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Everything posted by wrenchhead97
I think has another piece of tupperware, but I am not sure.
She shoots beautifully GK, I put 110 rounds downrange in about an hour at Stones River last weekend.
Thanks, they are a work in progress, but they feel AWESOME for someone with fat hands and long fingers like me. The gun is MUCH easier to control now.
Well, I bought Glocking's RIA 1911. Already, I have had it apart a dozen times, and am working on it in my spare time.... DONE, Trigger job (3.5-4lb and VERY smooth!!!!), refit for Kimber style dovetail front sight, dehorn slide, SLIGHTLY bob hammer (It bit me...), replaced mag release with extended version. IN PROGRESS, Custom leather inlaid grips, custom paddle style holster out of matching leather, refinish slide (Hard chrome or re Parkerize it?????), build up thumb safety to an acceptable width that I can fit my fat thumbs on, new sights (Fusion fiber optic front and Fusion Novak style adjustable fiber optic rear.) TO DO, extend grip safety (Custom build beavertail with different profile and "speed bump".), cut more off hammer, get grip safety hammer trigger and slide release hard chromed, extend mag release, and I think that should cover it. Thoughts??? Suggestions??? Let's hear em.
Infreakingcredible.... What I aspire to one day.
Slushee question for July: Shotguns: Pump or Auto?
wrenchhead97 replied to dcloudy777's topic in Long Guns
I have to agree with c.a.s. I am a pump man myself. The "rackarack" of a pump on a pump gun is universally recognized as an OSS (OH ***** SITUATION") and many times will even cut thru the crack induced haze of a junkie. I do not wanna have to shoot someone, I would rather they know I mean business when I say hit the ground, and not have to fill out a bunch of paperwork along with getting my house professionally "decrackheadblooderized" and having to buy a new sofa to boot. -
Ah.... Tungsten, you cry baby, I have been up since 6AM yesterday working on my bathroom remodel (Aside from lunch with GK and Co.) and am just now going to bed.
Big Brown just showed up....
wrenchhead97 replied to wrenchhead97's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Nope, not setup.... I have 140 square feet of Travertine stone to lay this morning, and I was up until past midnite last night cutting tile. -
Big Brown just showed up....
wrenchhead97 replied to wrenchhead97's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Well, as much as I would like to pay someone, I just cannot afford 10G for a full bathroom demo and remodel (Had to redo subfloor and 4 joists as well.) but I can honestly say that everything done to this house since we bought it except HVAC work was done by my wife and I along with a few beer parties. -
Big Brown just showed up....
wrenchhead97 replied to wrenchhead97's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
No joke... I ordered it on Sunday night, including a federal holiday, it was 3 business days shipping.... Very impressed. I am going to unpack it this evening. I am thru screwing with the bathroom for the night (Still have 2 sheets of backer and 140 square feet of tile to lay and grout before I have to quit borrowing my neighbors john.) -
In a man's hands who was wearing a rather "shamefule" color of brown, was a box containing my Lee Pro1000. Review to follow in the next few weeks.
Yup. For some odd reason, I see them having issues with pushing this through and making it stick... I added some to the form letter that the NRA has on their site, feel free to use any or all of it in your comments to OSHA on the sites quoted in the NRA site. Re.: Docket No. OSHA-2007-0032 (Explosives—Proposed Rule) Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing in strong opposition to OSHA’s proposed rules on “explosives,†which go far beyond regulating true explosives. These proposed rules would impose severe restrictions on the transportation and storage of small arms ammunition—both complete cartridges and hand loading components such as black and smokeless powder, primers, and percussion caps. These restrictions go far beyond existing transportation and fire protection regulations. As a person who uses ammunition and components, I am very concerned that these regulations will have a serious effect on my ability to obtain these products. OSHA’s proposed rules would impose restrictions that very few gun stores, sporting goods stores, or ammunition dealers could comply with. (Prohibiting firearms in stores that sell ammunition, for example, is absurd—but would be required under the proposed rule.) The proposed transportation regulations would also affect shooters’ ability to buy these components by mail or online, because shipping companies would also have great difficulty complying with the proposed rules. There is absolutely no evidence of any new safety hazard from storage or transportation of small arms ammunition or components that would justify these new rules. I also understand that organizations with expertise in this field, such as the National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Association, will be submitting detailed comments on this issue. I hope OSHA will listen to these organizations’ comments as the agency develops a final rule on this issue. Furthermore, as a supporter of our second amendment right to keep and bear arms, I personally (and many others) view this ruling to be a great burden on our rights as gun owners. Black powder, smokeless powder, and loaded ammunition are shipped, stored, and maintained safely by the vast majority of users and ALL retailers I have ever seen. The likelihood of lightning striking and detonating powder or ammunition in a building grounded in accordance with most fire codes across the nation would be very low. Also, to forbid the possession of a firearm in a building in which they are contained would totally destroy the business structure of most (if not all) indoor firing ranges and shooting supply shops including Wal-Mart, Bass Pro Shops, Cabelas, and countless thousands of independent shops. Not only would this help to destroy a greatly popular and historical sport. (Or at least make it so prohibitively expensive as to disallow participation by all but the wealthiest shooters.) But it would also prevent armed citizens who carry a weapon legally for self defense from practicing to the point which they would not be considered a hazard to themselves or others in a defense situation. Please, review this and give it great thought before restricting a right which was constitutionally guaranteed by our founding fathers. Sincerely,
My comment track number is ..... 8025e2a4 If there is ANYONE on this board who does not respond to this threat on our sport and way of life, you need to hand over your firearms immediately and forget shooting. You do not deserve the right.
GK, My bathroom is in shambles, and I do not know if it will be presentable by Fri for lunch, so we may need to meet outside of my place, and maybe you can come over to the house for a short show and tell... Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing you and my new piece as well.
Ordered some bullets tonite... 180 grain Oregon Trail Laser-Cast SWCs.... Cost me about $55 on the thousand, and I have read some VERY high praise of this bullet in combination with Hogdon TiteGroup in 1911s. According to all I have read they feed very well, have accuracy near or the same as jacketed bullets of the same general dimensions, and with the loading recipe I got is a very light target load.
When you hear a whistle like that..... DUCK!!!!!
Remove your bore sighter prior to shooting
wrenchhead97 replied to shaftbass's topic in General Chat
Shotguns have FAR less barrel pressure than rifles... Mythbusters has screwed the pooch on several of their tests even if it is a cool show. -
Remove your bore sighter prior to shooting
wrenchhead97 replied to shaftbass's topic in General Chat
And then they changed underwear and put a new barrell on her and said "That was exciting!!!" On a serious note, this goes to remind us that our hobbies/lifestyles include very dangerous equipment (I know we have a few car guys on here as well) and you can never be too safe. If there is any question, recheck it, if you are still not sure, have someone else who knows recheck it again. -
Packing in a hotel that has a bar?
wrenchhead97 replied to Marswolf's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I would say the same about the 870, but I just happen to be in love with my ancient Rem Model 31 pump gun. (Predecessor to the 870.)
Nice work!!! Really nice functional looking gun you have there. It screams all business.
In....... LMK where!
Looking to start handloading
wrenchhead97 replied to wrenchhead97's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Well, since I just paid $100 shipped for a reman Pro1000 from Lee (Directly off their site, also includes their 2 year warranty.) , I really cannot see going wrong there either (Also included full set of carbide dies for .45acp.) -
Well, after I build my 6mm Rem 788 into a match grade rifle, I will need to reload for it too, as amoo for 6mm Rem is HELLISHLY expensive.