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Everything posted by Howler

  1. I called them many years ago and asked if they had a specific gun. The guy on the phone told me they did and gave me a price. I drove from Knoxville only to find out they were full of it. Didn't have it and never did. I don't care if that powder was $2, I will NEVER go back, not even to look.
  2. Howler

    Whoa Nelly!

    *Hot In Her :)
  3. We've had a number of problems in my neighborhood in the last couple of years. Houses and garages have been broken into and property taken. The neighbors put together a watch program where all of us were able to talk to the cops in our area. One of the first things the officer said was "always let people know you are home." He said that when they believe nobody is home the thief simply kicks in the door, but when they know you are home the chances of the door being kicked in goes way down. We (and the police) kind of thought our thief was a person that lives just down the road. Sure enough when he was put in jail a couple months ago things calmed down.
  4. What precautions do you take when reloading? I try to keep my bench clean and stay focused when reloading. But not until I broke my ankle a couple weeks ago did I worry about static electricity. The thought of loading a few rounds entered my mind yesterday but wondered how would I move or get away from powder that might ignite. I couldn't. What do you guys do (if anything) to reduce the chance of igniting powder?
  5. I was sitting in a restaurant with some friends one day when a group of guys walk in. One of the guys was loud and over the top with arm jest gestures. I remember making the comment to my friend that the guy must be a real tool. Some time later I ran into him again at the bank. He acted the same but I noticed he had a real bad tick. His eyes jerked and head moved in a very quick almost accidental way. I asked around and found out the kid had turrets. I jumped to the conclusion he was just a young punk and I was wrong. Although we don't have proof this guy has a problem we also don't have proof he doesn't. Most people with mental problems have close family to keep them in check, but not all people with mental problems have close family. One thing I've learned in my life is this: If you get in a fight with an old man it's a lose lose situation. If you win you've just beat up an ol'man. If you lose you got your ass kicked by an old man. If you have to fight do it, if not...let it ride.
  6. I agree with most of the other members. He had to be drunk or have some kind of mental problem. Normal people, especially older people, don't act like that. On a side note: How did you like the bison? I'm not that big of a fan. If you want lean meat eat some good ol' whitetail.
  7. Had surgery at noon today. I'm in very little pain but having a hard time staying awake. The ER nurse said she's put on more splints in the last two weeks than in the last six months. Thanks for all the "get wells." Like most, I should have broken bones while doing stupid stuff not just walking down the road.
  8. Light snow and a morning walk ends in a broken ankle. That's right, after 43 years and no broken bones I put three fractures in my ankle this morning. A plate and screws will be installed to repair the bones and tendon. I didn't take my phone so calling for help was a no go. My pride wouldn't let me crawl back up the hill so I walked the best I could. Every time I lifted my foot up it would turn 45 degrees and I couldn't move it back where it belonged. By the time my boot was removed a softball had replaced my ankle. So be careful and keep them phones handy.
  9. Now that you guys have mentioned it I remember someone talking about the handguard retainer. Totally makes since. The buffer is a standard carbine buffer. The gas port in the barrel is clear and the block and tube are clear. The gas rings were in the proper position and the key wasn't loose. I'm sure the block wasn't in the proper place. The first chance I get I'll check the barrel port size. Never thought about the barrel port being too small. On the up side the group size at 50 yards was better than I expected it to be. I had a couple holes touch. Thanks for the help guys.
  10. Here is the deal. I've put together a 300 blackout and it fails to lock back on an empty mag. However, the bolt will lock back on a empty mag using the charging handle. The brass was landing at about the 5 o'clock position at best. This was the first time it's been shot so I only loaded one round at a time to do a function check. My first thought was a lack of pressure at the gas block. I blindly moved the block around at the range with no luck. This is the first time using an adjustable gas block and the adjustment process seemed to be simple so I don't think it's the block itself. I still think it's the gas ports not lined up. So here's what I've done. I removed the block and marked the barrel gas port with a Sharpie. I backed the adjuster screw on the gas block out to give the system the full amount of gas. Also added some thread locker to seal the screw threads. It seems that I get the best air flow with the gas block about .010 of an inch from the barrel shoulder. Why? I don't know. Maybe someone here can tell me. My parts are: Mas Defense 16" barrel (pistol length gas system), BTE micro adjustable gas block, using PNW Arms 125gr Nosler Ballistic tip ammo. Is there anything I'm missing? I don't like taking things apart over and over.
  11. http://vidmg.photobucket.com/albums/v325/mayx4/IDPA%20FEB.mp4 http://vidmg.photobucket.com/albums/v325/mayx4/IDPA%20FEB%207.mp4
  12. Post up a video of you shooting part of a match. I see people shooting video of themselves and others at every event I've been to. Maybe it will help us new shooters in some way. Please don't pick apart other peoples videos because that will only discourage members from posting. If I can figure out how to get a video from my phone to here I'll put mine up. And please don't add a video of some hot chick, that we all know isn't you, unless she is over the top hot :)
  13. I've been coyote calling a couple times with no luck. I didn't even call in a fox. I know two other people that have called the area. Guessing it's probably been called a little too much.
  14. Felt good to let him go.
  15. Our new girl. 2.5 year old Greyhound, Bridgett. She likes to ride in the car and sleep.
  16. I see girls pull stuff like this all the time. They push buttons because they know most men will do nothing. That girl thought she could do whatever she wanted and she would be protected because "men don't hit women." She ran into a man, if that's what you want to call him, that the law doesn't apply to. Not saying I agree with what he done because I don't. Just remember all dogs can bite.
  17. Shot a friends many times and never seen it fail to go boom. It's a .45 and it. is. heavy.
  18. Bow hunting is the best. Saturday night I had a small buck under my stand. I waited till just the right time and pulled my bow back, settled the sight on his vitals and let him walk away. He got a pass this year and probably next.
  19. There are as many deer in the woods at 1pm as there is at 8am. I don't put a lot of stock in charts and what not. Get in the woods when you can and kill one. I think the guys/gals that are the most successful are the ones that scout and stay in the woods.
  20. I figured it out. The angled grip screw was pushing on the bottom of the gas block. This forced the rail in a downward direction. I don't know how I didn't see it when I put it together. After removing the grip the dot and sight post now almost line up.  
  21. I just added some Magpul backup sights to the AR I put together. It has a 11" Troy Alpha rail that mounts to the standard barrel nut. My problem is the sights don't line up with the red dot of the scope. The front sight is way low. I've adjusted the post up as far as possible but it's still low. I haven't put a strait edge between the upper and rail yet but I would have to assume the rail has a slope to it. The gap between the upper and rail looks straight. Has this happened to anyone else?
  22. I would guess that if night hunting coyote became a reality there would be a set season. I like the fact they can be hunted year round. You can forget being able to use a centerfire during archery or ML season. The deer will be protected from poachers at all cost because they bring in the $$$$
  23. I agree Dave. Most people pay $150 plus to hunt out of state, and I will admit the price of a license is reaching the top of what I will pay. Any more of an increase and I will start hunting out of state. Maybe go to states that have a history of growing larger deer. All of the people I know don't hunt to feed their family. Yeah they hunt and their families do eat the meat but they don't count on the meat to make it through the year. The people that can't afford to pay will hunt anyway.


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