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Everything posted by wrenchhead97

  1. 96 bucks recon from Lee direct. 2 year warranty and includes everything for .45 acp. I know you guys are saying get a turret, or a full manual, but this can be used as a single shell reloader until I am comfortable with the process. Anyways, thought you guys might wanna know. Later, BH.
  2. It will be a 5" and I may add a 6" extended comp'd barrel later.
  3. Well guys you read the title, so what do you use, what powder, what bullet (Lead, jacket, etc. Weight, style, yadayadayada....) and what brands of brass would you recommend (Also, nickel or brass?).... I will post up a couple for your review I have READ about, but never used (Yeah, never used, as I do not have my pistol yet.) Thanks for your info in advance, Ben Harris
  4. So, the turret press is doable for 200 an hour? How long did it take you to get to that point? Just wondering... Maybe I will look into the classic turret, and then maybe later get a 1000 or another progressive.
  5. Tungsten, I will be getting a reload setup before long in .45, if you would like you can try out my Lee rig I am gonna buy before you make a purchase just to see if you want that or something else.
  6. I am buying a full setup when I get my 1911 and am looking at a Lee 1000 .45 acp kit. Is there anything else aside from powder, brass, bullets and primers I will need? Also is the 1K a good setup (I want a progressive, I remember my dad fumbling, cussing and hating reloading in general with his old single stage setup. Also is $135 a good price for a new rig? TIA for the info, and if anyone can provide links to reputable/reliable bullet dealers, and for other supplies, it would be appreciated.
  7. Welcome! Hope you like C-Ville, it is not a bad place from what I have seen of it.
  8. He IS a REAL dog, with a REAL big sore on his back this evening. He had a hot spot come up Mon that before I could get him to the vet today got to be the size of a dollar bill. Now he has a bald spot bigger than my dads... And that is saying something!!! Anyways, who is going to be there? Need a count of approximate numbers so I can figure how much meat to buy, etc. I will announce a date as soon as we hear from HG.
  9. Any resources you guys have would be very helpful. Thanks in advance, Ben H.
  10. BTW, I DO own (Or am owned by) a pitbull mix, he is friendly, but do not TOUCH my wife or I (Handshake or otherwise) within reach of his run. You can pet, play fetch, scratch, or anything else, but touch one of us, and I will NOT pay your hospital bills. This is just a friendly warning of my automatic security system, not a scare tactic, and I truly hope none of you is prejudiced towards correctly treated pitties. Anyways, enough disclaimers and fine print. ON WITH THE SHOW!!!!!!!
  11. Well guys, looks like this thing is on. Which range would you guys prefer? Public or OT? LMK, and Hero Gear, PLEASE let us know on the date of the C3 demo, as my BBQ is going to be planned around this event. Also, wives are invited. I do not have a problem with well behaved teens either, as long as they know how to safely handle a firearm (Do not need a curiosity mishap on my property.) and NO alchohol on this one, as I am gonna be shooting, and everyone else is driving as well as shooting.
  12. Handguns, and a range with mobile type shooting instead of fixed position firing line type ranges... Also, live in SE Nashville.
  13. C'mon guys, somebody has to know someone looking for a shop beeatch.
  14. ETS, I know you were kidding... Just a little smartness of my own.... Hero Gear, would you be attending the BBQ? Also, to all what would you guys think of going to the Hobson Pike public range? I have heard they are decent and MUCH less expensive than On Target as well as being weather protected outdoors so you do not need lead free ammo.
  15. Ummmm.... As far as the very very quitely thing.... Let me think.... OK, decision made. NO!!! I really do not need a perforated pitbull. I guess now I need to build my 55 gallon grill that I have had in the works! BTW, lawn chairs are great if anyone has any, as I only have seating for around 6-8 in the sunroom, but have a large backyard that we can all hang in if we get enough lawnchairs.
  16. Vandy, Thank you much!!!! Do you by any chance have a 1911 clone or 1911 orig? LMK what you have so I can get some ammo. I wanna plan this around the class 3 demo HeroGear is doing so as soon as they announce a date, I will announce on shortly after.
  17. OK, I guess G-C is out, but maybe On-Target.... Anybody know if they have any weapons available for rent? I will not be buying my 1911 until mid fall.
  18. Would really like to meet some of you guys in person, thinking maybe get some of us together for a BBQ. BTW, thinking about my place instead of public, in case any of you would like to show off your toys. (NO LOADED WEAPONS unless it does not come out of the holster, I am inside metro limits so we would not be shooting here, but if we arranged it right, we might be able to hit Gun City USA or another range for a little shooting.) I am thinking, maybe a potluck side/dessert type thing and I could take care of the burgers and dogs. Anyways, sorry for the longwinded post but LMK....
  19. If noobs are invited, I would love to be there... Also, For a POW, is the range setup with any scattergun suitable targets? Would be nice to break out the ol' 31 for once!
  20. I would like to be the first on this forum to say thank you for your service so we can all be free. I have many friends in the military, and respect all of you. That said, Welcome from one noob to another.
  21. I will be buying a 1911 in the next few months, and really want to get back into shooting competition. (I shot .177 NRA small bore 3 position style in HS with my Army JROTC Battallion. Actually fared better than most with an average 3 position score of 275 of 300 when the average competitor was shooting 240s.) My problem is this, I have focused on my car for the past few years, and have pretty much stopped shooting. Because of this combined with the fact that I am a relatively new import to TN (Been here for 5 years or so.), I do not know much about the local shooting scene aside from where a couple of the standard indoor and outdoor ranges are along with TN Clay Target Complex. I would love to find a range where I could practice some of the "Run and gun" type techniques required for speed shooting competition. TIA for any info, Ben H.
  22. Not a very active board though is it??? Or is everyone at the range this afternoon? Tungsten's other board is fairly active, just a bit surprised by the lack of activity on here today. Anyways, I hope I can learn a bit from you guys about short guns, and possibly even give some technique pointers in fixed target lon gun firing and wing shooting (If you do not mind being led by the blind.).
  23. I want to apprentice with a gunsmith. My main focus is the venerable 1911 line, but want to learn more about internals of ALL guns. I am available on Saturdays, do not require any pay, just want to learn. I will clean shop for 3 hours a weekend to get an hour or two of tutelage from a knowledgeable smith. Anyone interested in a "shop grunt" PM me or call me at 615 414-3047. BTW, I live in the Haywood Ln area, so anywhere past Madison or M-Boro is pretty much a no go.
  24. Hey guys, My name is Ben, those of you from TNspeed may or may not know me. I have been shooting most of my life, and am now in the market for a pistol. Saw a link to here on ts, so I thought I would see what all the fuss was about. Currently in the arsenal is a Remington Model 31 pump 12 ga, and a 788 Rem bolt in 6mm Rem. Looking to acquire a low buck 1911 beater and hope to learn more about the local shooting scene from you guys!


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