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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. I was lurking on a TC site that has classifieds, and noticed that people would state that their frame was a pistol or a rifle. I was not aware that there was any difference between the Encore receiver on a pistol and a rifle. Can someone educate me on the differences? Pics would be great too. Thanks.
  2. Wal Mart on Old Fort in the B'oro has CCI rat shot (shot shell) ammo in stock. Kinda pricey though. Three boxes (20 count per box) cost $29.95, after taxes. CCI doesn't have the crimp on the end, like the old rat shot...they have a plastic round nose...may feed, I don't know. But, at close to 50 cents a shot, you may not want too many of them feeding!
  3. WK05, thanks for your reply. I can't remember, but I think my contender is around a 1979 year model. Mine does not have the "easy open" frame, as the pivot pin is all the way forward. If it's closed with any force or speed, it's a bear to get to open! More questions...there seems like there always is...can the longer barrels (16" or longer) be put on the earlier TC Contenders to make a carbine in rifle calibers? Some have said that the "split locking lugs" would make my Contender open much easier...any thoughts on that? I see a ton of barrels, in all calibers, on eBay. But, I'm worried that some of the hotter calibers, like the 220 Swift, 22-250, and some others may have been shot out...especially if hot hand loads have been shot through them. Have you encountered any TC Contender barrels that were shot out? I was hoping that I could find a barrel locally...that I could actually put on my frame, to make sure it would fit properly. How do you tell if the barrels don't fit properly...will the gun just not lock up, or is there something else to look for? Thanks again for your help.
  4. I have an older TC Contender...it's not a G2, so I guess it's the earlier model. I have a .22 Hornet barrel on it, that will handle small game and varmints. I'm looking to purchase a larger caliber barrel that would fill the bill for larger game...up through deer, and give me longer range at the same time. I'm thinking nothing smaller than .223, and probably something like .30-30, .30-06, .35 rem, or maybe a pistol round like a .357 Mag...and a 14" barrel.   Now comes the confusion! I've spent countless hours on specific forums trying to educate myself on exactly what barrels will fit my earlier Contender. Some say this is very restrictive, on the earlier model Contenders. Others say many of the barrels will fit the older Contenders. I know some barrels have a one piece bolt lock, and some have a split bolt lock. Which ones will fit my early model Contender...I want a longer barrel, so will a Super 14" barrel fit my gun. What is the difference in a regular 14" barrel and a "Super 14" barrel? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. I quit doing business through Pay Pal years ago, when someone stole my credit card info and was buying stuff. Credit card company called me and asked if I had made certain purchases. When I told them that I hadn't, they said we're cancelling your card immediately, and sending you a new one with a different number. They said they immediately noticed when my shopping habits seemed to change. This was years ago...don't know if they still have time to keep track of customer's spending habits...probably not.   Anyway, I use only US Postal Money Orders these days. If someone on eBay won't go that route with me...I don't need their product that bad. It costs me a little more, and I have to wait longer for the item, but feel better about it. May not work for everybody, but for now, it works for me.
  6. Heard another angle from someone that works at Wal-Mart tonight. This individual said it was no hit job. This individual said the two that didn't get killed was from Chicago. Said the two that got killed didn't have their guns cocked, but told the two in the car they were going to take the drugs and not pay for them. Said that the two in the car had their guns ready, and as soon as the two that got killed drew their guns the other two started shooting. Apparently, one of the two that got shot got off a round that struck one of the two in the car. Supposedly, they had to take him to a hospital for medical treatment, and he gave up the other one at that time.   This makes two versions of the same crime I've been told from inside WM, so I don't know what is right. Maybe we'll get some straight facts soon.
  7. Welcome home...and thank you for your service to our country.
  8. Update! Heard this was no regular drug deal gone bad tonight. Word is that it was a hit on these two at $9K per head! The person talking said that these two, that got murdered, had a reputation in the drug arena. The shooter will probably get off pretty easy, if he gives up the one that hired him.
  9. Just came from the Wal-Mart on Old Fort about an hour and a half ago, and there was CCI Mini Mags on the shelf. Not a lot, maybe a dozen boxes.
  10. Moderators please close this thread, as there doesn't seem to be any interest in this particular firearm. Thanks.
  11. Jt, that was a tragic thing with the Turbo Commander, and my thought and prayers go out to the families.   I used to be based out of the Humbolt Airport, back in the Mr. Grady Montgomery, Charlie Chance, Owen (?) days. I was in the EAA chapter when we moved from the Jackson Airport (McKellar Field) to Humbolt. I can't remember the name of the guy and his wife that ran the airport at Humbolt. I think his first name was Bob, and he flew a Jet Commander for the company that built walk in coolers.   If you would, please PM me. I'd like to find out about folks that was there then...I moved back to Murfreesboro in Dec of '86.
  12. Very sad for all concerned. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around this.
  13. Hunted quail all the time in my teen years. We had three coveys close by on my granddad's small farm. There was an albino quail in one of the coveys. My granddad always said. "Don't you boys shoot my albino quail". I later saw a few others in the covey with some white spots. I really miss quail hunting...and quail eating too. My granny used to roll them in flower with some salt and black pepper in it. Then she would fry them in a black cast iron skillet, on top of the stove...like southern fried chicken. I've never had pheasant, but don't see how they could be any tastier than wild quail.
  14. Thanks for the feed back I Like Pie. I had to bend the tang you mentioned, to allow the lifter to lift the round closer to the feed ramp. I have a Savage Model 6A, and have ran about two 15 round tubular mag full through it. Still need to sight in the scope. I'm looking for a Savage Model 7...same gun, but clip fed, so I'll have a pair. Fun gun to shoot. I was running Remington Golden Bullets through it, and it ate them like they were candy! I'd love to hear from others who own these guns...maybe pick your brain a little. I'll bet these things were great squirrel and small game guns, back in their day.
  15. Thanks Slasher, I passed it on to my email list.
  16. She would have been in big trouble, had he kicked that door in the first time she asked "Who is it"! Should have gone for that pistol as soon as she got home, and had it laying on the couch beside her. I never go near a knock at the door without mine. Just can't trust anyone these days. Sad, but true.   I think I was getting sized up for a victim of "the knockout game" at the Kroger's on Rutherford the other night. He was young...early to mid 20s, I'm ancient...and he probably figured an easy target. After a few maneuvers around the produce section, around 10 PM, he left. May have had something to do with the fact that I never removed my hand from my pocket..and I countered his position every time. He was not shopping for produce...maybe knock out...maybe mugging. It would not have ended well for him.   He was a young black, wearing a hoodie, with a muscular/athletic build. I looked around to see if someone else was filming, but kept him in my peripheral vision. He kept looking around nervously, so it was obvious that he was up to no good. He and I were the only two in the produce section. I kept looking to see if he was lurking outside, as I left. Of course my hand was still in my pocket, and my sidekick had cleared most of the holster...to preclude and hanging or binding on the way out.   As they say, don't mess with old people...they'll just take care of business! Maybe that's the way they get to be old...by being alert, and cautious.
  17. Guess there's not much interest in these old guns...maybe that's why they're so cheap! I've figured mine is dated somewhere between 1945 & 1947. Had to put an outside (right) ejector, plunger and spring in it. Shot it the first time yesterday, and it functioned flawlessly. I found out about the clickaty clack sound, as the bolt does not go back into battery until the trigger is released. Fun gun.
  18. Installed the new ejector spring, plunger, and ejector. At first, it was jamming when cycling with the bolt. Found some roughness on the new ejector, and adjusted that. It was cycling live rounds from the mag to the chamber and spitting them out fine. So, I took it out and shot it, at first with only six rounds in the mag, to make sure it would cycle the last few rounds. Then I filled the tubular mag up with fifteen rounds of Remington Golden Bullets, and let her rip. Fired flawlessly, and nary a hiccup. It doesn't have a rear sight on it, so I bought and installed a cheap Tasco Rimfire 4X scope. I was only firing for functionality, so next time I'll have to sight in the scope. I'll update on the accuracy after a range session. But, as scarce as .22 LR is these days, I'll have to be frugal with it. For a cheap, old gun, I happy with it so far.
  19. Wal-Mart on Old Fort in Murfreesboro got in some .22 Win Mags. I got there around 9PM, and was able to get three boxes ( 50 round count) of 40 grain JHP for $36.09 tax included. They had what appeared to be about 5 to 7 boxes when I left around 10PM.   PS Sorry about the "Wim Mag"!
  20. Symbolic, it's interesting to see these old gun ads. I've collected a bunch of them on the Savage Model 24 combination guns. I also looked up one on my recent "Gill Gun" (Savage Model 6A) purchase, and I'm thinking it sold new for $35 and some change...I paid $80.
  21. It pays to be a good neighbor! Congratulations on the two .22. Wouldn't you like to know the history on the owner/owners of those guns from when they were bought new!
  22. As posted elsewhere on this site, I recently acquired a Savage Model 6A, "Gill Gun" in .22 caliber. Anybody know anything about these guns? This one has a tubular magazine, but I understand the Savage Model 7 is clip fed. I've done some research on these guns, but it's always best to get the real scoop straight from the horse's mouth, as a matter of speech. Probably some of you had one of these when you were a kid...maybe your first gun.
  23. Thanks Symbolic, my stock is dark walnut...but plain, not checkered. It's my understanding, that the checkering you are talking about was done by hand and not rolled on! I picked up another gun in this group of guns last night. It's a Ward's Western Field O4M  489B model, in pretty rough shape...a parts gun. Numrich sent notice that my extractor parts have been shipped, so I hope to be shooting the Savage Model 6A this weekend. I'm still on the hunt for some of these "Gill Guns", so I'll keep everyone updated on what I find.
  24. I recently acquired a 1945sh Savage Model 6A .22LR rifle. The right ejector, plunger, and spring are missing from the bolt. The bolt has two extractors, which are different. Numrich shows the plunger and, I think, the springs as the same. Do we have anyone on the site that is knowledgeable in these guns? Back in the day, these things were cheap and plentiful. They were made by Savage/Stevens for a number of stores...Sears (Ranger 101.16), Ward's (Westerfield 87), Western Auto (Model 135), and there was a Springfield Model 87 & 187A. There was even a Hiawatha Model 189. Pretty sure there were other models marketed in Canada.   People say they were pretty accurate. The gun can be shot as a semiauto, bolt action, or single shot. It will shoot shorts, longs, and long rifles...but only LR in the semiautomatic mode. Mine has a side mount scope mount that looks original, but I'm not sure. I'm having fun with this cheap firearm, but would like to do a little brain picking on anyone that  knows these guns. Thanks.
  25. Being an old foggie, I grew up around a complete community of people ( where chivalry and kindness was a way of life...kinda like Mayberry) like him...but after years of experiencing many parts of the country, and world, I thought those people no longer existed! His generosity and kindness is greatly appreciated, and has sparked a glimmer of hope that not everyone is out for themselves. It's very refreshing, to say the least. Dolomite, I raise my cup...er pound of Lil' Gun... to you, and hope I get to meet you in 2014. Great way to start the New Year!


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