someone that has actually owned one, and shot one a lor... especially in a hunting (deer or coyote) situation. Thanks. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson
  20. Congratulations to this young guy. His dad has him started on the right track.
  21. I'm in Middle Tennessee too, and curious about coyote hunting... would actually get started doing some. What do most of you use as far as a gun and what round for this? I've been looking for a .243 in hopes I could use for both deer and coyotes. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks.
  22. Thanks Cherokee Slim. Looks like you've got the pork chops on the way! Yea, i've talked to the guy at the Murfreesboro Old Fort WM about the gun. They can order me one with scope for $375 plus tax and TICS. So, out the door with a brand new gun is a tad over $400, so maybe that's what I'll have to do. I was just hoping to either work up a trade on my sharp Marlin .30-30, or else buy one outright in the used condition. I'd like to get one all sighted in before the opening day of deer season. If you know of anyone willing to part with theirs, I'd like to take a look at it. Thanks again.
  23. If you want to sell it, I'm interested in buying or trading. PM me. Thanks... I'm looking for a .243.
  24. Thanks for the information. I've recently checked into this at the WM in the Boro. I can order a Svage Model 110 in .243 caliber, with a scope for $375 plus tas & TICS. This is the synthetic stock model. I'd like to find one like this in excellent used condition. The one mentioned earlier in this thread was sold locally. I sure hope you guys will help me find one within a reasonable driving distance of Murfreesboro. I'm convinced the .243 will fill my needs. Now, just to find a good one. Thanks guys. Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Senator Fred Thompson
  25. Warbird, I appreciate all the information on the .243. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm trying to triangulate a little bit here. I'm wanting a rifle that shoots a suitable round for coyotes, one suitable for deer, and one that doesn't break the bank to shoot. I believe the .243 would fill those three requirements just fine. A friend of mine reloads .243 which makes it even better. Now, if I could just find a nice one for sale... in the Savage 110 .243! Why is it called common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson


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