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Recently, I've become interested in the Thompson Contender variants, but don't know much about them. I could spend hours on the net ferreting out the information on the different models and their average value, or I could count on the vast knowledge base, here on GOC. I know they have been around for awhile, but don't know the differences...improvements, if any. I've heard prices all over the board. Are the later models worth that much more than the earlier models, and if so, why? I'm not bashing them...cause I'm interested in one...but, what can be done to a break barrel gun to make it worth two to three times what another model is worth? My interest kinda run toward the smaller calibers, like the .222, .223, .17, .22 Hornet. How accurate are these calibers, and what is a realistic range on, for instance, the .223? Thanks in advance for the information. Facts...and opinions are good too. They're kinda pricey, are they worth it?
Beretta Bob, all of my pellet guns will only allow one pellet to be loaded! Don't know of any pellet gun that loads more than a single shot. Enjoyed the armadillo story... bet the video would have been better!
Hope you get to put him in your freezer this season, Dave.
Graycrait, your point is well taken. When these guns were in their heyday, they were reasonably priced, and everyone hunted in the woods or fields close to the house just to put some meat on the table. In those days, there was very little talk about "sport hunting", and more about what you had in your freezer. Back then, wild game of all types greatly supplemented the home raised poultry, pork, and beef to feed the family until next year's hunting season rolled around again. These little guns have done their share to 'fill the freezer", dispatch the varmints... both two and four legged types, and also provide a little friendly competition when a spur of the moment challenge arose among the good ole boys. I love mine... just need more spaces to put them to good use in. I've spent many hours just sitting...leaned back against a tree... enjoying the smells, the sounds, and the beauty of God's creation. Beats the heck out of indoor video games for a young boy...or girl!
Runco, If you know where there are Savage 24s for $250, please send them my way! I, also, own a Savage 24 chambered in 22mag over 20 gauge, and about seven other different variants, including the "holy grail" of Savage 24s, the Savage 24C Camper's Companion. I've been looking for one chambered in the .22 Hornet on the rifle barrel, but have not found one at the right price so far. All of my Savage 24s have wood furniture. Those older ones with the "plastic stocks" are actually Tennite stocks...and many of the stocks are warped from being in hot trunks or truck cabs! So, check it out carefully if you are buying one with Tennite furniture. Just curious, what have you had the best hunting results with, using your .22mag/20Ga....squirrel, rabbits, coon? Have you had any luck on coyotes with it? Obviously, I like me some Savage model 24s. I have one in .30-30/20Ga. that I bought from a grandson, whose granddad had bought new at a hardware store. The grandson had harvested 19 deer with it since he acquired it after his granddad's passing. I told him I'd take extra good care of it, and I have. Maybe we should start a thread about Savage 24s.
Enfield, I've actually held one of these in my hands. I'm a Savage fan, and own a number of Savage guns, but this one just looks like a cheap gun. Too much plastic... I believe the sights are plastic... or at least the front sight! Compared to the original Savage model 24s, it is a piece of junk...IMHO.
Astra 900, I realize this post is over 5 years old...but, I'm curious about the current prices on these little guns. What are the worth today? I realize there are some pretty amazing "asking" prices out there on the auctions. I also realize these prices vary considerably, depending on the season, and what part of the country you're in. I'm talking here in Middle Tennessee, in November of 2013...what do you think one could be bought for? Thanks. Nice Scouts, by the way.
What does a nice "lightly used" 20 gauge Citori O/U cost these days?
Congrats to both daughter and dad. You know you've got to mount that head! It'll be a conversation piece for "her" grand kids! You're a lucky man. Shawn.
So many of us, that used to take that for granted when growing up ...as we could practically hunt anywhere, sure appreciate every chance we get to do that these days. We were lucky!
Who knows! Ammunition may be the currency of the future! I feel it's pretty hard to have too much...JMHO. Plus, it's always nice to have extra ammo when the urge to shoot hits.
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your wife, Shawn.
Oh, one exception that I've heard of. I believe the M1 Garande uses clips that eject after all of the live rounds are fired. I don't own one, so I'm not absolutely positive on that either. I'm like Schultz on Hogan's Heroes..."I know nothing"!
Musicman, I don't know, as I'm not a gun expert... just a gun lover. But I'm no spring chicken, and I've always heard that anything bigger than .22 is called a magazine, and that all the .22s were called clips. Maybe some of the qualified gun experts, which I am "not" one, can tell us why the .22 mags are called clips. Sorry, I don't know.
Thanks to all who commented. When all of the numbers are shook out, it's easy to see why there aren't a lot of them out there. It was a thought, but I think the fever has cooled down a bit! I have a Savage bolt in .223, that ought to do pretty good in the predator hunting field. I also have a Savage 24 chambered in .22 Mag., so I guess I have the bases covered.
Went to the show Sunday afternoon. Got the ammo cans I needed... but, when I factored in the $10 entrance fee, I paid $64 for 5 ammo cans, and I got a $5 discount. No one had the mechanic's (tanker's?) larger bag I was looking for... not one in the whole house. Was also sort of shopping some Savage 24s... didn't see one in the house. Looked for a Ruger MKl magazine (I guess it's technically a clip as it's a .22), but only found a MKlll for $37.50. Did not see a lot of walk around guns that I would be interested in. Talked to a lot of good people at the show, most said this was a slow show for them. I noticed that some of the "usuals" were not there today. Saw SKs priced around $500. Saw one box of Federal .22LR 325 round Match Grade" priced at $37.50. Didn't take anything to sell, but believe I could have sold something. Overall, I was a little bit disappointed... but, prefer it to Nashville hands down. I'm not complaining, just pointing out some facts for those that didn't make it. Yes, of course, I'll gladly go back. It's good "cheap" therapy!
So, now that the first day of the show is over...what's the verdict? Good show...bad show... or just so so? How about the prices...pretty stable or high? How about the ammo situation...loaded rounds and reloading supplies...plentiful...decent prices? What say you? Large crowd or lighter crowd? people are probably concerned about money, I know I am, with Christmas and the holidays just around the corner.
I appreciate that tip Musicman, but... I just might run over to the gun show after lunch tomorrow. That way, I can pick out the ones I want, if they still have them. I'm also interested in one of those canvas mechanics bag, larger than the one I have. Should make a good range bag for just plinking with the Ruger .22s.
Thanks, I may not be calling them by the right name. I'm needing a couple of the smallest (I thought was 20 MM), and I need about three of the next larger size (maybe 30MM?), and a couple of the next larger size... maybe 50MM? I may have to just drop in there tomorrow after lunch. Just trying to get an idea of how much they were going to cost me. I saw a sticker on the biggest one I have for $15, so the rest must be below that... unless they have had a big price increase. Thanks again, Musicman.
I'm thinking about going over there to get some ammo cans. Anybody remember what the 50 cal cans sell for? I think it's the 50 cal. It's the next larger size than the smallest one...20 cal, I think? Anyone remember the price on the small one? I'm pretty busy, and don't have time to "enjoy" the show... more like a run in, get them, and run out thing. Hate to burn $10 just for that...without being able to take in the show. maybe I'll have to catch it next time. Ugh!
Did Savage make a bolt action in .22 Hornet? If so, what was the model number? What was it mostly used for? Anyone here real savy in the .22 Hornet in any make and model? I've taken an interest in the .22 Hornet, and would like to know a lot more about it. Why isn't it a popular round today? Anyone with any experience with .22 Hornet in the Savage 24 combination gun?
Frank, do you hunt with one in the woods? If so, any problem with back glare? Which red dot do you use? What gun do you have it on?
Jonnin, I appreciate the information and the link. It looks like this might be a possibility. I'm probably being too selective in trying to find something with a low profile on top of my MK lll Hunter, that isn't too expensive, and at the same time will give me a good sight picture in bright sunlight. Maybe something that would allow me to make a head shot on a squirre,l in the average tree height for Middle Tennessee. The same for other small game, whether in a tree or on the ground... maybe even stick one behind Mr. Coyote's ear, if he happens to wonder by at close range. Maybe my wants are of champaigne taste, but my wallet is of a beer budget! Thanks again.
Very nice rifles.
Dolomite, I have two or three cheap red dots laying around that I might try just for grins. I'll probably have to spend some time in the field and woods to decide if I want anything, other than the factory iron sights. My old eyes might need a little help... we'll see how they do on Mr. Squirrel, or Brer Rabbit. Initially, I was thinking crosshairs and magnification, but thanks to the hands on experience of the informative TGOers I've kinda side tracked that idea.