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John Wall

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Everything posted by John Wall

  1. Tony Schwatzell is currently running Intl' Trap shoots and PTO's at Henry Horton. I have been asked to help set up, coach and run similar matches for Intl' Skeet. If you have young athletes wanting to learn and shoot this challenging game, let us know. Training will be at no charge, but shooters must pay for targets, shells and entry fees to matches when we hold them. We are working on an Intl' shooting clinic this summer. This will not be free, but will be approved by USA Shooting, the national governing body (NGB) for these sports in America. I also coach young athletes in ATA trap and NSSA (American) Skeet at Big Springs. Let me know if I may help. As some of you know, I train Armed Professionals and Citizens. I am also qualified and credentialed to train young athletes in Clay Target Sport Shooting.
  2. The Speed Strip is NOT a tachnique at a strip bar near closing time! It works well for those of us carrying a "J" frame or snubby "K" frame. I am on the thin side, and the smaller profile of the "J" frame is easier to conceal than an auto of any signifigant caliber. In my dog eared book, the 9X19 is minimum in an auto. Also, the smallest autos have more of a propensity for stoppages at very inopportune moments.
  3. I shoot the following course. 18 rounds at three yards, 18 rounds at seven yards, and 12 rounds at 15 yards. The obligatory DOS course is 12 at each yardage, with 12 shots to be fired at a range of from 2-25 yards to be determined by the school. I don't want a moderately trained student to be eager to take shots over 25 feet or so under stress. Missing the intended target and striking an uninvolved bystander is very easy for a shooter with a moderate skill level to do. Even trained and experienced law enforcement miss many shots from 25 feet or less!!!
  4. Dear Cruel Hand Luke As one trainer to another, WELL SAID! The loophole that allows a peace officer to be issued a carry permit without taking a class bothers me. His ingrained training is to hunt and apprehend the bad guy. The properly trained civilian not only does NOT hunt for the bad guy, he looks for a way to evade or escape the bad guy. Only if the civilian CANNOT get away AND has justifiable fear of imminent serious injury or death (imminent meaning RIGHT NOW), is use of lethal force appropriate. The bad guy MUST have ability, opportunity AND demonstrated intent to cause serious injury or death right now to make lethal force court defensible. The civil void in qualifying with a 22 target pistol and subsequently injuring (or worse) an uninvolved bystander with a large caliber handgun that you are unfamiliar with makes me very uncomfortable. I do not think this shop is doing a disservice.
  5. Front Sight has been caught up in several scams. This, and their unceasing marketing ploys makes the whole organization suspect. The trainers who train me spend time at Thunder Ranch.
  6. Unless the McCarthy-Leahy bill passes, your medical info is non of the govt's concern. A glaring exception IS Veteran's Administration. Look at the doctor like he passed gas, and carry on as though you did not hear his question. Questions about my health are appropriate. Questions about my personal life are not. I doubt if the good doctor has the knowledge, credentials, or liability insurance to advise me about firearms ownership.
  7. I generally use the factory holster for my defensive firearms training. It is close to the body, retains the frearms very well, is VERY fast to access and also to recover to the holster with a little practice. I do NOT openly carry in public, but it is a very serviceable holster. The price is icing on the cake.
  8. Dear 99 I can't read fast!!
  9. Well said. The criteria for self defense is "CAN YOU GET AWAY FROM THE THREAT?" If you cannot, you are in self defense mode and rules do not apply. If you can get away and still use lethal force, you are in legal jeopardy. If you spend $100K defending yourself in court when you could have backed or run away, you will regret it. The bad thing about chemical spray, which I am credentialed to instruct, is often IT DOES NOT WORK! If the bad guy is on booze, crack, or meth, spray will likely not stop him, and you will be wearing it as well when he locks up with you! The spray WILL work on you. Count on it. I certify folks for it because many guard companies mandate its use. Do NOT make this your ONLY option. I like the Mace Pepper Foam or Gel. Even if the person is under the influence, it will stick to him and obscure his vision long enough for you to have a chance to get away. Also, there is almost no overspray, so uninvolved bystanders are not affected. ;^) If it goes to civil court, and the perp's attorney asks what you sprayed in his harmless client's face, you can smile and say "FOOD ADDITIVE". No dry cleaning solvents, or synthetic chemicals.
  10. Dear Razorback You are a wise man. Carry your legal sidearm discreetly, practice regularly, practice situational awareness, and take a few courses that teach evasion and escape. My ongoing personal trainer is Levi Montgomery. This well balanced, pleasant fellow will train you to easily get away from grabs and holds, and to give the offender a most unpleasant surprise if needed. He will take you as far as you care to go. Knowing you can quickly respond to a grab or attack without having "contact panic" is one of the best confidence builders. The weapon is between your ears. The sidearm is merely a defensive tool, one of several that should be in your toolbox.
  11. The "officer's discretion" pretty much sums it up. ONE slurred or mispoken word, ONE stumble, with the smell of alcohol on your breath, and you can be toast. I am old, and very hard of hearing. I occasionally stumble, mumble and mispeak. I haven't had a drop in many years! If you are driving, and cross the center line after having ONE BEER, you can be charged with DUI. As an interesting note, 12 out of 20 sober folks CANNOT pass a field sobriety test. I know I can't. I can't recite the alphabet backwards, and cannot walk a straight line (old injuries, and clumsy)! And,,, don't vomit on the nice officer's shoes! LOL In my never to be humble opinion, ANY consumption or use of a mood altering substance while carrying is a CARDINAL SIN. If you are going to protect your life or the life of a loved one, you owe it to yourself and them to be at your absolute best. The main reason we cannot carry in a serving establishment is because the powers that be do not trust us to be in such a place and NOT drink!
  12. Dear Fallguy Paragraph 9 does indeed give the right to carry a club or baton to anyone who has been certified by one authorized to give training. However, the manufacturer of the ASP baton will train you only if you are law or security enforcement. Following the manufacturer's recommendations goes a long way in making your training DEFENSIBLE IN COURT. NOT following the manufacturer's recommendations makes you fair game in court. The following cut and paste is from the ASP training website. "Each officer completing ASP training will endure the most rigorous curriculum of its type in the world.* This is a program for the street officer. Easy to learn. Effective when used. Defensible in court. ASP techniques are designed to work for all officers, not just those with a high level of physical skill. These are honest techniques. Over a decade of experience has proven that they work on the street, not just in the ideal environment of a classroom or gymnasium. " Asp will only train Instructors in the Law and Security Enforcement Community. I will NOT train when the training may not be defensible in court!!!! There are Bold pilots and Old pilots. There are not many, BOLD, OLD pilots!
  13. As one who is credentialed by Tn Dept of Commerce and Insurance to instruct Tactical Baton, I will only train one who has an unarmed or armed guard license. As I read the laws of the State of Tn, it is illegal for anyone to carry a club or baton with several exceptions. Under part 13 of Chapter 39, this is a partial list of prohibited weapons, "(a) A person commits an offense who intentionally or knowingly possesses, manufactures, transports, repairs or sells: 39-17-1301. Part definitions. — (1) “Club” means any instrument that is specially designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by striking a person with the instrument;" Under Tn Title 39, a person may carry a baton IF,,,, "39-17-1308. Defenses to unlawful possession or carrying of a weapon. — (1) Was incident to the performance of official duty and pursuant to military regulations in the army, navy, air force, coast guard or marine service of the United States or the Tennessee national guard, or was incident to the performance of official duty in a governmental law enforcement agency or a penal institution; (8) By a person possessing a club or baton who holds a valid state security guard/officer registration card as a private security guard/officer, issued by the commissioner, AND WHO ALSO has certification that the officer has had training in the use of club or baton that is valid and issued by a person certified to give training in the use of clubs or batons;" It seems to me that only a person with a guard license from the Tn Dept of Commerce and Insurance AND in possession of a valid certificate issued by a person certified to give training in the use of clubs or batons may carry a baton. This is a cut and paste from Tn code, Title 39, under Criminal Offenses. I know of several folks who will train a civilian in the use of a baton. I am not one of them. Tn has a program available for civilians to carry a handgun. I think a Moderator said "Don't bring a Baton to a gunfight (or knifefight)!
  14. I took Buford's class as a refresher class several years ago. Take what information you can use, and delete what you cannot. Auto pistols, as a rule, are scoffed at by APPS. I like the Glock, but it takes training to be proficient with. Buford prefers the Ruger SP-101 revolver. For those who will not practice and train, he may have a point.
  15. Dear Rogue I guess my first post here will be on one of my favorite calibers. I have long used Accurate Arms 2520. I also use military brass. This has worked very well for me, basically duplicating the service match load of a 173 gr bullet at 2640 fps. 30/06 173 fmj match c.o.a.l. 3.288†lake city 69 brass cci 200 primer 46.0gr AA2520 velocity in 22†ruger 2647fps This has been VERY accurate in Match Garands and my hunting rifle, a Ruger Stainless 30/06. One could get more power, but as a match load out to 300 or so yards, this is a tried and true load. For the 168 SMK, one could go to 46.5 gr 2520. This is, of course for the military hull. I load one grain more for commercial cases. The easiest way to cut your groups in half is to segregate hulls according to weight. Using hulls within one-half grain will cut your groups. You may be surprised about the consistency of GI brass.


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