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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. Wilee, sounds good. i could probably use the 1 ounce needle oiler and the 4 ounce refill. Will you be here Tuesday afternoon? if so, I can make it and appreciate it. If you'll shoot me a PM we can figure out the arrangements and see if I have to by the bank for a signature loan! Thanks.
  2. Let me readjust my tinfoil hat and ask a question. I'm not trying to be argumentative...I've never heard any media news people as him what he meant when he said this..."We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." I'd just like to know what he meant by it.   Also, I'd like to know what the attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon...and they had hoped for the White House, is called? Was it an invasion...was it a terrorist attack...is an invasion a terrorist attack...is a terrorist attack an invasion...would the devastation have been any greater if they had been wearing uniforms? It would seem we're not safe from enemies foreign or domestic. Remember the attack on the USS Cole? Our military gets attacked...our innocent civilians get attacked...but we need to save money! Money that will pay welfare checks in millions, if not billions of dollars, to people sitting in Dearborn Michigan, that not only refuse to speak our language, but refuse to obey our Constitutional laws, and want to kill us and rule the world. And, we're supposed to be the smart ones! That's like fattening up the lion, before he kills and eats you! What's money when your country is done, and you're either dead or shopping at Wal-Mart for a prayer rug! JMHO
  3. Reminds me...there was an airshow performer years ago that put Mennen Skin Bracer in with his smoke oil. In the air, or on the ground, he had the manliest smelling plane at the airshow. Avgas always stinks, but around his plane smelled good.
  4. Thanks, that's awfully kind of you, but I'd be more than happy to pay you for it. Not sure when I'll get up that way, do you think your distributor sells it to any gun shops or other stores in the Murfreesboro area? Thanks again. I appreciate your generosity.
  5. I think we all understand that the LGS has to sell big ticket items to pay the overhead. But, having been in the retail market before (local rental stores), I understand that some items are carried for the convenience of your customers. In fact some items may loose you money, but need to be offered for the customer's one stop shopping. I used to loose money every time I rented a chain saw...and lots of times when I rented a Ditch Witch (rocks and Ditch Witch will always be enemies!), but my customers wanted and needed the, so I carried them. Pleasing the customer keeps them coming back. Our rental store was in the "black" in 14 months...something unheard of for a new start up commercial business at the time.   So, if you're a gun shop, please stock the scope mount screw assortment. Like I said, they're only about $55 for an assortment of 150 screws. Your customers will appreciate it. If you charge a buck each for them, you've made money... just saying.
  6. Thanks for all of the recommendations. I was already thinking along the lines of some dry lube, as I've spent most of my adult life in aviation, and there's a lot of dry lube used in aviation. This 10/22 that I have totally disassembled, is new to me, and it had it's share of crud. I've always ran my 10/22s that when it came to lube...less is best. That .22LR ammo is pretty dirty, so I'm thinking it needs to be something pretty dry. Not sure if I can bone dry, Dolomite. Have you noticed any wear on the aluminum receiver? I currently see a little on the rail at the top of the ejection port....the one that the charging handle bracket slides under. I'll have to get some of that Shooter's Choice FP-10 lube for some of my other guns. I'm afraid if I used bacon grease, I'd have to have a hard biscuit to go with it! I may have to try some EEZOX cleaner. Can I get it locally, or from some place like Midway?
  7. I'm not new to the Ruger 10/22, but have one of mine disassembled, and wondered if anyone knew of the best grease to apply sparingly to the bolt slide rails and charge handle slide surface. Looking for something that is extremely slippery, even with a very thin application. Also, where can I buy it...locally, or online? Thanks.
  8. As cheap as these screws are online (about $55 for a display box of 150), I don't understand why anyone that sells guns don't have one of these display boxes on hand. I may have to go to the 8-40 thread, but hope not. I have good threads in the two aft holes, and pretty good ones in the third hole. The front one, above the barrel, is thicker, and has lots of good threads below the boggered ones. If I can find a screw that just comes to the edge, tighten the rear two, snug the third, tighten the front screw...and apply blue LockTite to all of them, I think it might hold. If not, I can still go to the 8-40 thread as suggested by LawEnforcementSalesTN. Like Dolomite suggested, JB Weld done properly may work also. WestwindMike, point well taken... they should sell scope base screws as I mentioned above.   Another member has changed out his scope base, and said he thinks he has all of the screws. The bases are the same, and I'm just hoping one of the screws is long enough for the front base hole.
  9. Luke, it just may be. Actually, what has happened is that someone used screws that were too short...and too much oil. I'm thinking that the excessive oil kept allowing the screws to loosen. This in turn, would make someone try to tighten it even more. That extra tightening took out the top two or three threads in the receiver. However, the bottom threads are fine, and should work fine, as long as the screws are long enough to come to the edge of the inside of the receiver. Then a little blue LockTite, and light oiling, should keep them in place.   I just traded for the gun, and the guy said I might need to tighten the base screws up, and apply some thread locker. When I took it apart I found the top threads stripped in the front two screws. Was the base you removed a T09? If so, those screws may be long enough. The front screw is 3/8" long, I think. Midway has the base and base screws, but we all know how long that takes.   When you get in and check, shoot me a PM, and we can swap phone numbers. Thanks, and have a safe drive home.
  10. Hi gang, ever go every place you thought you could find something...and come up empty handed? I've been to every place in Murfreesboro, except one...Grady Jones' shop, looking for some Ruger 10/22 receiver scope mount (Weaver T09) screws. I really need the long one in the front. The thread size is 6-48. Does anyone in the Murfreesboro area know where I could buy some this weekend? I've been to Grady's twice, and he was closed both times. I'd like to shoot this "Sporter Deluxe" model tomorrow, but want to mount the mount properly, before I put it all back together again. If anyone knows anyone that has some to spare, I can pay cash or trade some .22LR ammo. I've posted an ad over on GOC (Gun Owner's Club). Thanks.
  11. Got there today at 5 O'Clock, and the door was locked. Plan to give them another try tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. Grady Jones' is usually open 2 -6 PM Mon-Wed-Fri, but was closed around 3:30 today. I'd rather have factory scope mount screws, if I can find them. I'm not sure if Outpost carries loose scope mount screws or not. If anybody reading this knows for sure, please let me know. Thanks.
  12. I believe so, oh Shoot. Right now they only screw in about half way into the threads, I've totally disassembled the gun so I can put the base on and slide the bolt back and forth to assure no binding. But, before I get to that point, I can look inside the receiver and barrel socket to make sure the screws do not extend beyond the edge of the threads.
  13. Someone used screws that were too short, and pulled the top half of the threads  out of the aluminum receiver. This is a stainless gun, with silver anodized receiver. I went to a few places in Murfreesboro this afternoon, looking for "longer" stainless base mounting screws. I can order them, but was hoping to find some in the Murfreesboro general area. I could get by with two, but would buy four if I could find them. Anybody know where there are some for sale? The base is the standard Ruger aluminum base, with six holes in it...four on one end, and two on the other end. Thanks for your help.
  14. Jt, those were great days, and great people. My best to you and your family. Please tell your dad hello for me.
  15. Batman, back before we had the scourge of ethanol, I was a partner in a decent sized general rental store. We rented everything from jumper cables to backhoes. I also worked on everything we rented, and got a pretty good education on not only 2 cycle engines, but on all small engine equipment. One of the big problems I ran into, was people not using containers designed for gasoline storage. People were using milk jugs, soda bottles, and other small containers. These cause the plastic to "leach" into the fuel, and clog up the small screen in the carburetors.   To fix this problem, I just pulled the screen, and blew in the opposite direction of the fuel flow... drain all gas...put fresh "uncontaminated" gas in the tank, and they would start right up. Not making any accusations, but if you've ever loaned your equipment, someone else may have put contaminated gas in it. Believe me, it will "never" start, until that carburetor screen is blown out, or replaced. Hope this helps.
  16. Major, I was thinking the same thing about taxes. To me, that was a big attraction to Bud's. No offense to those that live in the local area, as I realize it's a convenience to be able to hold the goods in your hands. But for those that live too far away, it only means we pay more in taxes, and takes away one of the big attractions to Bud's.
  17. Airplane guys have a soft spot in their hearts for folks that show an interest in flying, or learning to fly. If you have a municipal airport close by, let your interest be known to some of the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) guys, and chances are that they can hook you up with someone that will take you guys up in their personal plane. I've been a pilot for most of my adult life, and have owned my own aircraft for years now, and have given many rides to interested people. You and your son just need to spend a little time hanging out at a local airport, and make some acquaintances. a good person to start off with, is the person behind the counter. No self respecting pilot, can resist offering a free ride to a kid hanging on the airport fence! Good luck, and let us know about it. Trust me...it's nothing like a commercial flight in an airliner, or even a corporate jet.
  18. Moderators, it does not appear that there is any interest in this post. Please close at your convenience. Thanks.
  19. Sometimes, the memories and stories, are worth as much to the individual getting the gun as the gun itself. The gun just locks them in forever.
  20. Has anyone had any hunting experience, with this round through a Contender barrel? I'm interested in trying one of these barrels on my early model Contender. I also have a post about this round over under "Long Guns", as it was primarily a rifle round...way back when. My thoughts are to find and buy a "Super 14" barrel for my Contender in .25-20...build up a little brass, and start hand-loading it. I'm interested in how it does out of the Contender set up. Thanks.
  21. I think I just might start looking for a barrel chambered in this round for my early model TC Contender. Anyone seen one in any of the local gun shops for sale? Or, if you see one at a local gun show, I'd appreciate a heads up. Thanks.
  22. And "expensive"! Over a dollar a round at Midway USA. See the link on the post just after yours.
  23. Expensive little suckers!
  24. It's so nice when a close family member hands a gun like that down to us. Unless your family was an exception, none of our grandparents, or other family members, had much back in those days. In fact, a gun was often one of the largest possessions they had...and was a tool, that they kept their families fed with. For your uncle to want to pass it on to you, tells me you were his cherished nephew. Blood, certainly is, thicker than water.
  25. Wow! You did have your work cut out for you, didn't you? How did it turn out? I'm thinking, lots of elbow grease, and probably money too, to make her proud again!


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