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Everything posted by Howler

  1. Might be young pups out on the prowl.
  2. Looks like a dog to me. Legs look too long to be a coyote and body looks a little big as well.
  3. Stinger HP incandescent Eagletac T100C2
  4. Don't try and stop the doping get rid of the rules. The same thing should be done in Nascar. If you have ba!!s enough to run 230mph.... have at it. It's the only way to stop the cheating.
  5. My last move was 100% because of bad neighbors. Lived in the house for eight years with normal noises. Dogs, radios, and occasional party didn't bother me. Then the new neighbors move in. Sanding and buffing cars outside at 2am, kids running through the back yard all night long, and hitting a baseball training aid for hours in the middle of the night drove me crazy. During the day (while they slept) they pushed a caged parrot to the edge of the driveway. While my house was trying to watch a movie or have dinner all you could hear was the bird screem. I don't regret the move at all. I can put up with a lot of noise as long as it's not in the middle of the night. Now my new neighbors shoot, garden, run mowers and all that stuff, but do it in a respectful manner.
  6. Howler

    School Fees?

    What you say makes no sense. All I said was teachers should buy their red own red pens. Red pens are only used by teachers, correct? That makes the pens the teachers PERSONAL tools. That would be a "work related tool". In 20 school years not one time has my kids used a red pen. So who did I buy the pens for? Ding, ding, ding....a teacher, not that hard to understand! I would have the same peeve if a doctor asked me to bring in a five pack of thermomerters before each yearly exam. How crazy would that sound?
  7. I heard a guy on the radio say, "He was charged with assault with a friendly weapon."
  8. Howler

    School Fees?

    Do I give away my tools? Not only do I loan them out, I have given some away. Most people start with almost no tools. If I'm looking to upgrade occasionally one of the youngens gets a freebie. If you look close enough you will see I've given away a few things on this board. Do I get paid overtime? No, I work on flat rate. That means If there is nothing to work on I get paid $0. I have been at work all day and made less than $9 in an eight hour shift. Do the math. I've built a customer base that helps prevent this from happening, but it can happen. Do I work 2-4 hours every day at home for free? No, but have worked late and on weekends fixing cars for people passing through town. Also, you have no idea the labor given away to appease a customer. Labor is the one thing that can be given away that cost a shop zero dollars. The only one to take a hit is the mechanic. And on a side note, I work 5-6 days a week year round. Don't take this the wrong way, but teachers do not. Do I spend nights......No, I spend days each year (unpaid) taking training classes. None of which I enjoy. Next question! I asked that teachers buy their own pens. I didn't degrade the profession.
  9. Howler

    School Fees?

    Nope, but I have spent 30k+ in tools.
  10. Howler

    School Fees?

    I buy my own tools, teachers should buy their own red pens. Sorry, it's a pet peeve.
  11. Not a post about tattoos. It's a post about a gut feeling. Someone ya don't know asking, out of the blue, about buying a gun from ya. Telling you he's been turned down by TBI but still on the hunt. Promise the guy looks nothing like your picture. Most everyone I work with has tattoos. One has tattoos of dead women, the devil, and three headed dogs. Never bothered me in the least. This guy is a little different.
  12. I have no idea why he chose me. Almost all of us have guns. Why ask me? Not for sure he's done anything illegal by trying to buy a gun, so a call to the po po would be a waste of time. This story only reminds us that laws will not stop a criminal from trying to buy.
  13. New guy at work asks me if I have any old handguns for sale. My wall goes up immediately. Why is he asking me this? I said no I don't sell my guns. "Well I tried to buy one but I was turned down", he said. At this point my mind is racing. He's asking for a gun when when he knows he legally can't own one. I asked, "you have a record?" "Yeah, but it ain't nothing bad', he stated. I informed him that if he failed the background check it would be illegal to possess a weapon and anyone selling him one would also be breaking the law. As he motored off I couldn't help but wonder what he had been arrested for. Finally I asked another co-worker if he knew what he had been convicted of. ARMED ROBBERY!!! I try not to judge the way a person looks, but my intuition was spot on. Looking like a gangbanger with neck tats kinda gave it away. I also found out he had given a two week notice and was moving back to Cali. Trying to by a gat before returning to Barstow?
  14. hahaha I tried that on a job application once. Didn't work.
  15. I'm just giving my first impression of the light. Heck, for all I know it will stop working tomorrow. Because I couldn't sleep last night I decided to try and kill a set of batteries. This is just my opinion of the light. When used inside on turbo/high setting: Might be a little too much light for use inside. When shutting the flashlight off your eyes have a VERY hard time adjusting back to the darkness. If I moved through the house with the click switch in the "on" position I had no problem. If trying to move through rooms using the momentary on/off switch my eyes (again) took too much time to adjust. The lights reflection was blinding. When used inside on low setting: This would be my preference if it was my nightstand light. My eyes adjusted much quicker using the momentary on/off. The lower setting did cause a shadow situation around large objects but it wasn't too bad. When used outside on turbo/high setting: Wow! Very clear, white, and wide beam. No doubt the brightest flashlight I've owned. With the mist hanging in the air last night it was kind of like having the high beams on in the fog. Hands down this would be the setting if used in the vehicle. Being hit with this beam in a strobe fashion WILL make your eyes close. Ask me how I know. When used outside on low setting: For me, just not enough light and the shadow effect was too much. I feel the a person might be at a disadvantage using this setting a night, maybe making the holder an easier target. Again, just my .02cents If the neighbor was up at 3am this morning he got a 400 lumen light show of epic proportion. And to the rabbit in the garden...I hope your vision comes back soon.
  16. As the kids and I get older the only things I worry about are my kids. The thought of something happening to them weighs heavy on my mind daily. Both are at the age where you start letting go or you have just let go. My son is so non confrontaitional and my daughter is just the opposite. Both of which worry me.
  17. Yes. He works at a pizza place on Kingston Pike. As he walked out the door the guys started yelling out of their SUV . My son has had spanish and could make out some of what they were saying, none of which was good. Being a little guy, less than 120lbs, he didn't make eye contact. After getting in his vehicle the hispanic duo pulled out behind him. He was followed from Kingston Pike all the way to Karns. They stopped and changed direction just one road short of the driveway. Who knows what was going through their head. 1. They believed he was a delivery kid who might have a handful of cash. 2. They were drunk and looking for a fight 3. They were drunk, looking for a fight, and seen what might be quick cash. I was a little stunned that he never called me. I guess we've never talked about things like this. Anyway, he and I have learned a lesson. Him: call someone. Me: Communicate and plan better.
  18. Son just got home and informed me a couple non english speaking guys followed him home from work. As he was leaving work when a couple punks, setting in the parking lot, rolled down the window and started taunting him. He told me his spanish is rusty but he still knows the bad words. He kept his head down, got in the car and headed home. They pulled in behind him turned on the brights and stayed behind him almost all the way home. No doubt they were looking for trouble. I don't know if they thought he was a delivery kid that was carrying cash or they were drunk looking for a kid to pick on. I asked him why he didn't call the police. I got the typical response "I don't know". That's my boy. I told him to tell the other drivers and manager what happened. Also told him to keep his eyes open for them in the future and call someone if it happens again. Might be good time to remind the family (mine and yours) about the number of bad people out there.
  19. for the wife. She's been taking a self defense class for a few weeks now. She must have read about tactical flashlights and hit me up to buy one. I brushed her off for a few days, but the topic kept coming up over and over and over. (You married guys understand) After looking at the Surefire and Streamlight I just wasn't sold on the idea of paying $100 for a light. I took a chance and bought a light by the name of EagleTac. I did a little comparison between a Stinger that I own and the EagleTac. The Stinger can't hold a candle to it. The light seems to be built well, bright, and bright. Never been a fan of led lights, always had a hard time seeing with them. For now, this light has changed my mind. The only down side is it's "assembled in China". Because of clever wording/packaging I thought it was made in Washington state.
  20. Looks like they reserve the right to change specs but refuse to change pricing. Being a little hard headed i would have sent them back.
  21. When putting my stripped upper and BCG together it sounds a little rough. Just moving the bolt in the upper by hand generates the noise. The sound is almost like a zipper being zipped up or down. Lubed both parts and checked for metal burrs and none were found. The BCG seems to move just fine with no binding or sticking. It's just the noise that got my attention. This could be normal for new parts, I don't know. The upper is new and the BCG has only been fired at the factory (it's a new take off part). For what it's worth, both parts are from Daniel Defense. In an effort to narrow down what the exact cause is I removed the bolt from my Stag and put it in the DD upper. The noise is there but not as rough. Then I put the DD BCG in the Stag upper and it sounded normal. Is it possible the noise is from both pieces being new and not broken in? This could be a normal noise. However, if for some reason it's not ... now is the time to fix it.
  22. The statment came straight from a warden. It was his response to my questions about hunting on WMA's with centerfire when no big game season was in. I let him talk, uninterrupted, for a looong time. Poaching was without a doubt number one on the "reason" list. I'm sure safety may have been some of the reason for the rules changing on private land. They might see a problem with bow hunters (not wearing orange) in the same woods as the hunters shooting centerfire.
  23. Talked to a warden about this very subject a couple years ago. It is 100% about limiting poaching. Even received a 30 min story about a known poacher and how he uses coyote hunting to shoot deer out of season.
  24. TWRA will protect the animals that produce the most money. They don't want people "coyote hunting" with the old 06 during bow season. It kills these officers to know a guy is poaching but can't stop them.
  25. Howler

    Am I wrong?

    Never had a problem here, but haven't done a ton of deals either. I will never do business with a negative feedback seller. Most (not all) bad situations can be solved with simple communication. He could have Pm'd me and told me the upper and bcg had to be sold together. I feel he used us against each other to get more money. I got a slap on the wrist because I wouldn't edit my post, changing the time stamp, proving that the seller pulled a fast one.


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