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Everything posted by SavageSig

  1. You assume incorrectly. It is marked 230gr. MC. Thanks OhShoot. Are there any meaningful ballistic differences?
  2. I lucked out and got a box of Remington .45 230gr...MC? I assume it's a synonym for FMJ but why the distinction?
  3. Congrats, Phil is a great guy to deal with. Which generation did you end up with?
  4. Catastrophic failure?
  5. For range use, Beretta Neos. Cheap, reliable, and easy to clean. Mags are crazy cheap as well. If you're talking Bullseye at 25 yards, I don't know. Trailside?
  6. I like Skyline 4-ways every once in a while, but it's nothing like a good cup of straight chili. Or with onions and jalapenos. I like the chili fries at White Castle, but I'm afraid I can't imagine eating a whole bowl of that greasy stuff. I ate a bowl of chili at Rotier's last night, and found it to be decent, if a little bland. I will have to check out this Brewhouse and Texas Roadhouse. Oh and Varallo's.
  7. Or the surrounding area? Whenever I go to a new place, I always try their chili if it's available. And generally I am very disappointed. Who's got a suggestion? Right now, my favorite is probably from Longhorn. It seems to have the best balance of flavor and heartiness that I desire in a chili. Most other places serve hamburger and bean soup. Vietti is good too, but it's from a can and sort of salty.
  8. I used to hate Glocks, but now that I've spent some significant range time with my 2nd gen, other pistols feel awkward in my hand. I've grown to like the beefy brick grip. Plus I really like that it never malfunctions and I don't have to handle it with kid gloves. That Glock finish is something else.
  9. That's ok. Price's go up, people don't buy, prices come back down again. I'm seeing .40 and 9mm regularly at WM, and prices on those have dropped. 9mm used to be 10.50 for a while, and now it's back down to 9.50 for federal. RWS was 16 until it stayed on the shelves, and then it was back down to 12.50.
  10. Zergling rush is tough with the new barricades on most maps.
  11. Well it doesn't spin up. I tried an external enclosure and power supply and no dice. Fortunately I've got 2/3 of it backed up. The other third is just media junk anyhow, though I appreciate the offer macgyver. I'm definitely going to get Seagate to replace it. I got a WD so I can install and run SC2 anyhow.
  12. I got it. It's awesome
  13. My 750GB Seagate drive died yesterday without any warning. It's my secondary drive, and I've had it installed for about two months now. I booted Windows and tried to start up StarCraft II, which is on this drive. It paused and locked up. I rebooted and now the drive isn't being detected in BIOS or in Windows. I tried all the SATA connectors on my PSU and 4 different SATA cables. I'm not even sure it's being powered, as I don't detect any hums or vibrations. Anybody have any ideas?
  14. Well, I'm not so sure it's specific to AT&T. Do other phone companies blacklist phones? I get the impression none of them do it.
  15. Care to elaborate?
  16. My iPhone 4 was stolen over the weekend, and I have learned a number of upsetting facts. 1) The IMEI # and Serial # you have are useless. AT&T refuses to blacklist phones that are reported as stolen. It has been rumored that this is deliberate to increase sales. It doesn't take a genius to see that this is true. They told me it's too complicated to put a system in place: tell that to the UK, where they have been blacklisting stolen phones for years. I mean, seriously? Everybody activates through them. Why is it so complicated. Add another step to the activation process that checks the IMEI#. Boom, problem solved. 2) Said phone can be restored with iTunes WITHOUT the password needed to access the iPhone itself. In other words, if you steal an iphone with a password, no sweat. Just hook it up to iTunes and wipe it clean. Presto! Like new iPhone! 3) I had 2 AT&T CSRs tell me that they WILL blacklist phones. They even put me on hold to do so. But they were just lying to get me to get off the line, because 3 other AT&T CSRs told me that was complete BS. I was also told that the thief cannot use the iPhone at all without the password, but as I mentioned before, that is not true. 4) AT&T will gladly activate a stolen phone for you for $15. And probably fall over themselves trying to get you to sign up for a sweet new contract. 5) Despite the fact that the iPhone has GPS, they refuse to track it. They claim they cannot, but again, this is a bald faced lie. 6) MobileMe is $100 and is not guaranteed to work. Most PD's refuse to regard iPhone theft as a true crime, as it is a cell phone. A cell phone worth more than some small cars, but "just" a cell phone. 7) Insurance is $15 a month plus a $300 deductible for an iPhone 4. So if you have it for two years and happen to lose your iPhone, you will have paid for a new iPhone and then some. A suckers bet for sure. So all of these facts combined and you have to wonder why anybody WOULDN'T grab an iPhone they see lying around. It's like cars from 20 years ago: they were so easy to steal, they were stolen all the time. Get the industry to beef up some countermeasures though, and you make cars unattractive to steal, and so car thefts go down.
  17. That isn't right. Just because the guy was a sucker doesn't mean the store should have taken him like one. If they're an honest business, they'll give an honest appraisal and make an honest offer based on it. If they appraised them at 300 and offered 80, that's another story entirely. The guy was informed and he chose to make a decision. But let's face it, you go to an expert because you expect expert advice. He didn't go to some crummy pawn shop, he went to a gun shop. I wouldn't want to do business with somebody who is constantly looking for ways to skin me. Now, if they marked up the pistols to about 175 or 200 for resale, then that's another story entirely. If they give a deal because they got a deal, that's kosher in my book.
  18. SavageSig

    45 acp

    I just picked up a High Standard Compact Crusader. It's a very enjoyable pistol, although you should know that High Standard 1911s are just a rebranded RIA/Armascor 1911s. Can't go wrong with a Springfield or Colt either, although RIA will definitely be the cheapest.
  19. I want one, so long as it's not priced like a 340PD. And it doesn't have a laser. It's fun making big holes with small guns. (And yes, I'm fully aware that the .357 and .38 fire the same diameter bullet)
  20. Nice! The Bodyguard I saw at the store had the laser about 3 feet left of point of aim, so I wonder if the laser is a common issue. Keep us apprised of any new developments
  21. Ok that makes sense. Chip Mccormick a good brand? I'm looking for spare mags for an officers sized 1911. It's either Chip match mags or Colt mags from CDNN.
  22. What's the purpose of a bumper pad on a 1911 mag? Seems to me the lower profile a mag can be the better.
  23. Thanks to Phil at Goodlettsville Gun Shop I am the proud owner of a 3rd gen Glock 19. Now I just need a .22 conversion and I'll be all Glocked up.
  24. Tell us more. I was looking at one the other day and it felt pretty nice.


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