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Everything posted by Sidewinder

  1. Gary, I've used Helicoils in aviation work, but didn't know they made them this small. I took a stick pin and bent the point 90 degrees, and have been able to clean out some of the threads. Would be great if I could just put a drop of some chemical to dissolve the thread locker / JB Weld material. Whatever it is, it won't let the screw go in, until it's all cleaned out. I sure don't want to snap off a screw, down in the hole!   Any idea where these tiny Helicoils can be bought...and the cost of them? In aviation, there is a special tool to install them, then a tang is snapped off to clear the bolt hole. Is there one required for the small ones? Thanks for the information.
  2. Thanks Omega, I've read a few of these advertisements and still don't understand if there are "two" different hand loaders. It looks like there is...one, you screw your dies directly into the hand press, and on the other you screw your dies into the quick lock fitting, and then install it into the hand press. I like the idea of screwing my dies directly into the hand press. I understand the quick lock feature is supposed to save time. But, if I'm loading on a hand loader, my main concern is not speed. Thanks for the link. They call one setup the hand loader "kit", which leads me to believe there are two different designs. I'm looking for the one that my die screws directly into the hand loader...possibly the older model. Thanks again, Omega for the link.
  3. Thanks for the information guys. I read on a Contender forum that the scope threads are 6-48, which is pretty much standard, I think. Is the next larger thread size, used on some scopes 8-48, or 8-40?
  4. The 21" stainless .22 Hornet barrel I recently bought for my Contender seems to have some boogered scope mount base threads. The person I bought it from, said it had a scope mounted on it when we were negotiating the sale. I told him that I didn't want the scope, instead wanted the original iron sights. He removed the scope and base, and reinstalled the rear sight. I got a scope mount in a deal yesterday, and decided I'd install one of my scopes. That's when I found that the screws would just barely catch and then seemed to lock up. I have not forced them, and decided to repair them before further mounting attempts.   1. First thought is to try to clean and chase the threads with a tap.   2. If this does not work, I'm considering having the four holes professionally drilled and re-tapped.   3. Should option #2 become necessary, who do you guys recommend, that would do a professional job?   4. How much can I expect to pay for this service...a reasonable fee?   5. I noticed something down in the thread holes that was grey in color. I used a tiny twist drill in my fingers to see if it would come out. The drill is about 1/3 the size of the hole, so I did not molest the threads. Non metallic chips started coming out...looked kinda like hardened JB Weld to me!   6. I'm also considering buying a "bottoming" tap, to see if chasing these threads will give me enough strength to mount the scope...the thread holes do not go all the way into the chamber.   7. If there are "do it yourself" types on here, that have been through this before, I'm open to suggestions.   8. This is the same barrel that is missing one of the forearm mounting nuts. So, she needs a little TLC!   Thanks.
  5. Is this Lee Hand Press steel or aluminum? Also, is the quick lock feature applicable to all of the Lee hand presses, or is it a completely different design, wherein you have to choose one with or one without it! Is it something that can be added to a regular Lee hand press later? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I'm only shooting a .22 Hornet, so the recoil is very light. With that in mind, I can wait and look around for a while. I have an ad over on GOC, so maybe something will turn up there. I'll keep looking!
  7. I have a barrel nut missing on one of my TC Contender barrels. It's the dove tail mounted nuts that the forend screws screw into. I've looked on the internet, and haven't found any. I'd like to walk into a LGS, or gunsmith shop and pick one up at a reasonable price in the Murfreesboro area.   Any Contender guys on here that know where I can find some? I might be able to get some from Numrich or others, but hope to find some locally. Don't want to pay $12 for shipping for a $2 barrel nut! Thanks for your help.
  8. Thanks Luke, sounds like the Frog Lube is good stuff. I do have an AR...that when handed to my friends with a 30 round mag installed, goes through quite a few rounds! Morale of the story...keep a 5 round mag handy! Hinting about the barrel heating up, won't help. They stop when the mag's empty! Just kidding... I'm glad they enjoy shooting my AR. You're right about the clean up afterwards...a pain. I'll have to try some of the Frog Lube. Thanks.
  9. Thanks Omega, I appreciate the information. I may just get one of each. Nothing else, I can use one for de-priming and resizing. I reload shotgun shells also, and all of my presses are MEC. Just to get back on track of the thread, I can't say I've had any problems with any of the dies mentioned in this thread. To be honest, I don't think I've seen a nickel's worth of difference in their loading quality. I don't shoot precision bench, so they work fine for hunting.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. My mind's pretty much made up...I'm going to buy one of them. Can anyone tell me who carries them locally? I saw a small "bench mount" in Academy the other day, for around $40... but didn't see and hand presses. I may have to order one online, but would rather buy one locally...as long as It doesn't cost twice as much.
  11. I appreciate the information, and your point is well taken. I haven't tried loading any of the .22 Hornet yet, but hear a person has to be real careful with the thin wall cases, so as not to destroy them. For that reason, I think I'll bypass my Rock Chucker and go to a Lee hand press. I see them advertised for around $40 online. Does anyone know of any retail places that carry them locally...Murfreesboro area? I saw a small Lee press at Academy for around $40, but it was a bench mount. I didn't ask if they carried the hand press, but didn't see any on display. Has anyone loaded any .22 Hornet? I'm wide open for suggestions. Thanks.   Edit:   Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread. Anyone wanting to respond with a PM, would be much appreciated.
  12. I own Lee, RCBS, Lyman, and Hornady and like them all. I recently picked up a RCBS .22 Hornet 2 die set, which is a "bottle neck" case like a .30-30. Have heard that the bottle neck dies are not made in carbide. Can anyone confirm this? If someone makes the 22 Hornet dies in carbide, please let me know who does, and where I can get a set. I usually use case lube anyway.
  13. I need some feedback from someone that has one of these, and have loaded some small cartridges on it. I'm considering buying one to reload .22 Hornet, which has a thin wall. I'm not worried about speed, quality and uniformity is what I'm shooting for. I have a Rock Chucker for my heavier cases, but thought a hand loader might be good for the .22 Hornet. I'm not talking about the Lee Hand Loaders that you do hammering with. I'm talking about a portable, hand operated press. If I can make it happen, I'll post a pic...if I can't and someone else has a pic of one, be my guest. Thanks...I need feedback good and bad.   Well...just tried, couldn't copy and paste.    
  14. Sorry, I missed the PM and this post too. I have been busy shooting and doing other stuff, so I haven't tried it yet. One of the rifles I've been shooting is my 10/22 Deluxe Sporter, stainless model. I'll need to pick up some isoproprial (sp?) alcohol for cleaning before I switch over. Thanks for asking.
  15. Murfreesboro's Old Fort store has had a dry spell for a few weeks now. Was talking to an employee that said a sporting goods manager told him that we may not see any .22s until December!   Murfreesboro is getting ready to open two more Wal-Mart stores...one out near the airport and one on S-231. I'm wondering if they are opening other stores in other areas too...and if they're not holding ammo back, for these new stores they're opening? If they were allotted so much .22 ammo from the manufacturer for their current stores, and it's scarce there...where are they going to get the ammo to stock all of these new stores? Just saying.
  16. Looks like a bunch of them are under nourished...they are so skinny their pants seem to be falling down! A lawful protest is appropriate, this is an unlawful mob riot, and should be treated as such. Stop it before it metastasizes like ISIS!
  17. Just looking at the mirrors out front on the vehicle you're in. Is this a type of motorcycle, car, or truck? Just curious. Oh yea, the loan sharks...we have to spend less than we earn. Not bragging...thank the good Lord...I haven't had a car or truck payment, or any kind of payment in over 30 years! I'm debt free, and don't owe anyone a dime. I realize it's not, just that simple, for families with children in the house. Like I said...I thank the Good Lord!
  18. Political Correctness started it decades ago. Like Barney said, "Nip it in the bud". If the race baiters and the "media with an agenda", would stay out of it, and let all of the true facts come forward, we wouldn't have this kind of "lawlessness". As for the "looters", I believe they are opportunistic thugs out for free stuff, and to further the agenda of "crime pays and reinforces the lame excuse to steal another's property".   I applaud the business owners that are taking steps to "protect" their property. When those that are supposed to protect the citizens can't, or won't, it leaves the citizens to fall back on the "Second Amendment" to protect themselves... just what our framers had in mind with the "Second Amendment".   Al Sharpton needs to be in prison for inciting a riot...just like anyone else that would stoop to such a dastardly act. We all want justice done...once all of the true facts are known. But, this "conviction by mob and media" has to stop. Politicizing a tragedy is despicable, and un-American IMHO. We have enough enemies that want to see the demise of our Nation, without dividing and fighting among ourselves. Ask yourselves one question...would all of this be going on if the young man had been white!   With all of this rambling said...I'll do whatever it takes to protect my person and my property...including executing my Second Amendment rights...which is "still" lawful.
  19. I have an earlier (hard opening - G1?) TC Contender frame that I'm trying to do a "legal" setup on with my 21" stainless .22 Hornet barrel. I've been told that the buttstock for the easy open (G2?) frame "Will not" fit my early model (G1?) frame. I'm trying to find the used furniture to convert this into a carbine rifle, but don't want to buy something that will not fit.   I don't anticipate too much trouble finding a forearm, as I think all of the barrel forearms will probably fit if they have two provisions for two mounting screws. I haven't found one yet, but should I find a used buttstock, short of installing it on the spot, how can I tell if it'll fit my early model Contender frame that has a five digit serial number? If someone knows where I can find side by side pics, that show the difference, I'd appreciate the link.   As this is an early model, that I believe left the factory as a pistol, I'd like to be able to use this barrel as a carbine, and my other barrels as a pistol. Thanks for your help.   Edit After some research, it seems that there are "Contenders" and there are "G2". So, I'm possibly calling the early model Contender a G1 erroneously. It's confusing! I'm just trying to make sure that when I do find and buy a buttstock for my early model Contender, that it will fit.   Edit#2 I've been to a lot of the Thompson Center forums and sites, but can't find a "side by side" pic that shows the identifiable difference in the Contender and G2 stock frame to stock interface. If anyone has a close up, high resolution, pic of either stock, and would send it to me, I'd be eternally grateful. Here's the email address...if it's allowed to be posted here (cjwaa1@msn.com)...if it's not allowed, would monitors please delete this edit. Thanks.
  20. Thanks Dolomite & R1100R...the Boyd's stock is more reasonably priced, but I'm hoping to be able to find a used one cheaper locally. From what I've read, and heard, the G2 stock will not fit the earlier model. I'm not trying to put together a show gun...I'm trying to put together a "hunting" gun. With lots of people moving on up to the later models, you'd think there would be some of these stocks around. If the price was right, I'd even consider buying the frame with the buttstock. I'm just trying to put together a Contender carbine, with a 21" standard (not bull), stainless, .22 Hornet barrel for some varmint hunting.
  21. The barrel fits, and locks up nice and tight on my early Contender. I haven't found a buttstock yet, but measured the screw holes for the forearm, and you're right. Any idea where I should look for a reasonably priced buttstock and forearm, Dolomite? Some I've seen online are pretty pricey! Also, one of the forearm anchor nuts are missing from the dovetail. Does anyone carry rhese in the middle Tenn. area, that you know of? I did find them online, and can order one of them. Looks like they just tap into the dove tail. Are they all the same size and same thread pitch? Thanks.
  22. As Ray Stevens would say, "It's me again Margaret"! And, I'm back with more questions! I have an early TC Contender frame that I want to put a butt stock and 21" stainless tapered TC barrel on. I do not have a butt-stock, nor a forearm coming with this barrel. I do have four other barrels, and at least a couple of different fore arms to fit those barrels.   My question is...will any of the forearms from the shorter pistol barrels (10" and 14") fir the 21" rifle barrel? I guess my frame is about all I'll be able to use on this 21" stainless tapered barrel, if they wont. I've also been told that the G2 Contender buttstocks wont fit my early model Contender.   Would some of you Contender gurus tell me what it's going to take to use this 21" rifle barrel on my first generation Contender, please? Also, does the 21" barrels have one or two screws? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  23. I like the way they have them split up and sealed in heavy clear plastic, with ID labels in each packet. You don't have to open the whole order at one time. Makes it handy. I think mine were separated in 100 round bags. Good stuff.
  24. I don't believe the Murfreesboro Wally World, on Old Fort Parkway, has had any .22 Mag for a long time now...and no .22 LR for at least three weeks now. makes me wonder if they're not holding back to build inventory for the two new stores they're opening next month. Is anyone in other areas getting any .22 LR at their local Wal-Mart?
  25. Kudos to Luke E and Grady Jones' Gun Shop...I now have my scope base attached to my Ruger 10/22 Deluxe Sporter stainless. I really appreciate the good folks on TGO that are willing to help another hunter/shooter. A thank you also goes to the young man at Outpost Armory that gave me two screws that were used in the installation. Also, a thank you goes out to TGO, for creating a family of like minded individuals that are willing to help out another TGO family member. Thanks to all of you.


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