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Everything posted by SavageSig

  1. SavageSig

    Rental Ranges

    If you're looking to buy at the range where you try, my vote would also go to Guns and Leather. If you're looking at a used item, they'll put the 10 dollar rental fee to try it out towards the final purchase price if you decide to get it. If, however, you're just looking to try, On Target would be adequate. The range is more expensive to use, but otherwise, it's perfectly fine. I just wouldn't buy there.
  2. My question is why a gun purchased before June 3 wasn't any cheaper or have a voucher for a magazine to be claimed later.
  3. Are you talking about the golden bullets? I ran ~400 rounds through my Colt Cadet without a single issue. My Savage Mark II shoots tighter groups with Golden Bullets than Federal or Winchester bulk.
  4. Personally, I think the primary advantage of a .22 pistol is the cheap ammo. I think this is nullified by picky guns, especially ones that require Minimags to function well (i.e. Mosquito). Sure, Minimags are still cheaper than any other centerfire round out there, but the ability to shoot Federal Bulk @ 14 dollars for 550 vs Minimags @ 14 dollars for 200 means big savings for a lot of trigger time. So I would go for reliability above all other traits. That's just me though.
  5. Can't go wrong with any of these options. I just sold my Cadet, which is basically the same design as the Neos. That thing ate every type of ammo I threw at it...no misfires or jams, which are all too prevalent in some designs (cough mosquito cough). If you're going for the best bang for the buck, I would seriously check the Neos out. If you want something slightly classy, go for the Buckmark. If you want something tough as nails, get yourself a Ruger. If you've got money to burn, check out a Smith and Wesson 41.
  6. SavageSig

    Sig P238

    Mine has been great. My first box of Magtech saw 2 FTE, but I've run 2 more boxes of Prvi Partizan through it with absolutely no malfunctions. Very accurate, light recoil, and the trigger is excellent.
  7. SavageSig

    Did some trading

    I love my GP100. It's about 20 years old (ok, young for a firearm, but still) and still going strong! Magnums are a hoot to shoot.
  8. Try a p238. Minimal kick and quite accurate.
  9. Bad Ass.
  10. Ohhh snap caps. That makes total sense
  11. So I can see how loading a random number of rounds could help in a revolver but wouldn't the slide lock open and not allow you to unintentionally dry fire on a semiauto? Or do the dry fires happen on mags handed to you empty?
  12. 150 rounds .22 Federal - Colt Cadet and SW 422 50 rounds Blazer 9mm - Glock 19 50 rounds .380 - Sig P238 40 rounds WWB .45 - SW 645 18 rounds Remington 125gr .357 Magnum - GP100 30 rounds Remington .38 +P HP - Some sort of SW Hammerless Subcompact Revolver
  13. I think when you're shooting as many rounds as the military does, you're more concerned about reliability and cost rather than if the bullets make slightly larger holes in people. Oh, and that whole Hague Convention thing.
  14. Fat Tire and Bushmills Whiskey. I just tried something called Clontarf Irish Whiskey and it's very smooth.
  15. I did not get a box and manual, but I found a basic description of how to break it down for cleaning. Basically hold the slide back and unscrew the screw underneath the barrel, right? Do you know if it's safe to carry cocked and locked out in the field? The push button safety doesn't inspire a lot of confidence, but I'm really worried if there is a transfer bar safety or not. I don't want to drop it and have it go off. Also, what is a good way to decock it? I don't like dry firing my rimfires, and I have heard from others that this is a big no no. Or is it acceptable to leave it cocked for long periods of time, even while not loaded?
  16. I used to watch the show but Kate is turning into quite the monster. She seems to think that she put her time in for a few years and now she gets to lay back and live the fat life provide by her superstar children. Really she started off begging for money and now she hates her fans and she lives on some gigantic compound. Ridiculous. I really hate how many women seem to think hat she is a model of Motherhood.
  17. Got my 380 from midway today! I feel rich with bullets!
  18. It looked like neither a Groundhog or a Muskrat, unless it was an immature form of either. He never made any vocalizations that I could hear. I have not seen the little guy the last few days, but if he pops his head up again, I will definitely try to snap a pic.
  19. There was a brief period when G&L was charging 16.99 for 9mm and 30 dollars for a box of Magtech .45 target loads, but that passed rapidly. Their prices for used firearms have also dropped off. I think they experimented with the higher gun craze prices and then decided it wasn't working out.
  20. So will there be a match on 6/20?
  21. Updated with pictures. Yup, I figure it's the 4.5" standard version. As you can see, it is not in showroom condition, but I figure a new .22 would look like this after a year in my care anyhow. It's a bit "space gun"-ish, but I sort of like the way it looks. I definitely like the way it shoots. The grip is very comfortable in my hand. Needs a good cleaning, but I've adopted a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude with the few .22 pistols I've had experience with. Not one failure to feed or eject in the 200 or so rounds I ran through it on Sunday. I've confirmed that it will fit Neos magazines, so I'm going to put in an order to CDNN for some 9.99 mags. So what's the story with the rail type thing screwed into the top? Is that some way to mount an optic, or is that just a vented rib. And if it's just a vented rib, what sort of functionality does it have?
  22. Good call on the midway 380. Got my 4 boxes ordered via phone and the operator was very friendly. Buds has aguila 380 but they want 30 a box. Nuts to that.
  23. Favorite: Guns and Leather. It's a bit of a drive, but I haven't found a place that matches the service and decent pricing. You're never ignored and the range is pretty good. A couple of target motors have been broken my last few visits, but I'm sure they'll fix that soon enough. Least Favorites: Franklin Gun Shop. Too expensive and the salesmen have rubbed me the wrong way several times. Uselton's- Sky high prices and ridiculous range fees. Owner talks a lot and tried to hustle me into a "Bronze Shooting Package" which, along with an extremely high up front fee, would have still required me to pay 15 dollars in range fees every visit. Their ammo only? Say what? On-Target: Weak selection and prices. It seems like every time I go to the range, some turd is shooting a MP5 full auto right next to me with the dirtiest ammo known to man, and I end up with that lovely sickly sweet lead taste on the back of my throat for the next day or two.
  24. Anyone know anything about it? I picked it up used at Guns and Leather today, and while it shoots great, I can't find much info on the internet about it. Is custom work required to mount an optic? I did read that the Beretta Neos uses the same magazine. Anyone know if that's true? It would be much better to pay 9 bucks a mag instead of 40 or 50. Some quick pictures by request:
  25. I read on Wikipedia about IDPA and I'm intrigued. Could I compete with a Smith M645? Holds 8+1 .45. Would I need to buy a holster for it?


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