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Everything posted by SavageSig

  1. I'd be all over .357 magnum if there were more Autoloaders rather than just Coonan and Desert Eagle. It's a trade-off and the options in place make .45 more attractive than .357 mag.
  2. Ads like this is why I asked my initial question - real panic or faux panic. To the gun industry, panics are good times.
  3. Thank you for the suggestions - I went with a MS4 sling - found a cheap deal on ebay and had some ebay bucks, so why not. I also plan on picking up some plain Jane slings to have around. My 22s need straps! For the record, I am not preparing for civil disobedience.
  4. Received my Spike's Tactical carbine today - thanks to Guns 'n' More for the smooth FFL transfer. It's a very handsome gun and it seems to be 100% functional - I need to take it to the range now. I picked up a lower that I'm going to convert into a pistol. I was going to buy another couple of lowers, but the fact that lowers are readily available with less than a month to go in the election tell me that supply is vastly outstripping any election demand. I think an AR and an AR pistol (to SBR later) is probably enough for now - thanks for the advice and I am picking up some spare parts. Where do people go these days to shoot rifles? I haven't been to a rifle range in ages - I know of Stones River, but what are some other places that people recommend? And perhaps have a longer range than 100 yards? I'm sticking with iron sights for now, but a red dot of some sort is probably in my future. Also, sling recommendations? Thanks.
  5. I wish you had posted 5 minutes ago - I just pulled the trigger on a Spikes Tactical ST-15. Sport II was no longer an option and while I sat here with a $450 PSA Freedom AR build in my cart with thoughts of buying that .22 pistol I wanted a little early, I decided to just go ahead and buy the "nicer" one.
  6. I dislike feeling pressured to buy, but if now isn't the right time I don't know when - now, should I spring for a Spike's Tactical at 750 + FFL transfer or pick up a S&W Sport II for $600 OTD. I was looking at PSA as well...I can get a complete blem lower for about $200 after shipping and FFL fees.
  7. I remember both times BO was elected, and both times there was a run on guns right before and after the election. After two panic runs that coincided with presidential elections, plus the Sandy Hook disaster run, are others seeing evidence of real panic buying before this election, or is it more that vendors/speculators are hoping for panic buying? I keep reading that people better stock up before the election, but when I go out to shops, I am not seeing the crowds I was four or eight years ago. Supply does seem to be drying up, but I don't know if that's organic demand or people remembering the last panics and buying all the lowers they can to flip. I ask because I'm interested in an AR - prices seem to be much lower than when I last looked a few years ago. Should I take my time and be a bit choosier or should I get one while I can? I also want to pick up a few other firearms, but right now I'm prioritizing the AR because the election and now I'm wondering if I'm letting that overly influence my decision. Can prices drop more? Thank you.
  8. If nobody cared, we'd all carry Glocks. I swear some people open carry simply to show off their new pistol.
  9. Sig got my 238 back to me in less than a week, but it was still broken. So, you know...speed isn't everything.
  10. Thank you for the reality check. I'm sick of the whole, "If you're not actively with us, you must be actively against us" mentality.
  11. Wow, I was always ambivalent towards On-Target (expensive firearms, bad ventilation in the firing range), but this thread has actually made me angry for the OP. You left your rifle there two weeks to get a shipping label that never came? I will go ahead and call them liars.They are putting the screws to you, buddy. Get your money back for that rifle. No paperwork, no factory clip? Almost certainly used sold as new. Don't let them "fix" your brand new gun with their gunsmith.
  12. I like it. I just wish they would start producing the 3913 again. It's a bargain at that price too. This is what Glock should have done 12 years ago, a Glock 36 except chambered in 9mm and much lighter and a little slimmer. I would imagine it's as accurate as the double stack M&P's, and while maybe not pocketable, easily holsterable. I don't think 9mm is a great round to pocket, anyhow.
  13. SavageSig

    Taurus M380

    Looks like the only advantage is if you want a common caliber with your .380 pistol or....rifle? A downloaded .38 would be more suitable and versatile if someone can't handle the recoil of a .38, .38+P or .357. This thing weighs as much as a J-frame, so why bother.
  14. More like the Skeeter.
  15. Only two?
  16. I like Smith triggers better than the LCR. The LCR has a nice trigger, but it felt a bit like a cap gun trigger to me. I like smooth consistent trigger pulls for DA revolvers, whic the Smiths I've shot have. If her BF is buying and she doesn't mind the extra ounces, there's nothing wrong with that choice.
  17. SavageSig

    why a Glock?

    Sponsored shooters shoot what their sponsors tell them to shoot. The non-sponsored shooters shoot the "bargain" (it's relative at this stage) pistols that the sponsored shooters shoot. It's marketing 101. And you are twisting what I said. I didn't say cheapest period. If the bean counters had their way, Metro PD would carry Soviet surplus pistols. I said cheapest reasonable gun. Otherwise, everybody would carry a HK 45 like they're special forces. Glock outprices M&P, the decent Sigs, HK, etc. I thought pie covered it pretty well, but you're getting a little defensive in your posts.
  18. SavageSig

    why a Glock?

    I think the people who don't like Glocks still have a healthy respect for them. Their reliability is undeniable. I have owned several and I have never had to adjust a Glock beyond a rear sight. Didn't need to change a spring, tweak the extractor, polish or deburr anything. I know some people like fooling with their pistols, but I hate it and I shouldn't have to do it to a new pistol.
  19. SavageSig

    why a Glock?

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ If it's a reasonable handgun that's cheap, the PD is going to go with it most of the time. Glock gives killer deals to police departments along with trade-in programs because their guns cost something like $100 in labor and materials to make. Then they can sell their handguns on the Civilian market for an insane markup that looks reasonable because the pros use it. Other firearm manufacturers are finally responding, but Glock has got quite a foothold.
  20. SavageSig

    why a Glock?

    -Lightweight (Compare the weight a G19 with any other handgun that holds 15+1 rounds of 9mm) -Accurate -Trigger pull is consistent and doesn't feel junky -Rugged -Cheap mags -Parts and accessories readily available and often marked down -Cheaper than HK There are a lot of other options out there, but none have the market share Glock has. For instance, I like Walthers, but when was the last time you saw Walther mags for 15 bucks a piece.
  21. Uselton's is going out of business? Oh well. I'd pick up a 1911 from G&L or check out the RIA's that Phil has at Bellshire. Unless Franklin has lowered their prices some, I wouldn't even bother to do some window shopping there.
  22. P238. I think you half expect a 100-200 dollar handgun to be garbage, but when you drop 500 for a small .380 and it doesn't work....ugh. Made me want to never buy a Sig again.
  23. SavageSig

    Taurus M380

    Too heavy. I'll take a PT738 or LCP or P3AT at 5 oz's lighter and 6+1 capacity.
  24. I had an all metal RAMI that I still regret selling. Well, mostly regret: it was a sweet shooter, but the safety blows. I would never carry one cocked and locked. If you can't rack the slide...may I suggest weight lifting? Or I have a nice tip up Beretta I could swap you...
  25. Visited family in CA and that's one of the few things they have a leg up on us. Bottle of Glenfidditch is ~20 dollars there. Cousin drinks it like it's Taaka.


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