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BryanP last won the day on February 3 2019

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About BryanP

  • Birthday 09/30/1968

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  • Location
    Smyrna, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    S&W 649
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Kahr PM9

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  1. This is an interesting revamp / redesign of their discontinued PC-9 / PC-40. I’ve almost bought a PC-9 several times, but discontinued = “RARE AND VALUABLE!” so they were always overpriced. I think I’ll have to get one to go with my SR9c.
  2. BryanP

    Sig P250-22

    I just picked up the 9mm x-change kit for the P250. I haven't had a chance to get to the range and this weekend isn't going to happen. I've never had any problems with Federal, but then I just realized, my .22 guns are revolvers, a CZ-452, A Ruger 10/22, and a Ruger Mk II 22/45. In other words, all guns that will fire pretty much anything.
  3. BryanP

    Sig P250-22

    I picked up one of the P250-22s that CDNN has on special right now. Took it to the range today and split time between that and my MkII 22/45. I was surprised that I was almost as accurate with the Sig as the Ruger*. The only problem I had was repeated failures to feed, mostly from the same one of the two mags, and only with Federal .22lr. CCI MiniMags worked fine every time. Next time I'll bring along some Remington and whatever else I can find to try, after a thorough clean & lube. I've already given in to temptation and ordered the 9mm X-Change kit, which was another $300 + shipping. I'll be curious t see how it does. Ammunition sensitivity in a .22 is par for the course, but I've never heard anything bad about the center fire versio. And yes, I know, all the cool kids have moved to the P320. But the price was right, and so far it's an enjoyable range toy if nothing else *Let's be clear: almost as accurate is still bad. I'm a mediocre shot, mainly because I can't seem to manage getting to the range much more than quarterly. I'm hoping to better that this year.
  4. Do yourself a favor, call some of the ranges in your area that do rentals and try to find one that has an airweight Smith and an LCR you can try.    My personal experience is that I carried an airweigth S&W 638 for quite a while, but it was just too much recoil to practice well with.  I eventually bought a 649 (exact same gun, steel frame instead of the airweigtht) and it's much easier to shoot.  It does weight a bit more in the pocket, but it hasn't been much of an issue for me.
  5.   This.  They're not exciting or sexy, but they still sell like crazy.  I'd be willing to bet if you omitted sales to police agencies, J frame revolvers are a huge chunk of their sold inventory. 
  6. 8.1 works fine, especially if you install one of the third party start menu utilities like Classic Shell.  http://www.classicshell.net/
  7. BryanP

    Season 4

    There is no direct counterpart for Mary in the comics, so no clue there. I did run across this. Remember the painting that Michonne found? Compare the woman in the painting to Mary:
  8. BryanP

    Season 4

      I'd have to go back and look at the episode, but I remember something about the first guy saying he claimed the bed and the second guy telling him tough.
  9.     Ding ding ding.  We have a winner.  "We're okay with you supporting the 2nd Amendment, we just want you to shut up about it.  Why do you have to be in our face about it?"  
  10. False dichotomy. I'm part of your theoretical 95%, but I'm not offended at all. It's their company and their money. If they want to stop spending it with an organization after a difference of opinion that's their choice. No different than my choice not to spend money at an establishment that won't allow CCW.
  11. If AJ or Infowars said grass was green I would have to check them against a minimum of 5 other independent sources.
  12. Danke. I don't especially want a .380, but what the heck.
  13.   The SR9c is a sweet little gun, I enjoy shooting mine.  The difference between this and the R51 is the Ruger has been around long enough that it's through any initial teething period and is a proven gun.  The R51 is getting ready to enter gamma testing.  I think it looks great and I'm intrigued, but I'll let the rest of you buy it up and find any glitches.  If it's as good as they say I'll look at picking one up in a year or two.  If not, then a year or two may be what it takes to get through the initial problems phase.
  14. Okay, you've narrowed it down to his PC.  So the next step is to either find what is on the PC that is generating so much traffic, or assume that it's infected, wipe and reload the OS.   That much traffic, it's almost certainly a file sharing app of some sort.  If the PC got infected someone else may be using it for that purpose without your son's knowledge.   If neither you or your son can determine what the problem is, you'll need to either find a more technically inclined friend or take it and have a pro look at it.
  15. I hadn't heard of this particular version before, but it looks like it's a polymer framed EAA CZ-75 clone. Mags should be readily available.  The underlying design is really good, the execution varies from one manufacturer to another.  Think of it as the 1911 of Eastern Europe in that sense.Glad you have a good one there.


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