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    Brentwood, TN
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  1. Woo hoo!  Guns in parks is signed!  Now to go have fun at The Tennessean blog flaming left wing lunatics, haha, LOL.
  2. Just now looking at these threads, as I am considering the same thing.  Can anybody say what one of these is going to cost me?  I've heard anywhere from $250-$500.
  3.   I don't know what capacity your wife works in, but the federal government should never be used as a jobs machine to funnel money from taxpayers.     There are legitimate uses of federal power, and therefore, legitimate federal jobs and employees.  And there are illegitimate uses of federal power, and therefore, illegitimate jobs and employees.  If anybody is a federal employee and serving an illegitimate role, i.e. in a job role that is a cog in the machine of abusing Constitutional powers, they should lose their jobs.    
  4. It's just fine with me to hit the the spending limit on 12/31/2012.  Let's go right over the cliff, fine with me.  Looks like it primarily affects the Fed Gov for a shutdown, and I'm all in favor of that.  Shut it all down.  
  5. I don't reload ammo, but can I sell reloaded ammo if I bought the reloads from an ammo distributor?
  6. So does Davidson County (Nashville) opt out of allowing CCW in county parks, i.e. can I carry in Metro Parks? I've googled, and I can't find anything definitive.
  7. And for what it's worth, I never spend money at CSM because of their gunbuster policy. Screw them. There are plenty of other places around the mall in Brentwood, Franklin and Nashville where I will go instead.
  8. Monkeylizard, to say that storing a weapon in your car at Cool Springs Mall is illegal is stretching it. What law states this? The worst they could do is tell you to leave.
  9. Thanks for the quick replies guys. So is the transfer through an FFL dealer a federal requirement (hence Federal Firearms License) or TN requirement? I agree, it is patently absurd, offensive and unbelievable that we have to go through this BS paperwork for a Grandfather to gift one of his shotguns to a grandson.
  10. Not sure where to post this, but here goes: My not yet 18 son has a Grandfather in SC. He has mentioned giving my son a shotgun this upcoming Christmas while we are in SC for the holidays. My question is: to bring the shotgun back to TN, does it have to be legally transferred through an FFL or some other BS like that?
  11. My wife and I closed our accounts at Regions Bank today, and it felt great. The manager (or whatever her title is) said they never like hearing that and asked "Why?", and I said it was because of their anti-2nd amendment sticker on the front door. She said "Really?". i said "Yes, my wife and I have CCW permits, and we don't want to do business with a company that denies us our Constitutional Rights". When she came back with our checks, she mentioned it was to make them feel safe (she didn't say who the "them" were, employees or clients), and otherwise, she seemed completely clueless. We are moving our money to a smaller, local bank where we are actually friends with the people that work there. AND, they don't have one of those nasty signs on their front door.
  12. Hi folks, I'm looking for an inexpensive home defense shotgun. The Mossberg 500 seems to fit the bill, but it looks like there are multiple configurations. What should I go with in terms of all the options? I just want a basic self defense shotgun for home. If y'all have other guns you'd recommend, I'm all ears. Thanks!
  13. I went by the Regions Bank today at the Franklin Rd location in Brentwood, TN. Just noticed they have posted the no guns sign. I didn't notice it, or it wasn't there, about a month ago when I was last in there. I will be closing our accounts there as soon as practicable, and I will be spreading the word about Regions to all my CCW friends. They are denying me a Constitutional right, so they can kiss my behind.
  14. Is this just for the city of Franklin? I thought they were discussing this for all of Williamson County.
  15. Mary Brockman is the representative that submitted this bill. She needs to be voted out of office next election. I sent an email to my county representative yesterday asking him to oppose this bill. He's very pro-gun. Last Fall there was a similar discussion about prohibiting guns in county buildings - it failed. Let's hope this fails too, but if we sit back and aren't vocal on these issues, our rights will get stepped on.


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