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Thanks for the information. I saw one in a vendor case at the gun-show yesterday, but didn't ask to see it. It had a $400, and looked like one of the shorter barrels...no box, no holster, just bare gun. I didn't see anyone walking around with one. I prefer to deal with individuals...provided they aren't afraid for me to run the serial number, to make sure it isn't stolen. There was one on GOC a few days ago for $300, but I missed the deal. I'm always looking for a deal, when buying with cold cash! Trading...eh, we'll dicker a bit, until we both feel we have a satisfactory deal. I guess it's the Snakeslayer lv that has the longer barrel, right? I still want one!
I went to the M'boro gun show looking for a hard case that would hold my Contender with a 14" barrel, with scope, attached to the receiver...and three other barrels, and one of the three with a scope also! I had envisioned a hard case about 20" long, about 15-16" wide, and thick enough for foam rubber to keep everything from rubbing together. I had imagined something reasonably priced...possibly a case designed for something else that would work good for this application. Figuring that some of you Thompson Center guys have already slayed this dragon, I'm soliciting ideas, and pics...if you've gottem. Somebody probably knows the exact case that will do the job...and exactly where I can get one. A little extra room inside wouldn't be objectionable...in fact, it just might be a good thing. But, I didn't want it to be as big as a suitcase. Thanks in advance for your help...especially for pics of how you have yours set up.
Thanks, I could live with 4.25", but anything less and the loaded round is awfully close to the muzzle!
TC Contender Barrel .223 "Super 14" Info Needed
Sidewinder replied to Sidewinder's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
Agreed. But when I asked for a clear close up pic of the barrel markings, he dropped off of the planet. No more contact. Gut feeling says pass. I'll keep looking. -
Alright! Don't mess with Texas! Thanks.
Pretty good show. Not as many hunting and general shooting guns as there were black tactical artillery. Boxed ammo prices seemed high. I did not see one Savage model 24 or TC Contender there. Saw one Bond Arms with a $400 tag on it. Quite a few 10/22s, but most were pricey. Fresh wooden case box of matching number Mosin Nagants, I believe that was what they were...I did not investigate. Didn't see the guy with the coffins and ARs there. Some brass, but no .22 Hornet that I was looking for. I was also looking for some 7-30 Waters brass or hunting ammo, and didn't see any. The crowd was pretty manageable... not too bad. Most all venders I talked with were helpful and polite. Some military clothing there but not too much. I was looking for one of the canvas tank tool bags, with the zipper on top, large size, and no one had one. I was also looking for a hard case to put a Contender in, with a 14" barrel with scope installed, and three other barrels...one with scope installed, but they were all 14" or less...and not hard cases. Quite a few "walk around" guns, but I didn't price any. Didn't see too many people looking at them. Inside temp was pleasant...and I left around 2:30 - 3:00 PM. All in all, a pretty good show. I met someone there to buy two "older" Buck knives, and I picked up a couple of 50 Cal ammo cans for $10 each. Didn't eat anything, so I can't report on that...but did see some exhibitors eating some pretty fancy looking hotdogs. Made me want one, but I was in "hot pursuit" of the a-fore mentioned stuff, so I passed. Nice afternoon of entertainment and gawking at stuff I couldn't afford...I've already been through two divorces! Just kidding...grab the little lady or significant other, and head on over...but don't expect any free stuff...there ain't none there!
Thanks Deadeye, I'm a fan of Predatormasters, and have watched just about all of his videos.
Congrats to your cousin...nice cat. Just curious, will your cousin sell the hide, or have him mounted? What would a hide like that bring?
Mykltn, thanks for the video. It pretty much shows what the Bond Arms derringer will do. I was impressed with the 2 1/2" # 7 1/2 shot did to that target. Looks like it would make a highly effective snake round. Is the Slayer lV, with the 4 1/4" barrel the longest barrel available for the Bond Arms Derringers?
Patton, I had no idea they made a derringer with a barrel that long! I'd like to see...heck, I'd like to shoot one of them. Any idea what the longest barrel Bond Arms makes for their derringers?
Thanks Mykltn, that's a good range report. If I got one, I'd want one that would shoot the 3" .410 shell for more punch...and have read a lot about the "felt recoil" of that model. Looks like bird shot would be best for filling the role of "snake slayer". Do you have any pattern pics of something like this, and what do you figure the max range for putting one of these venomous snakes "to sleep" (pc?) would be? Any idea how a longer barrel shoots, in performance, compared to the short ones?
Godgunsanddogs, I want one too. But, hear a lot about the felt recoil of the little rascal, especially with the 3" .410 buckshot loads. I know this is an old thread, but was curious as to whether you got one or not...and if so, what you thought of it. Maybe a range report? Thanks.
I realize this thread is old, but I've been wanting a Bond Arms with the longest barrel possible. I always do a ton of research before I leap onto a new gun purchase. A lot of people are saying the Bond Arms Derringer is quite a kicker (heavy recoil) with the .410 buckshot. I just checked Gun Broker, there are 57 Bond Arms Derringers of various models listed...and only 6 have bids on them. There must be some reason that there are lots of sellers and few buyers. I'd like to hear from the Bond Arms Derringer owners on here... especially range reports about shooting the buckshot loads (3") out of it. Thanks.
TC Contender Barrel .223 "Super 14" Info Needed
Sidewinder replied to Sidewinder's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
TrickyNicky is just posting pics for me of this TC Contender barrel, pics that I got from the seller and provided. Boy! This thing has turned into a genuine goat roping! This just might be one barrel that I'd be better off to pass on! -
TC Contender Barrel .223 "Super 14" Info Needed
Sidewinder replied to Sidewinder's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
WoW! OS and Dolomite, I seemed to have stirred a hornets nest! initially, this guy made contact with me, about this barrel, back in the winter. I didn't remember him, or the barrel, when he responded to my GOC ad this time. So, I asked for pics, and he sent these two. He was asking $175 for the barrel, forearm, and scope base...which seemed reasonable to me. But, as you all can see, the pics aren't very clear. I asked for a clear picture of the writing on the barrel, and haven't heard from him since. Trickynicky offered to help post the pics for me on here, which I appreciate. Thanks Nick. The old gray matter doesn't work as well as it once did, so I don't remember why I aborted the deal on this barrel back in the winter. Maybe I was asking too many questions to suit him. Whatever the reason the deal didn't happen then, and without answers, it doesn't look like it's going to happen this time either. Am I being too cautious? Maybe...I don't know. The deal itself, seemed reasonable enough. What do you guys think? I appreciate everyone that has commented on this thread...my little old granny used to say, "Two heads are better than one"! I think she was right...RIP Nanny. -
Where is this located? Detroit!
Enfield, it's amazing how something can be lost right under your eyes, right? I haven't found the Rem. 1100 barrel yet...but feel confident it will show up. I'm not giving up on looking...until I find it! I think most people lay something down, ever now and then, and forget where they put it. The harder you look, the harder it seems to hide! Ever put something on top of your car, while you were loading or getting in, and drive off...never to see it again? I have, and I was young then too.
I don't say this to offend anyone, nor to make light of the seriousness of what we may pray for. Usually, we pray for someone's health or someone that's injured or has suffered some major catastrophe. As a Christian, I've kind of not prayed for what I consider trivial things. Fearing that I might anger God for asking for things that little children may ask for, I've pretty much abstained. This afternoon, in my frustration, I prayed for God to reveal to me where my missing barrels were. In less that five minutes, I walked from the bathroom to my reloading/junk room. I stepped up on my weight bench and checked the top shelf one more time. I then pulled a box out from the second shelf that had my Contender .22 Hornet barrel with the scope on it...and some spare Contender grips and forearm, I had placed there! Call it a lucky move, call it anything you'd like. I've probably looked on that very shelf four or five times, since I "hid" them...but today I found it. The Remington 1100 barrel is still on the loose. But, I feel I'll find it soon. No, I'm not a foolish old kook...just someone that believes in the power of prayer, even for the little, seemingly insignificant, things! I'm happy.
Have fun! My 10" .223 Contender barrel sure could use one of these! I'm afraid to take it to the range...and wouldn't out of respect for others peace & comfort. Are you going to use a sound meter to record a with and without sound level? Would be an interesting field report. Hope they meet your expectations.
Check out my Daughters school project!
Sidewinder replied to southernasylum's topic in Show and Tell
Congratulations to your daughter on the A, the project, and a dad that is raising her right...with common sense. Good on both of you! -
Prayer is awfully powerful, LJ, and you have the right attitude. Something that just happened to me less than 30 minutes ago. I have posted on here that I 'hid" a couple of barrels, and had forgotten where I hid them. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to "pray" for something as trivial as my lost gun barrels. Going with the promise that everything is possible with God, and that "prayer" is communication, I prayed that their location would be revealed to me, or my memory of where I had hid them would come back to me. I immediately walked out of that room into another, stepped up on my weight bench so I could see on top of some shelving, saw a small box and picked it up. The box had bubble wrap around something. I lifted it from the box, and there was my TC Contender, 10" octagon .22 Hornet barrel, with the scope on it! Wrapped in the bubble wrap, was my Contender grip and forearm, which I couldn't find either! All of this happened in less than 10 minutes! Please never underestimate the power of prayer! I will pray that God's will be done in your pursuit of this job. Please remember, if it doesn't happen, it may be a blessing that you come to realize later on in life. As an old guy, I've had that happen to me a number of times, and was disappointed at the time that I didn't get what I wanted... but thanked God later that it turned out according to his plans. You sound like you have the right attitude, and I believe you'll be content either way. Didn't mean to jack the thread... but, just wanted to share answered prayer. Hopefully yours will be answered as quickly, and as positively as mine. God is good!
Like some have said, apply a generous amount of penetrating oil, and allow it to soak for a while, before trying any of the suggested methods. PC Blaster is good, but stinks.
It's so frustrating! A Remington 1100 shotgun barrel is a long piece of pipe! So is a TC Contender barrel with a scope on it! Haven't seen the 1100 barrel in about 4 or 5 months, and the TC Contender barrel in 4 or 5 weeks. I will rip this place apart...as I'm wanting to shoot my TC Contender .22 Hornet barrel. Any psychics out there? If so, please tell me where I can find my barrels!
TC Contender Barrel .223 "Super 14" Info Needed
Sidewinder replied to Sidewinder's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I was just being lazy! maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks. Good looking Contender and barrels. -
I just placed an order for 500 .223 cal FMJ bullets...shipped to my door for $44.49! That's .088 cents per round, shipped. Rounded off to 9 cents per round on 55gr., .223, FMJ, copper plated bullets. Right now the UPS ground shipping is only $5.00...regardless of quantity! Great deal, and American Made. http://www.xtremebullets.com/category-s/1819.htm