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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. Garufa, I'm not very good at posting hot links, but I'll try. It came to me as a part of the body of an email. It was a newsletter from the Conservative Daily site. I believe it is called Daily Sanity. I didn't try to "copy and paste" the whole thing, because there were spots in it that acted as hot links...probably wanting donations.   I apologize, as I did not intend to post any false information. I was only trying to "alert" others, so they would check into it for themselves. I'm sure we're all concerned about any further intrusions of the government into the Second Amendment. I'm no lawyer, and certainty no expert on what all the nuances of the firearms forms are. I'm just trying to contribute/participate in a forum that is a wonderful medium for us firearms owners.   I just tried to do the link, and it didn't look like any of the blue ones I've seen on here. It was in the body of an email...possibly a "cut and paste". But I'll keep trying to see if I can get it figured out and post it.   Sorry if I misled anyone.
  2. Here's a copy and paste from the beginning of the article I read.   The result of this ruling is absolutely staggering. If fully enforced, parents may no longer be able to buy and gift firearms to their children. No more teaching children how to responsibly use firearms... No more giving grandpa a rifle in honor of his military service... The only way to get a gun in Obama's America is to buy it yourself and let the government keep a record of it! This is why Obama reignited his push for universal background checks last week. When it is illegal to give guns as gifts to friends and neighbors, and every firearm transfer must have a background check performed, that gives the government the complete ability to track gun ownership! A universal background check is nothing but a synonym for gun registration. The only way to ensure that a firearm transfer was done correctly, if Obama is able to change the laws how he wants, would be to maintain a registry of all gun purchases/sales. Otherwise, everyone could just claim that they performed a background check, even if they didn't. That is why gun owners are so staunchly against mandatory background checks, because they require a gun registry to be enforceable. The stupidity of this ruling means that if you buy a gun and figure out you don't like it after a day, you can sell it to friends or family members without a problem. But if you buy a gun just to give to your family/friends, then you're all of a sudden a felon. Make no mistake... Monday's Supreme Court ruling is about more than just prohibiting the gifting of firearms. It eliminates one of the few ways for people to legally buy a gun without letting Uncle Sam know about it! There are plenty of lawful reasons to buy a gun for someone else and it is NONE of the government's business when this lawful exchange happens! Yet, the Supreme Court's ruling in Abramski now eliminates the ability to legally buy a firearm for someone else! This isn't about stopping crimes. This is about ensuring that the government can track everyone who purchases a firearm! Congress must amend the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (deceptive name, huh?) to protect the rights of family members and friends to buy guns for one another. Unless we force Congress to act NOW, then this Supreme Court ruling will become the law of the land! We cannot allow the Liberal Supreme Court Justices to ban the gifting of firearms!
  3. Here's what the article I read said: The Second Amendment is as American as apple pie. Throughout our history, the gun has been essential in making America what it is today. From winning our independence to winning the West, from providing food for the family to providing personal protection in a dangerous world... Guns are part of the fabric of this country. Another American staple is the gifting of firearms. Every year, family members purchase firearms for their relatives. Friends give guns to one another. Hell, even U.S. Presidents have received guns as gifts from foreign dignitaries. Whether it is a father giving a child their first gun or the other way around, this happens almost every day. Well, now the Supreme Court has made every single one of these gift-givers instant felons! A divided Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that it is illegal for an individual to buy a gun with the express purpose of giving or selling it to someone else, even if both people are allowed to own guns! In the case, Abramski v. United States, petitioner Bruce Abramski was charged after buying a gun and then selling it to a family member. Since Abramski was law enforcement, he received a discount on purchasing any Glock handgun. He bought the gun so his uncle wouldn't have to pay full price. Dishonest, yes, but there shouldn't be anything illegal about that. Normally, you have to have to be licensed to deal in firearms, but the law allows citizens to sell their personally owned guns every now and then. Abramski claims that he owned a pistol and then decided to sell it to his uncle.
  4. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 yesterday, to no longer allow guns to be gifted from one individual to another! Dad can't buy Johnny that first .22 for Christmas! Also, they said one person cannot sell a gun to another person. Buy a gun and decide after shooting it that you don't like it, they say you cannot sell it to another person. Sorry, I do not know who the majority vote was...Roberts? Check it out. I'm trying to figure out how to hot-link the article. It was posted on "Daily Sanity".
  5. Sometimes, demonstrations in general  have the opposite affect than what the demonstrators wanted. Unfortunately, I feel these demonstrators may have done the same thing for our pro gun stance that the "Gay Pride Parades" are doing for the homosexuals! I feel that the many issues these protesters presented...gun safety...scaring the patrons...being perceived as arrogant, irresponsible, imbeciles... and "just in your face" tactics, probably turns people against us responsible Second Amendment supporters. As stated earlier, we have the right to do a lot of things that wouldn't be advisable to do in public. Common sense and discernment is the best policy. We need all of the good press we can get...and it only takes one incident like this, to wipe out numerous positive incidents of press coverage. Like someone said, we don't even trust each other with a live round in the chamber...and we're to feel safe with a bunch of buffoons waving AKs, ARs and other long guns around in a public place? Whether they are "plants" to give us a negative persona...bad image, or truly intend to help our cause for the Second Amendment, they are causing harm to us, politically, and in the eyes of the public and business owners.
  6. Being a pilot for most of my adult life, I have to ask...what's an IL-2? Just curious.
  7. You're right. Children no longer show due respect for people older than them. I was taught to say Yes Sir...No Sir, Yes Mam...No Mam (sp?) . W didn't say yes and no, to people older than us. Generations have been desensitized to violence, profanity, and casual sex. Initially, I believe it was a break down from the home, and family structure. We have generations that are more concerned about the welfare of a pet, or a tree...or mother earth, than they are about their fellow human beings. I was very fortunate to have a family that loved me enough to discipline me when I needed it...and I don't mean "time out" either! We once grew tough, hearty, men that respected our women...men with a conscience, and a backbone...trustworthy men of integrity and patriotism...men that weren't afraid to clean someone's clock if they crossed the the social boundaries. We had winners, and losers...not everyone got a trophy for just showing up. We never had the horrific thought to kill anyone, not to mention our classmates, even though most of us had a Marlin .30-30 and a shotgun in the gun racks in our pickups every day. We were taught to respect all females as ladies, at least until they proved themselves otherwise. Us boys wouldn't ever use the "F" word in front of ladies...and ladies never used it! We now have a culture of men that seem like wimps, and a culture of females that curse so as to make a sailor blush! We've gone from good to bad...in my personal opinion. Our people, and our Nation, seem to have lost their moral compass,sadly. Common decency, respect, and patriotism, is not Pollyanna! We need to get back to it, or go the way of the great empires before us...on the trash heap of history. IMHO.
  8. had me fooled! For some reason, I thought this was going to morph into an illegal immigration thing, with them ultimately eating him out of his own house...and maybe him becoming a street person! Glad it had a funny ending, instead.
  9. I agree with Raoul...but, buy a dozen guns! A man can never have too many guns!
  10. Love the classics...and real old cars too. There's a free "cruise in" at the Avenue in Murfreesboro, every Friday night, during the summer months. I love to go out there, eat a hotdog, wonder around admiring all the cars, and beautiful ladies that seem to be there when show cars are on display! Single...so I can look, can't I...at the cars, that is! Come on out, it's a cheap Friday night of entertainment.
  11. All of this begs the question...are we living under tyranny? And, if the answer is yes, how do we know we are? What is the official definition of tyranny, as it relates to a representative republic, like the United States? Is there a definite number of "rights and freedoms" we must loose, before it's officially called tyranny? We've lost a lot! Do we have to loose religious freedom in our schools and government, before it's called tyranny? We've already lost them! I thought the reason we, the American citizens, had votes, was so we could elect people to represent us, and our wishes...to do what we wanted done. But, it seems that I am badly mistaken! Our votes are only so politicians can keep their jobs. If agreeing with those that are directly opposed to our wishes, they will gladly do it to keep their jobs. I guess we missed the boat. when the politicians in Washington was saying: "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs"...they meant theirs, not ours! So what's a "freedom loving" American to do? We're darned if we do, and darned if we don't! We've been had!
  12. How long did the sale last? I was told about it at the WM on Old Fort Parkway, in the B'oro...but, only after it was over! The employ said they sold out in no time! hate I missed it.
  13. I agree with you. It seems "Hollywood" has been in the social engineering (brainwashing) business for four or five decades now. When I pay for entertainment, I'm insulted that they are charging me to push their social agenda, that I totally disagree with. It's sad...the moral condition our society has decayed into.
  14. I agree 100%! I'm in the Middle Tennessee viewing area, and try to watch the Andy Griffith Show re-runs every night from 10PM to 11PM on channel 30...M-F. If all of the people in this country had a "Mayberry" upbringing, it wouldn't be in the awful mess it's in today! Of course, I don't see too much political correctness in Mayberry. Thankfully, I was raised in a community much like Mayberry...but...it sure ain't like Mayberry today!
  15. if you have a Sonic close by...their tenders are great. Dip in some honey mustard...yum!
  16. If I understood what I read in the article, the little girl's own grandfather was the one that not only owned these three pit-bulls...but he also owned seven more...for a total of ten pit bulls he owned. Maybe I read it wrong, but if I had a granddaughter, and saw that pretty little face mangled like that, I'd be hard pressed to live with myself. The little girl was only three years old. They are probably lucky she wasn't killed.
  17. I guess they are just being cautious...to try and avoid another "Boston Marathon" incident.
  18. DaveTN, do you remember what they went to after the F-4 Phantoms and why? If you'll remember back then, there was a lot of chatter about gasoline shortages. The media really bashed the Blue Angels for flying such "fuel guzzling" aircraft. Political pressure built to the point that the F4 was replaced with the A4 Skyhawk. Remember the F4 had two big J-79 engines, with afterburners...and the little "Tinker Toy", as it was called aboard carriers (or Scooters), only had one much smaller engine, and no afterburner.   I am probably a couple of months older than you!
  19. Let's see who can remember seeing the Blue Angles in their different kind of aircraft. Early in my Navy career, I was stationed at Sherman Field (Pensacola) in the training squadron VT-4. At the time, our squadron had T2J-1 Buckeyes. We had one half of a large hangar. The Blue Angels had the other half of the same hangar. At that time, they were flying the F-11 Tigers. Beautiful aircraft, and it looked good in the air. Usually, when they would come back home, off the airshow circuit, they would put on quite a show! They would rip the place up quite a bit...I guess so everyone would know they were back in town. I'm sure they could get away with a lot more in those years than they can now!   They have flown some interesting aircraft over the years.
  20. Kudos and thanks to HvBikeWlTravel for the 8 rounds of live ammo, and the 7 empty brass pieces of 7-30 Waters! The 7-30 Waters is not a round that you'll likely find stocked on the shelves of your local Wally World. I have dies to reload the round with, and HvBikeWlTravel had the empty brass and live rounds that he no longer had any use for. So, he re-cycled it over to me free gratis, which I very much appreciate. TGO guys and gals are the best!  
  21. Anyone having any luck coyote hunting here in the Middle Tennessee area? Shawn, you doing any coyote hunting these days? Any luck? One thing I forgot to mention about the landowner I was trying to help. He pointed to one area and said there are rattlesnakes in that area! He further revealed that he had killed one that would probably have been a record size had he researched the local data! After that...the only thing I could look at was my feet!   I would love to bag a few yotes...but, I don't want a record size rattler bagging me! The thought makes my skin crawl! Can't help it...it's just in my DNA.
  22. If you're in driving distance of the 'Boro, we've got about a zillion places to eat here! We run the gamut from dedicated burger places like Red Robin up through top line steak and seafood places...then there's another zillion fast food places! Hungry? We've probably got it somewhere in Murfreesboro...and for the most part, the prices are pretty reasonable. Heck, come by "The Avenue"...Belk's parking lot on Friday night , and see lots of classic cars presented by The Murfreesboro Hot Rod Club. A Friday evening for the whole family. They even sell food there too!
  23. Deadeye, good call...I have the FoxPro Spitfire with the spinning bunny decoy. This time of the year the ticks and chiggers are real bad! I need to hunt more too.
  24. Yea, there's a ton of them on GunBroker, with very few bids on them. I guess it may be the recoil, or once outside of the $300 range, the competition is brutal. Some say that after shooting one 8 to 10 times, they're no fun as the hand takes a beating. I would want to shoot mine pretty often. I have a Super Comanche that shoots .410 3" and .45 Long Colt...and I can shoot it all day without any side effects. It's a lot of fun.
  25. They closed the one in Murfreesboro! Don't know why! It was remodeled... and now it's a Hooter's!


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