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Everything posted by SavageSig

  1. Because if the only car you've ever driven was a Ford Fiesta and somebody let you drive their Civic, you'd think the Honda had a supercharger under the hood or something. A guy driving a Ferrari will think they're both POS. Until you shoot a snubby .357 with full powered loads, you don't know what Hand Cannon means
  2. I agree that the safest gun is a gun in pieces, but getting that gun in pieces is the dangerous part. (edit: only relatively dangerous. As in something a range that sees hundreds of users a weekend might need to worry about) We've all heard news stories where some poor soul gets himself shot while disassembling. For a busy public range, the safest place for your gun to be is in a case or pointed downrange. It's really not hard to comply with the rules and if you get a sharp word reminding you of something, just grin and shrug off the chip on your shoulder. I don't think I've read anybody complaining about being called an ugly name or anything...just "bitchy" tones of voice and other ghostly specters of insults. Well, except the Range Nazi, but he's old and crazy. And yelling? You're on a gun range with ear protection. Everybody yells at each other. I've seen them raise their voice a bit more, but I've never seen someone get their ass torn ragged by a RSO. I'm sure a few of them could truly scorch your eardrums if you wanted them to, though. I have sympathy for the RSO's because I know what it's like to babysit a bunch of know it all know nothings. You may be the second coming of Jeff Cooper, but they have no way of knowing this until they've seen you a few times and get to know you. A HCP does not make you a safe shooter. Would you rather they take anybody who claims to be a veteran or weapon's expert at their word? "Oh, you were a SOG operator for 20+ years? Top secret missions!! Dude, totally, go set up your brand new Hi-Point with 40x scope on the far lane. You're loading that magazines backwards but I guess you know what you're doing. You don't need to follow the rules."
  3. Yes, I've seen the RWS stuff for sale at 16 bucks a box in ADDITION to the Federal for about 10 bucks a box. So I figure it's not so bad in a pinch because it is very high quality 9mm, but if you can wait, the Federal stuff will be available too.
  4. Haha, that's good to know. I asked a RSO about it once and he told me that all I needed was a flatter shooting gun. But the qualification sounds easy enough.
  5. May not have been the FBI, but accounting brought down Al Capone. I mean, you've got to have somebody around who can understand that gobbledegook and see that the numbers don't add up. They need to track the money that sponsors things like terrorism, and IMHO, white collar criminals like Bernie "Made-Off". And of course, to cover their own tracks
  6. Sounds like the OP is a he-man woman hater. I wonder why you specifically singled out the woman when there are a TON of crotchety old men who work the range as well. I really dislike that a woman gets labeled a "bitch" with an extremely negative connotation for being forceful with men. It's really not fair at all, and men who do say things like that just sound like sulky children. I've shot with Jenny running the show before, and she is a very nice lady. Most of the RSOs are pretty nice if you show an ounce of respect. I like the excessive rules and safety because I like not getting shot. Read the posts about the Prentiss Cooper range in the "Events" subsection. If that's what you want OP, head on over there. Or get rich and buy some land so you don't have to go to a public facility. I've seen attitudes like the OP's before on the paintball field. Some people just can't stand being told to do something no matter what it is. I see it as their problem. Also, if they yell, it isn't personal. You're wearing ear protection, right? How the hell else are they going to get through to you? Perhaps they should come up, tap you on the shoulder, and speak in a loud whisper. After reading the rest of the posts.... Yes, they will let you use a chrony. I saw a fellow testing out loads for his Savage a few weeks back. He set it on one of the barriers at about 10 yards and set his rifle up behind it. The way some people paint it, these RSO's are up your ass all the time about everything. That is not the case. It's very simple to follow the rules, ESPECIALLY if you know about firearms. Yes, you can keep your brass, but don't put it in the bucket. The long range lanes (everyone was saying 400, but I thought they were 200?) do not require any sort of certification, but they must approve the caliber you're shooting. It's got to shoot flat enough to pass through a tunnel. I've encountered the range nazi. He made me mad because I was trying to calibrate the iron sights on my CZ452 .22 and he said something about "Why the **** is he using a rest to sight in that dinky gun". Got my blood up a little but I managed to let it go. Got my rifle sighted in and put the rest away. Then he came over and started talking about different .22 ammo and it was all good.
  7. It might be that RWS target stuff, which is supposed to retail for like 30 bucks a box. Why Wal-Mart has it, I don't know.
  8. Does she like horses? How about a pony ride? I went riding once with a friend on rented horses, and it was cheap and fun. She found a place easily by just looking online.
  9. Before you drop a lot of cash on a dSLR... 1) Make sure she's comfortable lugging it around. I used to carry a small film SLR with me, and made the jump to digital. Several dSLR's since then, I haven't found one that's made me happy enough to want to carry the bulk everywhere I go. IMHO, they ALL suck compared to a film camera. Unless you want to spend 300+ for a single lens, that is. 2) Lenses. The stock lens that comes with a Canon sucks. Big time. If you're happy with the stock lens, you may as well get a high end point and shoot. They have comparable or slightly better lenses, they're cheaper, you don't have to worry about getting dust on the sensor, and they're more compact. 3) If you're not going to spend a lot of time retouching photographs and shooting in raw...get a high end point and shoot. 4) Does she know the basics of photography? If not, it really is better to get a cheaper camera, learn the basics, and then step it up to the DSLR if she wants to get fancy. It's really quite useless to get a DSLR and then stick it in automatic mode and go to town with a 16GB card. 5) Finally, what is she going to use this for? Portraiture? Landscapes? Quick images of friends? Sports photography? The point and shoot isn't really suited for that last one, but it will definitely work like a charm for the others. I've had a 30D, 10D, 20D, E-420, E-520, Nikon D40...They all shoot pretty much the same. One of my favorite lenses is a Zuiko 50mm/1.4. I have an adapter for Canon and Oly, and guess what, once it's on, all the cameras shoot the same. If she really wants a DSLR, then go for it. I saw at Wal-Mart that they had the E-420 for 399 w/ kit lens. That's a killer price for such a small dSLR with a decent kit lens. Or you can look for a used one. But really consider what you're going to need it for, or it's going to gather dust. If you want to get her a great point and shoot, then I would look at a Panasonic LX3 or Canon S90. I have both. The LX3 has a 24mm wide angle lens, the S90 28mm. Both are fast F2.0 apertures. Canon is smaller, but the Panny has a better lens. Canon has a better sensor. I use the Canon more. It can be a set it and forget it camera, or you can put it in fully-manual mode.
  10. I got offered one of those in a trade a several months ago. I almost did it just to run a few rounds through it. I cannot imagine putting a full powered .357 round through something that weighs about as much as a LCP. Must be pretty spectacular.
  11. That's impressive. I was just joshing, of course. No way limpwristing can break a sear. People always say that whenever somebody has a problem with small pistols, though.
  12. You're limpwristing;) I'm with you on this. The sear broke twice after relatively few rounds down the pipe? Definitely not carry worthy. They've lost the benefit of the doubt, and I would need to see some sort of proof that they do have a sear that will function for a reasonable amount of time before I thought of using it for anything but the range.
  13. What's a S&W Model 12 2" RB? I'm really not savvy on the revolver lingo. I have one and I like it, but I don't really talk about it. I know what an underlug is now, but that's about it. Oh, and that "locks up tight" is good.
  14. SavageSig

    My First Handgun

    I hope you're a natural or a man with very deep pockets, because it's going to be very expensive or impossible to become proficient, what with .380 being as scarce as it is. But, nice gun. I had one just like it with black grips. Mine wouldn't shoot reliably, but maybe yours will. And remember, don't buy Sig mags, buy Colt Mustang mags! They're way cheaper and work perfectly.
  15. I think the next pistol itch I'm going to scratch is a small snub nose revolver. I shot a J-Frame .38 +P S&W and I was very accurate with it. I really enjoyed the smooth DAO trigger and I could tolerate the snag free sights. My question is: How does a Colt Cobra or Detective Special stack up to a modern day 442? The exposed hammer doesn't bother me, nor does the inability to fire +P ammo, but how about reliability and trigger? Anybody have both and want to share their opinion? All things being equal, I'd go with a Colt just because they're Colts and they're old and I like both of those things. What say you?
  16. Just a little review A while back I posted a thread asking for some input on hearing protection. There was a lot of Peltor support, but I decided to go with these Howard Leight muffs that I found on Amazon. 4.5/5 stars with 55 ratings is good enough for me. They arrived today, and they look and feel great. I really like the olive/black color scheme.The muffs seem to be very sturdy while still being lightweight and very thin. They take 2 AAA batteries, and they're a snap to install without any tools. There is also a STANDARD audio input and an included male to male audio adapter to attach your favorite music device, radio, etc. I'm particularly excited about this feature. This set has a NRR of 22dB, which is only decent. I plan on wearing earplugs underneath if I'm around larger caliber rifles or indoors. There is only one control knob, and it's large and grippy. Very easy to manipulate, probably even with heavy gloves. There are two microphones, which does allow for directional hearing. Turned all the way up, they enhance sound very well. My computer fan goes from a whisper to a deafening drone with a flick of the knob. Very cool. The price is the best part about these headphones. Very inexpensive compared to the Peltor's, and supposedly they're just as good at cutting out for just an instant for loud noises. No lag like the Caldwell's. Well, supposedly no lag. I'll find out for sure this weekend.
  17. Thank you for all of the input, guys. I learned a lot about knives, and now I want one too. I actually spoke to him, trying to slyly tease out any hints about something he's had his eye on. Well, it turns out he ordered a few knives a couple of weeks ago, including a classic Ka-Bar, a Sog Seal Pup, and some other knife I hadn't heard of. So I'll have to find something else, but that's a different thread entirely.
  18. If the rifle felt best to you, then nice choice. Now go pop some rims!! The best way to find out if the Thunderbolts work is to buy a box of 50 and try them out. Rimfires are generally unique in what rounds they like. If the Thunderbolts don't work out, the Fed 550 bulk at Wally World is generally a pretty good round for semi-autos. And of course, as mentioned before, the 40 gr. Mini-Mags are generally great in semi-autos.
  19. Bellshire Hardware is at 3837 Dickerson Pike. If you're coming from Nashville, go I-65N and take the Dickerson Pike exit. Take a right and drive a few miles. Bellshire Hardware will be on your right. He has a pretty good sign you'll see from the road, and he's in a small strip mall.
  20. Navy SEALs Charlie Sheen and Bill Paxton at their best. I bet all SEALs play golf like asshats and do live fire exercises around civilians.
  21. I think you're absolutely right. Would a classic USMC Ka-Bar straight edge be alright, you think? Or would a next generation Ka-Bar be in order? My bud really likes his history, but at the same time, old tech is old tech.
  22. Thanks, I'll check out the the RAT and BK&T knives. They might be a little more than I can afford, though.
  23. Agreed. That's why I really like the RSO's there, because they'll put a stop to foolishness as soon as it pops up. Some people complain that they get on your butt for doing innocuous things, but that hasn't been my experience at all. I see them shepherding people with AR's and SKS's and whatever else all the TIME. I once saw a person with a hangfire in a AR try to put the gun up WITH A HOT ROUND STILL IN THE CHAMBER! Range was cold. Luckily a RSO came by and demanded that he leave the weapon on the bench until the range was hot, when they would try to clear the weapon properly. I'd rather be held to stricter safety standards than get my head blown off by somebody who bought a gun yesterday and some ammo today.
  24. I'm looking for a good fixed blade knife to give as a gift to a Marine pal. I dunno if he'll choose to take it with him overseas, but I would like to get him a knife that would be very capable in a theater of war. I was going to get a LMF II (recommended by an Army buddy) @ Guns and Leather, but it turns out they don't carry Gerbers. So now I'm looking online, and I see lots of choices. A dizzying array of choices, really. Sog Seal Pup Elite or Gerber LMF II? Maybe a Ka-Bar of some sort? Any suggestions? Oh, and anyone know the difference between a regular LMF II Infantry Knife and a LMF II ASEK?
  25. Nice purchase. CZ's are way underrated, especially in TN. My Phantom was kick-butt and would put all 19 rounds on target in no time flat. Never did find a decent holster for it, though.


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