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Everything posted by SavageSig

  1. If you don't want to buy used your choices are limited. A lot of quality firearms are priced in the 400-600 dollar range. Sub 400 you're looking at Bersa, Hi Point, EAA/tangfolio, Ruger, Taurus.... My favrite from that list is a Non polymer Witness if you can find one. Or a Bersa. Haven't shot one yet but I hear they're pretty nice.
  2. Check out the CZ P07 if you haven't already. I dunno if there's an Academy near you, but they started stocking them. ~400, 16+1 9mm capacity, lightweight, ergonomic (especially with medium sized hands) and deadly accurate. First run had some teething issues, but I hear they've ironed it all out now. They're set up to shoot +p+ loads from the factory as well. Otherwise, Glock 19 or M&P 9mm. I like the M&P because it shoots better for me, but the Glock has a handier grip size and an ironclad rep.
  3. I really doubt that 8 rounder will fit flush on an ultra compact. Like Jeff said, with a full size 1911 the 8 rounders stick out a tiny bit.
  4. Agreed. Why is that 200+ more than a Springfield Mil-Spec or RIA? And Remington has cheapened their name so much, I'm not sure I like it emblazoned on the side like that.
  5. Fed 550 was pretty good in my Mark II. The "pricey" stuff is still much cheaper than any other kind of bullet you can buy. Some other brands you can try: Wolf Target CCI Blazer G&L has both in stock.
  6. That rifle doesn't have iron sights anymore? It did when I got mine. What sort of groupings are you wanting? Are you going to plink at gallon jugs at 10 yards? Or golf balls at 100 yards? A 3-9x40 is a fine general choice for a beginner rifle. Understand that the cheaper scopes are cheap for a reason. You'll have to adjust your zero when you zoom in and out. They're also bad at holding zero. But with a .22, those limitations aren't such a big deal. Ammo is cheap. You might go crazy the first few times out, wondering if there's something wrong with your rig or you. Probably both. But with time you'll figure it out. Just don't get a 40X scope as your first one.
  7. The Pacific is taking it's time to build up steam, but I'm beginning to really like it. I think white washing the Marines in the Pacific was done to death in the 40's and 50's. A more realistic and balanced approach is refreshing, maybe even past due. For instance, that soldier was picking gold out of that dead guy's mouth, but he was also the same soldier who wanted to sit around and watch the new guys bust their butts. Perhaps a bit of his humanity was lost at Guadalcanal. Who knows. We should also not forget that war crimes were shown in "Saving Private Ryan" without besmirching the brave soldiers who invaded Normandy in '44. And of course there was the drunk soldier from Band of Brothers who killed several men while on a bender. You don't have to have a rah-rah-rah movie to honor our fighting men. Horrific moments like that serve to contrast against moments of great heroism and good, to make them shine brighter.
  8. I'm guessing that if Wyatt Earp grew up shooting Glocks, everybody would be dissecting which particular model is best suited for quick draw. I think shooting from the hip is unnatural and requires a lot of practice for any particular pistol. Anyways, we all know what the best quick draw gun is: A C96 Mauser modified to shoot red thingies. To be really quick, you need a custom rig. And green aliens named Greedo to practice on.
  9. I won't use Paypal or eBay ever again. Their policies are completely unfair and their cut keeps growing larger and larger while their services remain static or are in decline. I think eBay is charging 18% of final value now? And to top it off, the last time I sold on eBay and accepted Paypal, Paypal HELD my money until the guy I sold to confirmed that he was satisfied. That's just begging for abuse by the buyer, especially since the seller can no longer leave feedback for buyers. I blame it all on that Meg person. The one trying to break into politics because she managed to turn eBay into fee hell.
  10. Yeah?
  11. You asked so I'm telling you. A modern 9mm is more effective than an ancient 7.62 design. 7.62 has penetration, but that's it. You shouldn't buy a gun based on it's ability to physically bash somebody, but a P11 will hurt if you smack somebody in the face with it. Both pistols aren't that hot compared to modern moderately priced firearms, especially if you're considering it for home defense. I like how defensive you got. Definitely makes me want to continue giving my 2 cents.
  12. Auto gets old. Get a bolt gun, especially if it's your first. You want to ingrain yourself with shooting with precision and accuracy, rather than spraying and praying. Mark II Savage has excellent accuracy, right up there with the other big boys. What it lacks is refinement in the bolt action and trigger. A non-accutrigger Savage is fine, but you won't get single hole groups consistently at 50 yards that way. Trigger is simply too heavy. With my old non-accutrigger Savage, I was getting about quarter sized groups. Still not bad at all. Me? I would spring for the BXP (or TR if you can find it) model from Dick's. At 189, you are getting a hell of a rifle for the price. Expect to pay 600+ for a comparable centerfire rifle. Or 350+ for a comparable rimfire.
  13. Something without a safety and a good holster. Plus a lot of practice on your part.
  14. I have not heard of .22's going bad. Perhaps you got a bad batch wouldn't have been good to shoot at any point in time. Thunderbolts are dirty, but Golden Bullets are dirtier. When I shoot those, my fingers won't wash clean of that "gold" dust for at least 2 days no matter how much hot water and soap I use. Coatings are not universal, but the nicer bullets have a waxy lubricant on them. Supposedly disturbing the coating is not good for accuracy. But that is neither here nor there. How many rounds have been down the barrel since you last cleaned? Do you have pictures of the shards of lead that you pushed out of your barrel? I clean my .22's very infrequently, and I have never seen physical bits of lead come out of my barrel. Very dirty patches, sure, but not chunks of lead. Either your pistol hadn't been cleaned in 3 or 4 decades and a couple of pallets of ammo, or something is wrong.
  15. If this is your only pistol, then neither. CZ52 is a curio and the P11 is junk with a crappy trigger.
  16. Any of you guys been to spokeo.com? I suggest you do and search for yourself. This idiotic site prides itself on providing intimate details of YOUR life to everyone else. Like what? Current address, your home's value, your personal interests, your credit score, etc. Most of my data was wrong, which leads me to believe that this is a blatant attempt to blackmail you for your email address. You can click on the "Privacy" link in the lower right hand corner to remove your info, but I'm guessing that's a one-way ticket to Spam hell. I also found it interesting that under the "Contact us" link, they specifically ask if you are a law official. I'm guessing that they're hoping on causing a furor which will drive traffic to the site up. I'm angry that I'm just stepping along to their tune, but what else can you do? These jerks need to be stopped, and not by buying their "data removal" service.
  17. Just a heads up, steampowered.com is doing a free Multi-player weekend for Modern Warfare 2. If you haven't bought it yet, download it and join in starting Thursday at 4PM. Should be good for people who have been playing too, as there will be a lot of fresh meat to AC130 etc. Don't forget to buddy up with other TGO members and jump in on Ventrilo.
  18. Neat. I didn't know the 7.62x25 was such a nasty round. I always thought it was a weak trashy round like the .32 ACP. Now I want a CZ-52 to see what the hoopla is all about.
  19. They weren't anything special. I wonder if Loveless will name a new biscuit lady or go in their current direction and just set up a small factory to churn out frozen "Biscuit Lady Biscuits".
  20. Sig
  21. My 2 cents publicly: I don't do a 2 stage pull. The key is to not jerk your finger back. Instead you want a smooth but quick trigger pull. The point of the DA/SA is that if you need your weapon, your first shot will be DA. If you cheat and do a 2 stage pull, then you might do that in a real situation. Seconds or half seconds may matter. I'm not saying I'm perfect with the DA, but I'm accurate enough to hit a man sized target in the chest out to 25m reliably. The DA/SA double tap is fun to work on too. Of course, if you're looking to hit the X ring each and every time, why not just practice in SA mode until you master that? Then step it up. Or some may argue why bother at all, just get a LEM or DAK or Glock type trigger and be done with it.
  22. Very nice. Henry's have a very slick action, and that octagon barrel is SWEET!
  23. Call S&W. Doesn't this pistol have a lifetime warranty?
  24. lol
  25. I liked mine. Very light and very shootable. People who think it's a handful...well, I don't know guys. I think a full size 1911 kicks more than this little firecracker. The 238 is more accurate, but it weighs more and it costs more and it has a safety and my first one was a lemon. My LCP had zero failures while I had it, it's DAO with a great trigger, it's super light, and it's super flat. When I see .380 on the shelves again at reasonable prices, I'll get another one.


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